Gun Control. . .You mean “Common Sense”?

Here we go with another edition of “Crap I Wanna Say”, but this one is gonna be a bit touchy. Yes, boys, girls, and BXTCHES, we are gonna discuss the two words that incite anger, the likes of which I’ve never seen. . .GUN CONTROL or what it should really be called. . .Common Sense.

Okay, I know what you’re probably thinking, “Do we really need to continue this discussion?”. Well, truth be told, maybe we don’t need to, but since this is my blog, I can fucking discuss what I want, so let’s get on with it. 

First things first. . .

FULL DISCLOSURE FROM THIS BXTCH: I am an Obama supporter. I voted for him in both elections and I am someone who believes that once history has had it’s say, he will go down as one of the greater presidents this country has seen. I know what some of you are thinking, that BXTCH is such an idiot. But, since I have already pissed some of you off, I should probably go ahead and go for the score. . .I’m pro-Obama/I’m pro-choice/I’m pro-gay marriage/I’m for the legalization of marijuana (though I have NEVER in my life smoked it or consumed it)/I believe that Obamacare is fantastic, basically I’m pretty much a walking liberal orgy. Also, I have nothing against guns. In fact, if my husband came to me and wanted to teach our children how to shoot, I would have no objections. I would just prefer if someone crazy wants to go on a shooting spree, there are certain restrictions in place to prevent that from happening. And for all of you out there who continue to say things like Obama is coming after your guns, I gonna have to politely ask you to STOP! You know damn well that it would never happen, even if it is proposed in Congress, so let’s shut down that nonsense.

Go ahead and get it out, call me the names that some of you deem “appropriate” to call someone who believes differently than you do. You done? Good, let’s try to have an adult conversation about guns, shall we?

I’m actually going to try and keep this short, sweet, and simple. I did say try, not promise.

First, let’s just discuss what it is that Obama is wanting to do. Now, I’m not going to go in to all of it, but I did read the abbreviated version and no where does it state that part of his plan is to confiscate your guns. Most of his plan involves things such as:

Require any business that engages in the sale of guns to obtain a federal license to do so and conduct background checks.  This will apply to gun stores, sellers of guns at gun shows, and sellers of guns over the Internet. Failure to obtain a license to sell will carry criminal penalties of up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.  Failure to conduct a required background check will also carry penalties. 


Requires the ATF Bureau to issue a rule requiring background checks for purchasers of certain dangerous firearms and other items who purchase them through a trust, corporation or other legal entity. It will also issue a rule clarifying that gun dealers/licensees who ship firearms have the responsibility to notify law enforcement if their guns are lost or stolen in transit.


Asks the attorney general to encourage federal U.S. attorneys to work with state and local authorities and groups to increase prevention of domestic violence and to prevent prohibited persons from obtaining firearms.


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Calls upon state attorneys general to focus resources on eliminating the most dangerous and impactful cases in illegal gun trafficking, and violent offenders who bypass the background check system and purchase guns illegally.


For the full list of Obama’s plan to “take away your guns”, click here.

I know this isn’t the full list, there are things like. . .investing more in mental health, hiring more ATF agents to help enforce existing gun laws, make it easier for states to communicate with one another and make it easier to communicate with the Federal agencies. Seems pretty cut and dry, not to mention reasonable, so I’m not too sure what people are getting their dicks all twisted up about. 

Here is where my frustration lies. This shouldn’t be a political issue, it should be a common sense/humanity issue. It makes sense that whenever there is a problematic issue, certain provisions need to be made to ensure that the issue doesn’t become even more problematic. I think that the majority of America can agree that GUN CONTROL is needed in this country. In fact, I think it’s about 90% of America-see article here.

My first question to those who oppose gun control is simple. . .WHY? Why are you so against it? Please for the love of Ronald Reagan do not say “gun control sure aint gonna stop them criminals, if a criminal wants a gun, they’re gonna get one”. No shit Sherlock, they certainly will get a gun. Just like the law says that if I have consumed a certain amount of alcohol, I’m not supposed to get behind the wheel of a car, but does that stop all from drinking and driving? While laws that surround driving while intoxicated were enacted well before 1980, it was MADD who pushed for tougher legislation for those convicted of driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol AND it was MADD who successfully pushed for the legal drinking age to be raised. Do you know the catalyst for the creation of MADD? The organization was created by Candy Lightner after her 13 year old daughter was killed by a drunk driver on her way home from a school carnival. The driver had 3 previous DUI convictions and was out on bail from a hit and run arrest just two days prior. How many people do you think told Candy Lightner that she was crazy? That there was no way she would be able to get the drinking age raised, that regardless, people who want to drink and possibly drive will do so and changing the law will not work. But, statistics show that since the creation of MADD in 1980, drunk driving deaths have been cut in half*. 

