Tracker’s End (Wind Dragon’s MC Series, Book #3) by Chantal Fernando

Tracker's End (Wind Dragons MC Series, Book #3) by Chantal Fernando | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comTracker's End (Wind Dragons MC Series, Book #3) by Chantal Fernando | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comSynopsis TagTracker's End (Wind Dragons MC Series, Book #3) by Chantal Fernando | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comBxtches Be Blogging Book Reviews
BXTCHES Gotta Warn: We started with Sin and Faye. . .we fell in love with Anna and Arrow. . .now Tracker is up and ready to sweep you off of your feet. If you remember in book #1, Tracker started to fall for Faye but Sin stopped that shit before it had a chance to speed down the runway, in book #2, Tracker and Anna became very good friends while we began to see his feelings for Lana start to peel back. I have told you all of this, just so I can say this. Read em’ in order, it’s not only so worth it, but it’s almost like each book feeds into the next.

Tracker’s End will be told through the POV of Lana with a couple of Tracker chapters thrown in.

We begin to learn in book #2, that Tracker definitely has himself a hard-on for Lana, but things aren’t really where they need to be in order for that particular erection to erupt. First obstacle is Allie. Allie is introduced to us in book #1, she was a regular for Sin, that is until Faye enters the picture and shut that shit down (Sin certainly rubbed off on her). Now, one thing you should remember/know about Allie is this. She is the daughter of a fallen member of the MC, which is why she lives in the clubhouse and kind of gets away with being well. . .a bitch. Once Sin turned her away for good and Tracker realized that he and Faye would only be close as friends, Allie winds up in the bed of Tracker, for many years. Tracker and Allie kick up at the end of book #1 and book #2 begins five years after #1 ends, so their relationship has some traction. So, that is the first issue. The second one would be a spitfire named Anna. Anna and Lana are BFF’s and while Anna and Tracker are also super close friends, Anna has a front row seat to how disrespectful Tracker is to his relationship with Allie. I mean, bitch or not, she doesn’t deserve to be cheated on and one of the things that Anna is lucky enough to witness is Tracker spreading his dick cheer around. Anna doesn’t want that for her bestie, who would? 

Lana grew up in a single parent home, her dad running off when she was very young. Lana finds herself having to experience the torture that is high school all alone after Anna leaves. This, of course, leaves her wide open to the mean bitches. She survives and all is well. . .that is until she finds herself in lust with one very sexy, very rugged biker. Once a mean bitch, always a mean bitch. . .Allie knows that not only does Lana have the hots for Tracker, but the lustful feelings are mutual. It doesn’t help that Lana has been given the very important job of Clover’s nanny, so her presence in the clubhouse is definitely felt by Tracker and witnessed by Allie.

Obviously, Tracker is going to cut Allie loose and he and Lana are going to get their particular train car moving down the track. There will be obstacles. . .Allie for one. . .Lana does have a secret or two that’s hanging in the air. . .and as with any book in this series, there always seems to be a threat looming.

I think that Tracker’s End does a really great job of continuing to keep the supporting cast of characters in the loop, even though the story truly belongs to Tracker and Lana. We get to know Clover (Sin and Faye’s daughter) a bit better because Lana is her nanny. We stay up to date with what is happening with Arrow and Anna because Lana and Anna are besties for life. We also get to a glimpse into what is leering around the corner for Rake because we finally get to meet the one who broke his heart, Bailey. This series (so far) is fantastic at focusing on the well roundness of the ensemble and not just putting the spotlight on the featured couple.
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If we’ve learned anything up to this point about Tracker and his abilities, I think we figured he was going to be a beast in bed and that fucker did not disappoint. I think where the surprise lies, pleasant of course, is Lana. That BXTCH is a firecracker. She signed up for a rodeo and that cowgirl is riding like a pro. To say that she is adapting to the life of the MC would be an understatement. When you indulge in this story, you will find out why. . .but maybe my suggestion should be to take a few mental notes and put them to play later during your own bull riding session.

My only complaint is one I have had before. Whenever Tracker and Lana hit a speed bump, we get to see Tracker’s assholiness and while I enjoy seeing a different side to characters that I fall for, I think that in this particular instance (and you’ll know the scenario I’m referring to once you read) Lana didn’t stand her ground solid enough. I personally prefer a bit more angst and stubbornness when road blocks appear to hinder our couples from reaching their HEA. But, again, that’s my personal preference.

A lot of reviews have said that the MC action in Tracker’s End is mild (that’s the word most often used) and I guess in comparison it is. I mean losing Mary in book #1 and having that anguish and aftermath carry over in book #2 isn’t necessarily mild, but overall, while the MC action is sometimes gritty, it’s not too terribly unbearable or bullet ridden. I think what this series (so far) does best is balance. We get a great balance between that of the MC life coupled with humor and Alphaness and strong women. It all really plays very well in your hand and your imagination, you will not be disappointed.

Well, the manwhore is up next and once again, it is a book I have already enjoyed. We will finally get to the bottom of what makes Rake who he is and see if he really does find Redemption.Bxtches Be ReadingBook Review.4Favorite Quotes TagTracker's End (Wind Dragons MC Series, Book #3) by Chantal Fernando | Review on

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