Arrow’s Hell (Wind Dragons MC Series, Book #2) by Chantal Fernando

Arrow's Hell (Wind Dragons MC Series, Book #2) by Chantal Fernando | Review on

Arrow's Hell (Wind Dragons MC Series, Book #2) by Chantal Fernando | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comArrow's Hell (Wind Dragons MC Series, Book #2) by Chantal Fernando | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comSynopsis TagArrow's Hell (Wind Dragons MC Series, Book #2) by Chantal Fernando | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comBxtches Be Blogging Book Reviews
BXTCHES Gotta Warn: Here we go again, another MC book, the same warning. This is only book #2 in the Wind Dragon’s MC Series and yes, you should go ahead and read Dragon’s Lair first. Now, I am about to spoil some things for you BXTCHES, but that’s what happens when you go out of order. The name of this book is Arrow’s Hell and in Dragon’s Lair, Arrow loses the woman that he loved when the Wind Dragon’s clubhouse comes under attack. This loss really cuts Arrow deep, so deep, that this book takes place five years AFTER his tragic loss and he still believes that he deserves the “hell” in which he lives, which, hence the name. So, what I’m trying to say is this. . .part of this story begins in book #1, so please try to stick to the flow of the series and read these books in order, don’t worry, you will not be sorry. Trust a BXTCH!

Arrow’s Hell will be told through the POV of Anna.

Like I mentioned, Arrow’s Hell kicks up five years after Dragon’s Lair ends. And in that time, Arrow spends some of it behind bars and the rest wallowing in his own pity. Anna is the younger sister of Rake and has just moved back to town, and even though she has caught the eye of Arrow, he refuses to allow himself any gratification, instead punishing himself for the death of Mary. Anna is certainly infatuated by Arrow and she realizes that there is some pain hidden in his eyes, however, he ain’t giving in, no matter how tempting the offer. 

Anna and Rake grew up with a drug addicted mother and non-existent father, the only family that they could rely on was each other. After high school, Anna moves on to college and Rake finds his family within the MC. He is thrilled as fuck when Anna decides to come home to finish school. Unfortunately for Anna, Rake’s MC family becomes her family and with that comes a hella bunch of overbearing, overprotective, bikers. Especially when any attempt at establishing some sort of independence is met with a shit ton of resistance.

This series (so far) balances out the MC storyline well with the romance storyline. While I’m pretty good at piecing together the puzzle, the MC storyline here definitely threw me for a loop. The Wind Dragon’s are in conflict with the Wild Men MC, which happens to be the same MC that shot and killed Mary five years earlier and the same MC whose President was killed by Arrow, in retaliation of Mary’s death. So, all you need to know is this. . .even though retribution happened years earlier, it’s still giving Arrow his own version of hell, which in result is going to present Anna with her own as well.
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Chantal Fernando does a fantastic job of creating a great ensemble read. Supporting characters are not only mentioned here and there within these pages, they are very intricate parts of the book. There are many relationships in play here. Anna develops a very close relationship with Tracker, who really becomes a rock for her, there is her BFF Lana, who happens to catch the eye of Tracker (which sets us up for book #3), there is the dynamic between her and Rake, who after years apart are trying to find a balance with one another. Equally as important is the relationship between Rake and Arrow, which hits a bit of a snag when Anna comes into play. And the love that develops between Anna and Arrow was akin to a beautiful disaster. A young lady trying to live up to the ghost of his past and Arrow trying to figure out if he is actually worthy of receiving love in the way that it deserve to be given. 

Let’s talk about the good stuff. Once Anna and Arrow move past their obstacles, when they finally decide to pull back the covers and jump in head first, they do not disappoint. Your imagination is certainly going to get it’s workout. The way Chantal Fernando writes the sex scenes here really does almost double duty. The love that Anna and Arrow have for one another comes through loud and clear when they move the dancing to the bedroom. But sometimes fucking isn’t always about love. . .it’s about lust. . .it’s about passion. . .it’s about need. . .and every one of those emotions pour off of the page and you can feel the depth of each and every one.

So, Tracker gets his story next and I can already tell you that it is a great read, one that I’m about to reacquaint myself with. All in all, this series really is captivating, it really does a great job of forcing you to keep going. I think it’s a great addition to any MC family, and if you’ve yet to sink your teeth in a really good MC book, this is a fantastic place to start.Bxtches Be ReadingBook Review.4Favorite Quotes TagArrow's Hell (Wind Dragons MC Series, Book #2) by Chantal Fernando | Review on

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