Shall we go even further? And this one is going to hit some right in the pisser. The law in Texas says that if I want to get an abortion that there are certain things that need to take place: 

A woman must receive state-directed counseling that includes information designed to discourage her from having an abortion and then wait 24 hours before the procedure is provided.

A woman must undergo an ultrasound before obtaining an abortion; the provider must show and describe the image to the woman. If the woman lives within 100 miles of an abortion provider she must obtain the ultrasound at least 24 hours before the abortion.

Click here for article relating to above info.

Let’s not forget the ones that require Texas abortion clinics to meet the requirements for ambulatory surgical centers, which (according to left only 6 abortion clinics in the entire state. Now, imagine if there were only 6 places in the whole state of Texas for you to purchase a gun.

Now, don’t misunderstand, I am well aware that abortions and guns are not the same thing, but when lawmakers wanted to make it more difficult for a woman to obtain an abortion, what did they do? They enacted laws that would do so, because according to those lawmakers, abortion is murder and if they can’t outlaw it, they are going to restrict it, their reason? “All Life Is Precious” But is it really? If all life was truly precious, then why not enact some common sense laws that would help save precious lives? It should not be easy to get a gun, AT ALL!

When 20 children, aged 6 & 7, are shot and killed and that act alone doesn’t piss people off enough to demand that Congress begin the process of enacting tougher gun laws, then all life isn’t truly precious. In fact, reality is, the wallet is more precious than life. 


*National Highway Traffic Safety Administration FARS data, 2012.

Merrie Musings Pic

BXTCHES Be Sharing:

How Special is the “Special Word”?

How Special is the “Special Word”?

Welcome BXTCHES to another episode of “I’m not sure what the hell she is talking about, but I’m gonna with it anyway”. Trust a BXTCH when she says that she’s not even sure if she was able to hit anything on the head here and make a lot of sense. Just read it, unfortunately this topic doesn’t allow me a lot of room to be my witty, hilarious self. It’s okay, even the best ones need to take a break every so often.

FULL DISCLOSURE FROM THIS BXTCH: I think it’s best if I’m 100% honest, straight from the word go here. I was raised in a racist home, one where the “special word” (you know the one) was used and was used often, in fact, as a young girl, I thought that was what black people were called. We played the “eeny meeny miney moe, catch a ____ by his toe” game, we called Brazil nuts by their other name. I even have an older sister whose nickname had the “special word”, simply because her ass and nose was bigger than ours, which isn’t saying much, we’re not a family of asses, our assets lie on our chests. Now, thankfully, I’m one stubborn BXTCH and it didn’t take long for me to realize that the “special word” was not appropriate and even more thankful for the fact that I wasn’t one who took what my parents said as the gospel and learned things on my own. 

Now with that out of the way, you should also know that I am married to a black man and I have three children with that man. My oldest is who actually spurred this post. Scrolling through Twitter one day, she came across a post by her cousin, who is as white as the new fallen snow, that said:

“When a nigga your ex cheated on you with at the Walmart subway and he gives you free cookies hes chill af” 

Now, I apologize for the “special word” and for the lack of proper grammar, but I was quoting him. Now, my daughter was super offended by this tweet, which actually surprised me, but we formulated a pretty witty response. Fast forward a couple of days and her other cousin, also white, used the term in our car. To say I was shocked was an understatement. When I told her that she cannot use that word around me or my kids, she proceeds to tell me that they use that word all the time. Again, jaw on the floor.

So, this gets me thinking about this word, whether it’s ending in “a” or “er”. When I discussed this with my 16 year old and how she feels about the word, her response is: “offended”. She went on to explain that it doesn’t matter to her how the word is used, whether it’s used in greeting or in a racist tone, she is offended. Even more surprising to me, is she doesn’t care who is using the word, it’s still offensive. To her it doesn’t matter the color of your skin, she’s offended. This is not a word that she has grown up around (we do not use it in our home) and she’s more of a One Direction music person, so she’s not really listening to it in her music selections. That’s not to say that she hasn’t heard it in her music, she just hasn’t heard it enough to become desensitized by the word. And I hope to keep that way for as long as I can.

