Fighting To Forgive (The Fighting Series Book #2) by JB Salsbury

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Fighting to Forgive (Fighting Series, Book #2)

BXTCHES Gotta Warn: This is book #2 in The Fighting Series and it follows Blake and Layla. You should remember Blake from Fighting to Forget. If you adored Blake in book #1 (which, how could you not), you will fall madly in love with him in this book. Should you read the first book BEFORE this one? YES. There shouldn’t be an explanation needed to why you should go in order, but this is a long series and with so many references to in this series to the other books, just do yourself a favor and go in order. Plus, if the author wanted you to read this book first, then she probably would’ve released it first, so there you go.

This book is told from both Layla and Blake’s POV. I am not an author (obviously), but I can only imagine the challenge that authors face when they make the decision to write their book from the perspective of both the H and h. Once again, Ms. Salsbury is able to accomplish this amazingly. I always feel that when the reader is able to really get into the head of both of the main characters it really makes the story that much richer, especially if the author does it well. So hang on, because this book is phenomenal and is going to take your emotions on one helluva ride.

Layla is new to Las Vegas, transplanted from Seattle. She has moved with her 16 year old daughter, Axelle (Elle) Rose (fantastic name, right?). I’m sure you remember in book #1, when Blake laid down his law for not getting involved with women who come with baggage, i.e. a kid. Well, Layla not only comes with her kid, but enough baggage to fill several 747’s. I’m going to give you the rundown, but I am really going to try and not spoil a whole lot for you, because to say you need to take the journey on your own, is an understatement. Layla got pregnant with Elle when she was just 16 and her parents forced her into marrying Elle’s father, Stew. The marriage was full of abuse (of all kinds), so when the opportunity comes, she leaves. She lands a job working at the UFL training center and that is where she first meets Blake.

I really loved Blake in the first book. Even though he was somewhat of a man whore, he was super lovable and really funny (great combination). This book will lead you into Blake’s demons, which after you discover them, your heart will open even more for him. Of course, Blake doesn’t really understand what it is he is feeling towards Layla. While he may say he doesn’t get involved with moms, after he meets Elle, you can see his tight reign on his “rules” start to loosen. On a side note, do you remember Killian from book #1? Here’s a refresher, he was the kid at the airport that Jonah meets while waiting to pick up Jonah’s mom. He becomes fast friends with Elle in this book, so I hope I’m seeing a Elle/Killian book in the future (fingers crossed).

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Here is what I LOVED about this book. First, I love that she is older than him. Call me want you want, but that sh*t is hot. The sex scenes in this book rock. She did a fabulous job with really taking your imagination where it needed to be during EVERY sex scene. One of the back stories in this book, is music, and the main focus of that music is rock n’ roll, and I shouldn’t have to say anything further. In my opinion, Ms. Salsbury’s ability to develop the supporting characters is magnificent (I’m running out of verbs to describe how amazing this book is). Jonah and Raven are in this book, and there is actually some attention paid to them, they’re not just a blip on a page. Eve also makes an appearance, and I really like her, so I am ecstatic that she is getting her own book (#4). The other characters aren’t mentioned a whole lot, but you do get a feel for who they are.

All in all, fantastic read, very well done and I cannot wait to continue this series.

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