Boomtown (Freebirds Series, Book #1) by Lani Lynn Vale

Boomtown (Freebirds Series, Book #1) by Lani Lynn Vale | Review on

Boomtown (Freebirds Series, Book #1) by Lani Lynn Vale | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comBoomtown (Freebirds Series, Book #1) by Lani Lynn Vale | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comBoomtown (Freebirds Series, Book #1) by Lani Lynn Vale | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comBxtches Be Blogging Book ReviewsBXTCHES Gotta Warn: My very first Lani Lynn Vale book was Center Mass. Loved the book and fell in love with the author, but the more I continued with her books, the more I realized that I probably should’ve started with her very first series. I usually always advocate for readers to read series in the order in which the books are written because the overall story flows better. In this case, a lot of her series bounce off of one another. Characters introduced in a book in one series will show up as a main character in a book in another series. For example, in Boomtown, we get introduced to Luke Roberts (the lead in Center Mass) and we are now (in 2020) well into the 2nd generation series and there are so many characters at this point, I need a chart, but I figured the best way for me to sort it all out is to start from the very beginning, which is where I’m at with Boomtown.

Boomtown will be told through the POV’s of both Sam and Cheyenne.

This book kicks off on Cheyenne’s 25th birthday and since everyone in her life is unavailable to celebrate, she is on her own, which leads her to a bar where Sam spots her. Drinks are purchased and pleasantries are exchanged and a one night stand ensues. A first for Cheyenne. . .sex that is. . .one night or otherwise. For Sam, he knows without a doubt that he has found his one and only. For Cheyenne, she is definitely interested, but her lack of experience prevents her from taking that leap and since Sam is a bit stubborn when it comes to the pursuit of women, we’re at a standstill.

While we’re busy following the “what’s gonna happen with Cheyenne and Sam” storyline, lots of other drama is starting to take place. And while it wouldn’t be fair for me to expose the spoiler here, what I can say is this. Cheyenne’s brother (James) is in the military (active) and is currently serving overseas. Sam and the whole group at Freebirds (Sam’s business) also served in the military and small spoiler, they served with James in the military, though it does take a hot minute for the connection to appear. Sam is certainly optimistic that things between him and Cheyenne are going to get going, however, drama starts happening within the group. . .drama that involves the group of friends who served. . .drama that involves Cheyenne. . .and drama that involves time that was spent serving the country. So, go ahead and jump on the train, it’s going to take you on a pretty interesting journey.
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One of the things that I love about LLV books is her ability to create a well rounded cast. While you will most likely fall for those who lead the storyline, in her books, you find yourself anticipating the stories that the supporting cast will eventually get to tell. She has this gift of doing just enough with each character that leaves you wanting to know more. James (Cheyenne’s brother) doesn’t make an appearance until well into the book, but we meet his toddler daughter very early on and there is a sliver of drama involving the baby mamma, but the dangling was just enough in giving me something to look forward to. Sam is just the beginning and once the backstory of the Freebirds is revealed, you’ll realize there is so much more to this group to learn and fall in love with. Ember is the BFF and her story is next, deservingly so. So if it’s Cheyenne you fall in love with, she gets her turn to support in Ember’s story.

I’m not sure I would’ve every cracked this series open if not for my need to sort out all of the characters that LLV has written. I think this is her first book and if so, color me impressed, it gave me everything I have come to expect with a LLV book, except for her quirky little words of wisdom prior to each chapter. But you get the fiesty leading lady who brings humor and wittiness and passion, but more importantly a leading lady who can stand toe to toe with an (sometimes) overpowering alpha. 

Going through all of my Kindle books recently, I discovered that I own more LLV than any other author and I must admit, I was surprised. I thought I would at least own more Kristen Ashley, but nope, LLV won out. And now that I’m looking to add to my collection, that number is about to leave all others in the dust. Bxtches Be ReadingBoomtown (Freebirds Series, Book #1) by Lani Lynn Vale | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comLani Lynn Vale


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