I’m not really around my brother and his family enough to get my nephew’s opinion on his decision in using the word (see above tweet), but I was able to talk to my niece and my sister about my niece’s use of the word. What I gathered is this. It’s just a word. Has it been used in her household as a derogatory name towards black people: Yes, which I respect her for admitting. But they also feel as if using it ending in “a” causes it to take on a different tone and meaning.

Before I go any further into this post, I did a bit of research on the history of the word. Don’t get too excited, I didn’t go into great detail with my research. But here is what I learned:
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The “special word” derives from the French/Portuguese/Spanish/Latin words for black. The word didn’t start out as one that was offensive, it was really an identifier way, way back when, In slave days, the “special word” or the word black was inserted in front of a common name as a way to distinguish a slave from a non-slave with the same name. By the mid-twentieth century is when the word began to take on a more derogatory meaning. 

I also wanted to get a black woman’s take on the “special word”, so I asked a friend what her feelings were. It is certainly a word that offends her and a word that has been used to identify her (not in a “what up my. . .” way). When I asked her how she reacts when she has been called the “special word” and her response was perfect. She told me that she gives them a chance to correct themselves and make sure that they have chosen the right word and it’s only then that there is a problem.

I was actually most surprised by the one I have promised my forever to. When I asked my husband how he feels about the word, his response was simple. . .“It doesn’t bother me.” He did go on to say that if someone were to use that word in a negative manner towards him, that him being offended and getting pissed off about it, “isn’t going to change how the other person uses the word”. Racist people are going to continue to be racist, regardless. Interestingly enough, he also feels that when African-Americans use the “special word” around white people on a consistent basis, it’s just a test, a test to see if the word is used enough, will that white person become comfortable enough to begin to use the “special word”, I’m not too sure how I feel about that theory, but it is a theory nonetheless. His family (according to him) uses the word as if it’s any other word when they are around one another. But, insert a white person into that setting and the word becomes non-existent.

Now it’s time to discuss what this BXTCH thinks. I am someone who thinks that the word is offensive, regardless of the manner in which it is used. While the word may piss me off, it also brings me a little satisfaction when someone makes it so easy to identify their racism and there is no better time than right now in our country for that to happen. And the great thing is it not only identifies the racists, but the ignorant ones as well. Although, racism and ignorance go hand in hand.

Growing up in a family that used that word with frequency, I wonder how many non-black families use the word in the privacy of their own homes today? My wish is this, if you are going to use the word in your home as a way to identify black people, then make sure you have the balls to use them outside your home. It makes it easier to identify hate and racism, not to mention, who the hell I can use as a learning tool for my kids.

Merrie Musings Pic


BXTCHES Be Sharing:

Fat Shaming?. . .How About, F**k You!

Fat Shaming?. . .How About, F**k You!

BXTCHES Gotta Warn: Let me preface this entire tirade by stating the following: In no way, shape, or form, do I believe that Amy Schumer is fat. I would also like to say, that it is my personal, liberal loving, blue flag waving, radical believing, tolerant opinion that she is fucking hilarious. Now, shall we get on with another episode of: “What I say really doesn’t matter and it’s just really a hot rambling mess, but, please read anyway”?

When in the world did fat shaming become a thing? Does it seep through the cracks because it has no race and is aimed mostly at women? While I believe social media is a wonderful thing, I do think that one of the greatest, but possibly most horrendous downsides to so much personal access is being able to see peoples true colors.

Recently I came across the following picture.
Fat Shaming?. . .How About, Fuck You! |

Fantastic, right? As a woman, I looked at the above picture and saw greatness. I thought, that takes a real set of balls to not only pose in practically nothing, but have it put out there for the world to see, untouched.  I like Amy Schumer. I think that she is fucking hilarious and she’s beautiful. But, I had recently watched her HBO Special, followed by another special that was on Comedy Central, so I could be biased and maybe should’ve looked at it from another perspective. It was almost as if the social media gods were shining down on me, because lo and behold, what comes right across my Facebook feed? An article about Steven Crowder’s opinion regarding the Amy Schumer picture. His blog post was titled: “Dear Fat Feminists: Being Naked While Unattractive is not ‘Brave’. . .”. Yes, you read that right, he actually said THAT!

