Cole (The Ride Series, Book #1) by Megan O’ Brien

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Cole (The Ride Series, Book #1)

This book is the kick-off to The Ride Series and it’s going to start with the story of Scarlet and Cole. It will be told through the POV of Scarlet. Here we go.

The prologue is going to give away the fact that something creepy is happening or is going to happen to Scarlet. It is a very vague prologue, but with enough hints that you know something bad is lurking around the corner.

Scarlet left home (California) years earlier after her father’s death and she no longer felt safe. She found herself in Nevada, which was way closer to home than she originally intended. But, she found herself a really good friend in Kat and figured as long as she was careful, she would stay off of the radar. Scarlet’s dad was the president of the Sinner’s MC. Jake was her childhood friend and later her first everything. When Jake wanted to move up in the ranks of the MC and realized that Scarlet’s dad didn’t really support that and didn’t want her and Jake together, Scarlet’s dad was killed in a motorcycle accident (except, it probably was no accident). Things went from bad to worse for Scarlet and for her own safety, she knew it would be best to get away. So, needless to say, she does her best to stay away from anything motorcycle related. That is until she lays eyes on Cole Jackson, VP of the Knights’ MC.

Scarlet meets Cole when she shows up at the mechanic to pick up her car. The instant attraction is mutual, but once Scarlet takes in his motorcycle attire, she knows he is off limits. This doesn’t deter Cole, he is very persistent and soon Scarlet finds herself accepting a ride home from him and on the back of his motorcycle. But no worries, she shuts down any attempt he makes to get to know her better. That is until she runs into him at a local club. Then all bets are off.

It’s not gonna take a rocket scientist to figure out that it doesn’t take long before Scarlet finds herself in between the sheets with Cole and Cole stakes his claim with Scarlet. And if you have read any MC novel before, you also know that they will set some sort of record with moving in with one another. Scarlet will try to fight this every chance she gets. She isn’t too terribly thrilled with moving her status from “Miss Independent” to “Co-habitation”. The problem, Jake is making moves and they involve Scarlet, so what better way to keep her safe.

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As with any MC novel, especially the first one in a series, you will get introduced to the supporting cast, because future books focus on those characters. This book is no different. It has a pretty well rounded supporting cast. In particular, Kat, Scarlet’s BFF and Sal, a member of the MC. The second book will focus on them, so their relationship is somewhat of a secondary story here.

I’m a huge fan of MC books. I was a late fan to SOA and I only started to watch that show because of MC books. My husband was already a fan, but it wasn’t a show that I took an interest in. Once I became a fan of MC books, I decided to check it out and see if the two were similar, needless to say, the show hooked me. When I read a MC book, there are certain aspects that the book needs to have. Obviously, you can’t have this type of book without a strong Alpha. I gotta say that I enjoy the Alpha to be possessive/bossy/domineering, great attributes in a Alpha, right? All in a sexy way of course. If it’s written well, it will be super sexy and with a feisty, independent female, it will balance out the “Alpha-ness” of the male. I thing that Cole and Scarlet delivered well on these traits. He was the right amount of badass mixed with softness. And, Scarlet made Cole work for what he wanted, forced him to see her worth. It’s not often that the male will let loose the “L” word first, but here he did, which added to his softness. Also, aside from the main love story of a MC book, I really enjoy reading the story of the MC. I like to read the workings of the club. This book did that, not as thoroughly as I would’ve enjoyed, but it was there. Had the book been told through both POV’s, it would’ve satisfied that requirement. I know that this is going to sound super crazy, but I do wish that the “club whores” would’ve given Scarlet a rougher time. The book almost skimmed over them and as a reader I enjoy the drama that, that sort of storyline brings to a book. But, overall, I think that this is a good MC read and I think as the series progresses, it will be even better.

It would be ridiculous if I didn’t point out one of the most important parts of a great MC read, the sex. All of that “MC maleness” needs to come out somewhere and what better place than the bedroom or up against the wall or in the shower, I digress, sorry. I do think that the sexual chemistry written between Cole and Scarlet was really good. I enjoyed the sex scenes, it’s just my expectations for MC reads and sex are pretty high, and while this book met the expectations, it didn’t exceed them.

A bonus: at only 193 pages this is a really quick read and the more books released in this series, I think the better it will get. I’m super excited about Kat and Sal’s story, there is definitely going to be some serious drama happening in their story and it’s worth looking forward to.

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