Locke (Corps Security Series Book #5) by Harper Sloan

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Locke (Corps Security Series, Book #5)

BXTCHES Gotta Warn: I want to assume that if you have made it to this book, then you have read the previous ones in this series. But, on the off chance that you haven’t, YOU NEED TO. These characters are very intertwined in every book, so to truly fall in love with them, you’re gonna have to just trust and go in order.

This book will tell the story of Maddox and Emmy, finally, right? It seems as if we’ve gotten teased with them from the very beginning. Well, their story is finally here and I must say, it did not go at all like I anticipated. I may have to actually have spoilers in this review, which I hate to do, but I feel is going to be necessary.

As with all of the other books in this series, this story is told through the POV of Emmy and Maddox. I’m just going to dive right in with this story because honestly, I don’t know any better way to get the job done. This was like reading two different books at the same time. The first of which was just weird, I will get to that in a sec. The second was what I wanted with Maddox and Emmy. Let’s just get the weird stuff over with.

SPOILER ALERT AHEAD. . . Now, in the duration of me reading and enjoying this series and even with the small glimpses into Emmy, I would have NEVER expected the past that came with her. Get ready, you may be shocked. Apparently, Emmy was destined to be the Princess of Syn. What is that you ask? Well, it is the strip club owned by her parents. And, it is also the strip club that she was groomed as a child to work at when she became of age, that’s not weird, that’s just plain ole’ creepy. Oh, it gets better. She was also “promised” to Shawn, the next in line to take over the strip club. So, when Emmy turned 21, she fulfilled her responsibility to her parents and started her “legacy” at Syn. She wasn’t too big on the idea of a future with Shawn, but that didn’t deter Shawn at all. He decided to take what he wanted and poor Emmy lost her virginity while being raped by Shawn. This is something that continued until Emmy was rescued by Coop and began her involvement with Corps Security. So, when Emmy takes off after Coop’s murder, where does she go? Well, back to Syn of course, to continue her future as a stripper. She also gets raped again by Shawn. This is where Maddox finds her. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, her parents have NO issues with the fact that there daughter is continuously being raped.

Do you see where my problem is? This is a shit ton of baggage and there was not one bit of foreshadowing in the previous books that would have EVER, let me repeat EVER led me to think that this was the past that Emmy came from. Emmy never appeared to be someone that had this much following her around. Now, I really wouldn’t have had a huge issue with this if it wasn’t for the past of Maddox (I will get to that in a minute). But, when you add the two pasts together, it’s just too much for one book. I could have handled her being a stripper, I even could have handled her being a stripper at her parents strip club, but take that, along with the fact that her parents are ok with her being raped, well that is just too much. You ready for Maddox’s messed up past? Brace yourself.

This book will flashback to Maddox’s past before he became what he believes is damaged and also dig into his relationship with his mom and younger brother. Maddox comes from money, but his delivery into this world came to be because his mother had an affair with a member of her staff. Her husband left her and she of course blames Maddox for this. So, suffice it to say, she loathes Maddox, but adores her other son, Mason. Maddox doesn’t care for his mother or brother and before Maddox became the brooding soul he is, he was actually engaged to Mercedes, who he was in love with and wanted to share his entire life with. But true to form, like all the women who the Corps Security men have a past with, Mercedes is not who Maddox thinks she is. She’s not really crazy, but she is bitch who does a horrible number on Maddox’s heart. So, you read all of this and it’s a lot to take in, but it’s ok because it gives you some sort of understanding into who Maddox is. But then, Maddox has a accident while serving his country and I’ll be damned if his mother doesn’t show up at the hospital, in Germany, in front of the men from Corps Security just to tell him how worthless he is. Ok, so I can take the relationship he had with his mom and brother, and even what his fiance did to him. I think that his military accident is important to the story, so I’m good with that. However, I am not good with his mom showing up to the hospital or the fact that he lost 2 men in the accident and one of the wives of the men, wrote him a letter telling him it was his fault her husband died.

I feel that you can’t put all of these issues on the shoulder of one man, it was too much. I enjoy the fact that in every book there are issues each character deals with. But almost always, it’s balanced out. The issues that Greg and Melissa had, coincided, Dee had some serious baggage, but Beck didn’t, Asher was dealing with so much but Chelcie came from good and was able to transfer that to him. We get to Maddox and Emmy and I was literally like, “what the fuck am I reading?” I guess my biggest issue was the believability of Emmy’s story. If Emmy’s past was good, I would’ve been able to handle everything that came with Maddox, because in EVERY book leading up to this one, we knew something happened to Maddox, just not what, but jeez, give a girl a break. I thought my brain was going to explode.

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Obviously they get their HEA and for them two, it is definitely deserving. Emmy is going to help Maddox face his past, so that they can have the future they deserve. He does get his closure in dealing with his past and that was satisfying to read.

For goodness sakes, let’s talk about the sex. I think we all kind of assumed that sex between these two was going to be explosive. Their tension has been building forever, so one could only hope that when they came together (no pun intended), fireworks were going to be set off. Well, Harper Sloan did not disappoint on the sexual front. They first decide to relieve their tension shortly after Maddox rescues her from Syn. There is no shortage of flames during the sex between these two. I’ll just say, she likes to push his buttons and he like to be bossy, it works out for all in the end. I know I’ve said it before, but holy crap, Harper Sloan must have a sex life that is off the charts or an imagination that puts porn to shame, because she knows how to keep your eyes glued to the page and your mind curious with “I wonder if I can pull that off without pulling a muscle?”

All in all, I did enjoy this book, I was just overwhelmed with the amount of “past baggage” that these two carried with them. In the end, to see Maddox and Emmy get what they both deserved was worth reading through all of that crazy. And the good news? The kiddos from this series will be getting their own books and Cohen is up first. So, I cannot wait for that to come out. This is really a great series and one worthy of your time. Enjoy.

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