Up until recently, I have never heard of Steven Crowder. What I learned was this, he is a conservative comedian who runs a website titled: Louder with Crowder, catchy right? I use the term “comedian” very loosely as I have yet to come across anything that he has put his name on that has made me laugh out loud.

Again, not being very familiar with who this man was, I decided to do a little research. I did learn that he used to be a contributor on Fox News, but was let go because of some remarks he made regarding Sean Hannity. And you know how Fox News is, don’t smack the mouths of the ones who suck the cock or you will find yourself out of a job. Now, I read what he said and to he honest, he kinda got the shaft. What he said wasn’t really all that bad and not at all disrespectful, but what do I care, I don’t even watch Fox News. But if you are curious and want to know what it is he said, click here. I also read that Fox News didn’t really find Mr. Crowder to be too terribly funny and that was a contributing factor to his involuntary termination, I NEVER agree with Fox, but on that one perspective, I concur.

I was going to go into detail and aim this article toward politics and another reason whey Democrats are different than Republicans, but I decided that an asshole is an asshole, fuck who he votes for.

So, here is what I have to say about the word vomit that has spewed from this douchebags mouth.

I know you are married (you did well, she is very beautiful), but I beg of you to not procreate. Because if you were to have a daughter, she is bound to have body image issues with you as her father, especially if you think that the picture above depicts a “fat” woman. And since you seem to have a hard time holding back your tongue, what happens if you have a daughter a little on the heavy side? And God forbid you have a son that views women through your perspective. 

Shame on your mother for raising a son who believes that it is okay to speak about the female sex in the manner in which you do and shame on your wife for not advising against the horrible idea of you “fat shaming”.

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Maybe the real problem is you’re just an uptight asshole. In that case, you and your wife aren’t doing it right. My advise: pop in a porn and start taking notes because sex releases endorphins and. . .

Fat Shaming. . .How About F**k You! |

On a more serious note, Louder with Crowder, it’s bad enough that a lot of women look at themselves naked in the mirror and don’t really like what they see. That every bad thing they believe about themselves is being said by some asshole who has no clue what it’s like to have a vagina. I could use this perfect opportunity to call you, Mr. Crowder, a giant pussy, but that’s an insult to every pussy out there. Let me remind you that the women you call “fat feminists” and you label “not brave”: These women have probably given birth to more than one child and it’s their body that has made the sacrifice in providing a family, it’s these women that are so busy doing for everyone around them that they just don’t have the time to do for themselves, and let’s not forget the fact that once a month they most likely want to stab someone in the neck, but since prison most likely doesn’t provide Netflix, they settle on ice cream and chocolate instead. 

You’re allowed to believe that Amy Schumer is not funny (even though I highly disagree), you’re allowed to not fall in line with her way of politics (which I believe is the root of your blog post), you’re even allowed to think that she is fat, but you’re not allowed to take something that regardless of your beliefs, is brave and poison it. It does take courage, no matter your size or shape, to have someone photograph you practically nude and put it out there for the world to see. This is more than just a celebrity posing partially nude, this is about a message and that message is different for every woman who looks at that picture. J.K Rowling said:

Is fat really the worst thing a human being can be? Is fat worse than vindictive, jealous, shallow, vain, boring, evil,  or cruel? Not to me.

Weight can be lost, being ugly on the inside can’t be fixed. For someone who saved himself for marriage (very admirable) because of his Godly ways and uses his Christianity in his platform and for promotion (which is not a bad thing), you had the chance to really show people what being a Christian is about and you blew it. Way to go!


**On a side note, I’m well aware that Amy Schumer doesn’t have children, I was just making a point.

**On another side note, if you are interested in the article that got this BXTCH all riled up, check it out, here


Merrie Musings Pic


BXTCHES Be Sharing:

What Would Jesus Do?

What Would Jesus Do?

Welcome BXTCHES to another session of really what amounts to me just ranting and not much more, but your attention is appreciated nonetheless. 

I’m never really out to offend people. While I know that I very well may, it’s not my primary goal when I my fingers get to working the keyboard. And, I try (I promise) to remain as non-political as I can, but my patience has worn out. On the plus side, this is going to be short and sweet (I think).

