Withstanding Me (Breakneck Series Book #2) by Crystal Spears

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Withstanding Me (Breakneck Series, Book #1) by Crystal Spears

BXTCHES Gotta Warn: This is the second book of The Breakneck Series and if you have ever read a MC Series, then you know that mostly each book focuses on a new relationship (I said mostly, not always), but the entire story intertwines in each book. So, in order to read the story in the manner in which the author intended, please read series in order. Now, this BXTCH has warned.

So, I know that I wasn’t the biggest fan of the first book in this series (Seize Me), but after reading Withstanding Me, this series is starting to grow on me. Withstanding Me focuses mostly on the story of ZZ and Storm, while continuing the story of Winter and Braxxon.

ZZ and Storm have a mutual sexual attraction to one another. The issues: ZZ just wants sex and then he wants to be done. Storm, however is interested in a relationship, especially considering her past. She realizes that ZZ is not going to be able to offer her the relationship she not only needs, but deserves. When they both acknowledge this, they decide that a friendship would be best. But’s let’s detour for a second.

One of the things I absolutely loved about this book is, the characters that you came to know in Seize Me, play a part in this book as well, and not just with a line or two. You get to experience the wedding of Braxxon and Winter, and mourn with Pyro while he is working through his emotions following the death of Lana. You also get more backstory on Tatiana and Shadow (who, by the way will be the focus in book #3-YAY!) and we begin to get a peek at Sniper and Piper (which I suspect will be a future book). Another thing to love: the characters are written from not only the POV of Storm and ZZ, but also from the supporting characters. Ms. Spears is very talented at writing from the male perspective.
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Now, back to Storm and ZZ. Going into Withstanding Me, there is a lot of stuff happening. It’s very dramatic and there is a lot of violence. However, if you are a fan of MC books, then I assume you are used to this. ZZ goes through a lot of personal drama in this book. He is trying to understand his feeling for Storm, while dealing with and 18 year old daughter who is hell bent at rebelling at every turn. He has to deal with personal loss and shocking revelations regarding his past. Storm is still trying to deal with the issues that brought her to the Breakneck MC in the first place. The thing that I love about Storm is, she knows what she wants and she is not afraid to go for it.

There is not really a cliffhanger in this book, but the story will continue in Shadowing Me. While it is not necessary to read Seize Me prior to reading this book, I highly recommend it. Like with any other series, the story usually continues from book to book, and reading them in order will only enhance the remainder of the series.

I do believe that this series gets better as she writes more of it, which is why I did decide to continue with the series even though the first book was not my fav. I do recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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The Ride Crash and Burn The Rage

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The Run (Hell's Disciples MC Series, Book #4) by Jaci J | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.com The Riot (Hell's Disciples MC Series, Book #5) by Jaci J | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.com The Risk (Hell's Disciples MC Series, Book #6) by Jaci J | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.com

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Crash and Burn (Hell’s Disciples MC Book 2) by Jaci J

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Crash and Burn (Hell’s Disciples MC Series, Book #2)

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BXTCHES Gotta Warn: This is just a continuation of The Ride (book #1), so it is NECESSARY to read that book prior to this one. 
So, when I saw that this book was out, I did need to re read (really I just skimmed) the first book in this series (The Ride), so I could have some recollection with what went down. Truth be told, I was actually getting the first book confused with another MC book, so I’m glad I skimmed through.
I read the review for this book and it seemed to me that people were torn with their feelings, and after reading it, I totally understood why.
This book is a continuation of the first book. So it picks up with Tank and Lil where the first book left off. In this book, we really only follow the relationship amongst the MC family (mainly Tank and Lil). It doesn’t really dive into club business like the first book did.
Here’s what you need to know/understand about this book. If you loved Tank in the first book, you are going to REALLY dislike him for the majority of this book. Even though that was true for me, it didn’t cause me to enjoy the book any less. After what happened to Lil at the end of the first book (which is why you need to read it first), he doesn’t really know how to deal with the feelings that the incident brought up and in the process he becomes a MAJOR asshole.  The story is told from both POV’s, and since you are able to get inside of Tank’s head by reading his POV, your heart will break for both of them and what they are going through. So as long as you can be sympathetic toward Tank in this book and give him a wide emotional road to travel down without judging too much, it will be easier for him to win your heart in the end. So, while I may not have cared for him too much for the majority of this book, I tried to read him with sympathy, so I wouldn’t grow to hate him. I won’t give away anything major, but he does redeem himself.
So, if you enjoyed the first book, then buy this book and continue in the journey of Tank and Lil. If you haven’t read the first book, then you need to do so, or you’re going to be very confused (by the way, I do recommend the first book). So in the world of MC books, this is a good one and I look forward to the remainder of the series.

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The Ride (Hell’s Disciples MC Series, Book #1) by Jaci J

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The Ride (Hell’s Disciples MC Series, Book #1)

First, let me say that I enjoyed this book. However, I suggest that you download a sample first (if you have an e-reader, of course), and base your purchasing decision on your enjoyment of the sample. One thing that I’ve learned is the MC books are a lot like a steak, everyone wants it different. This book is not as hardcore as Madeline Sheehan, whom I love, but I think her MC books are about as hardcore and gritty as it gets.

I actually read this book a while back, but once the second book in this series was released, I needed to catch up, so I skimmed back through this on so I could recall what went down in this book.

Here’s the rundown: First, know that this is a MC book, which means it’s the run of the mill formula: “tough biker who doesn’t do relationships falls for the girl who is off limits”. Now even though that basic premise has been and continues to be done, the author does write it well. This MC has problems that this book dives into, so it does keep you interested. This book is written from both POV’s (and done so extremely well).

First up is Tank. I really loved him. She wrote him very well and epitomized the alpha biker to a T. He’s got a dirty mouth, sexy, and knows how to please a woman.

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If you’ve read the synopsis, you already know what the story is about, so I’m not going to go into detail. I don’t want to give too much away. I don’t like to write spoilers if I can avoid it. So if you like MC reads, I think you will enjoy this book. If you are not a fan of foul language and hot sex, then I wouldn’t spend the money. But I will say that if you are not a fan of those things, you probably shouldn’t be checking out MC books in the first place. Overall, a good read. The second book in the series (Crash and Burn) is out, but you will need to read this book first.

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