Dr. OB (St. Luke’s Docuseries, Book #1) by Max Monroe

Dr. OB (St. Luke's Docuseries, Book #1) by Max Monroe | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comDr. OB (St. Luke's Docuseries, Book #1) by Max Monroe | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comDr. OB (St. Luke's Docuseries, Book #1) by Max Monroe | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comBxtches Be Blogging Book ReviewsBXTCHES Gotta Warn: Brace yourself BXTCHES, this warning is about to get pretty wordy and maybe a bit confusing. Dr. OB is the first book in this series, so one would think that you’re about to get in on the ground floor. . .you’re in a good spot, right? I guess in theory you certainly are, but while you’re doing your happy dance. . .I may be about to shut that fun down. Dr. OB is not the very first time we meet Will, which is why this particular BXTCH was so stoked about this book. We actually met this fine fucker way back in Tapping the Billionaire, which is the very first book of the Billionaire Bad Boys series. That book features Kline and Georgia (Will’s sister), we also got a glimpse of Will in Scoring the Billionaire, the third book of the Billionaire series. I tell you all of that, so I can tell you the following. During Dr. OB, the ones that we fell hard for in the Billionaire Bad Boys series, will make some cameo’s in this book, so while those of us who have read the Billionaire series get to play some catch-up, those of you who have yet to be blown away will be missing out. But don’t fret, you won’t be confused, but if you decide to read Dr. OB, and then go back and meet everyone else, you may be spoiled, and not in a “you’re a princess, let me rub you’re feet kinda way.” So, that’s all. . .let’s get to it.

Dr. OB will be brought to us from the POV’s of both Will and Melody. 

If you haven’t figured out what exactly it is that Will Cummings does for a living, I guess I’ll put you out of your misery. . .he’s an OB/GYN, I know, I know. . .what a shock. While he is cruising along in life and doing a wonderful fucking job at it, an opportunity for him to be featured in a docuseries, that will follow him and some other doctors at his hospital, comes his way. He says yes and his life is about to forever be changed.

Melody Marco’s life has gone on a bit of a road trip and not the kind that has your hair blowing in the wind while you sing your favorite 80’s hits as loud as your lungs will allow. No, this road trip has brought Melody right back to her parent’s front door. Being crammed into a two bedroom apartment with her jazzercise crazed mom and her metal loving dad, makes moving out at the top of the to-do list, which means finding a job is paramount, so actually move that to the top of the list.

Luckily for Melody, her mom just happens to be friends with Will’s mom. And Will happens to be in need of a nurse at his practice. And there you have the very condensed story of how Will meets Melody. Now it’s time for the good stuff.

Nursing isn’t Melody’s passion, it’s more like her necessity. Necessity it may be, but once she lays eyes on the very sexy Will Cummings, her fantasy of Scott Eastwood becomes a distant memory (don’t worry, you’ll get it). And like any great rom-com, obstacles make themselves very well known before anyone can reach the very coveted HEA. Of course there’s the employer/employee relationship, that could get in the way. . .there’s also the fact that our hottie doctor spends his days wrist deep in the vag. Add that to the fact that the man has many a woman coming in so that it’s him specifically wrist deep and you can see where a new young lover could have some issues with that. And let’s not forget about the all important docuseries and while I’m not going into any great detail, but considering it’s the premise for the book, it does play a pretty relevant role. Ohhh, but I will tell you that through the show he does earn the nickname Dr. OBscene, okay that’s all I can say about that.
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Like I mentioned in my very long winded warning, we get some updates on the Billionaire Bad Boys bunch, while making some new introductions. We met and fell for Will’s parents in Georgia’s story and that love will grow even more in Dr. OB, and you can add Melody’s to the list of ‘rents we all love, because those two will wiggle their way in whether you like it or not. So you see, we got ourselves a great ensemble going here and I didn’t even mention the office staff that Melody finds herself surrounded by. We also have two more books coming up in this series and if the covers are anything to go by. . .we are in for a very early Christmas.

I don’t write books (duh!), but I have read a lot and I have read very funny books that have me headed in the right direction until we meet up in the bedroom, then somehow the action doesn’t flow as well and I wind up losing my erection, and that’s no fun. But, Max Monroe does the job and they do it well. Let’s just say that Will Cummings was given the perfect name. 

I can only hope that Max Monroe blesses us all with the half books that come in between their full novels. It’s hard when you love a particular series so much because the expectation level going into that author’s next series is set pretty high. But there was no letdown here, there was no “sophomore slump”. . .it captivated, it brought the funny, it also brought the sexy, it brought a bit of angsty rom-com drama, so in a nutshell. . .it really hit the spot.  Just take it and use it as the escape that it’s intended to provide, because let’s face it. . .we can all use that vacation.Bxtches Be Reading5 Star Read for Bxtches Be Reading

Max Monroe | www.bxtchesbeblogging.com


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