Let’s talk refugees.

I am so frustrated with all of the “anti refugee” movement that is scrolling along my Facebook page, which as we all know, if it’s on Facebook, it’s pretty representative of America, right? I’m not so ignorant to think that being Republican automatically makes you “anti refugee”, but I also think that we all know that if you’re swinging from the tree on the right, chances are you’re all for keeping them out. But, if you happen to be one who doesn’t believe that way, then I apologize in advance for my assumptions.

Let’s just get down to it, shall we? First, please stop with the spreading of fear by saying that terrorists will be among those entering the country with the refugees. Saying that a terrorist is actually going to enter this country by way of claiming to be a refugee, #1: isn’t even the truth, #2: is really ignorant (I’m refraining from saying the word stupid out of respect). I suggest you do a simple Google search and stop listening to the idiots over at Fox News, then you could figure this out yourself. But, being the kind hearted person I am, I have linked an article for you at the end of this rant. Your welcome. But, if your too lazy to read the article, it comes down to this: why in the hell would a terrorist enter the United States by claiming to be a Syrian refugee, when by doing so, they would have to go through a vetting process? A true terrorist would just enter the country by buying a plane ticket and do so inconspicuously (see the terrorists responsible for 9/11). It’s much more difficult to be a refugee and have to be vetted than it is to obtain a Visa. 

Next, can I just ask for EVERYONE to stop with the posting of the Governor letters written to Obama? Again, do your research. Governors have about as much power in denying refugees from entering their state as I do. In other words, Governors do not have that power. For crying out loud, the only thing that separates Texas from any bordering state is a “Welcome To. ..” sign, they can just drive on in. And since it’s Republicans that are usually the ones using the Constitution as their back-up, I’m going to have to ask that you refer to it. The Constitution gives the Federal government, not the states, the powers over: immigration, naturalization, and deportation. 

My biggest problem with all of the hate is this. Republicans who continuously stand on a platform that is being held up by the King James Bible. I scroll through Bible verse after Bible verse on Facebook and at the same time there’s a constant effort by Republicans to ban abortion because “All Lives Are Precious”. The same people who post about how great God is (and He is) are the same ones who post about Muslim hate. Now, is this how Jesus would want you guys to behave? Is this how Jesus himself would behave? According to, when it comes to Syrian refugee demographics: women outnumber men AND children 11 years old and younger (male and female) make 38.5% of all refugees. Are all lives still precious or just the ones that are American and only hit their knees in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost? Shouldn’t the ones who have the most faith in our Lord and Savior be the ones reaching out to the ones with the least amount of faith?

I am someone who is all for bringing awareness to the homeless problem in this country, but the posts that read like the following one are starting to piss me off:

Musings with Merrie J | www.bxtchesbeblogging.comReally? We can only have one? How about we fix the homeless problem then.  Are Republicans introducing new legislation that is going to begin bringing aid to the homeless? Yeah, I didn’t think so, either. Let’s stop exploiting a group of people to get your point across and maybe start reaching out to both, I believe we are capable of multitasking.

This should not be a political issue. This is a humanitarian issue. If you really have faith in the word of God, can’t you trust that he will take care of the ones who look after his children? And if you’re a parent, shame on you. Wouldn’t you do anything to give your kid(s) a better life? Those Syrian’s are no different from you and me. We’re really going to judge them because they pray differently? This is our chance to show the world how a true Christian practices their faith, but I guess if you are “anti refugee”, you’re not a true Christian. Let these words sink in:

“No one puts their children in a boat, unless the water is safer than the land.”

I will leave you with this. You cannot have it both ways. You cannot tell the voting public that Jesus dictates your decisions but then turn around and without any compassion, deny entry to these children of God. When the day comes that you come face to face with Christ and his one question to you is:

“Remember when I needed a safe place to go and someone to spread the word of our Father, but you denied me because you were afraid?”

Then you will have some explaining to do.

Matthew 25:35-36 New International Version (NIV)

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“For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited Me in, I was naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me, I was in prison, and you came to Me”

Merrie Musings Pic

Link #1 (Vetting Refugees: here)
Link #2 (Fact Checking on Syrian Refugees: here)
Link #3 (Governor Power over Refugees: here)



BXTCHES Be Sharing: