Rock Chick Renegade (Rock Chick Series, Book #4) by Kristen Ashley

Rock Chick Renegade (Book #4 Rock Chick Series) by Kristen Ashley | Review on

Rock Chick RenegadeRock Chick Renegade (Book #4 Rock Chick Series) by Kristen Ashley | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comRock Chick Renegade (Book #4 Rock Chick Series) by Kristen Ashley | Review on

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BXTCHES Gotta Warn: Okay BXTCHES, same warning as before, so I’ll make this short and sweet: If you want to enjoy this series to it’s fullest, sexiest, laugh out loud potential, read it in order and in case you are wondering, Renegade is book #4. Here we go.

Rock Chick Renegade will be told through the POV of Jules.

At the very end of Roxie’s story, there was a small shootout right outside of Fortnum’s and Vance went after the shooter. Well the shooter was Juliet Lawler AKA Jules AKA The Law. Jules is a social worker who is somewhat of a loner. She lost her mom, dad, and brother in a car accident when she was very young. Her Aunt Reba and Reba’s boyfriend Nick took her in. When Jules was 15, she lost her Aunt Reba, so then it’s just Jules and Nick. She doesn’t have girlfriends and has never had a relationship. What she does have are the kids that come into the shelter that is like her second home. One of those kids, Park, recently passed away from a drug overdose. Jules, along with Roam and Sniff (two of the kids from the shelter) are the ones who find Park. This is the incident that takes her from Jules to The Law and her issuing her own brand of vigilante justice. . .much to the chagrin of the local drug dealers, the local police, and the Nightingale Gang. And the shootout puts her on radar of Vance Crowe.

If you’re reading in order, you should remember Vance. Mr. Hottie, Stealth, Bounty Hunter. He is the one who rescued Roxie after she had been kidnapped. Immediately he makes his presence known in Jules’ life. And in typical fashion, he stakes his claim. Almost just as quickly, the Rock Chicks bring her into the fold. For someone who lived her life without the love of friendships, Jules isn’t as welcoming to the Rock Chicks as Roxie was or even Jet, but those BXTCHES are just as persistent as the Hot Bunch, so it may take a bit longer, but she soon finds herself with no other option but to welcome them in her world.

It is important to let you BXTCHES know that Jules is a virgin, a 27 year old virgin. I know typically a lot of readers are skeptical when an author writes the leading lady a virgin, but KA did it really well here. She lays out her history so well, that there’s no way not to believe it. 

The direction of this book is really Jules and her quest to conquer the drug dealers of Denver. KA did a really good job of connecting the reader to Jules and exposing her passion for her job and especially the kids that she inspires. She has a wonderful and very comical relationship with the kids of the shelter. It was also great to see her social development. For someone who had no previous history with girlfriends (or men, for that matter), to experience that growth was inspiring and really fun to read.

Just like the previous books in this series, Jules tries her best to shake Vance loose. There is always a “breaking-up” conversation to be had and again, I could certainly be biased, considering I adore KA, but she writes the storyline well. It does get a little tedious at times to constantly see these Rock Chicks trying to get rid of The Hot Bunch, but once you are able to get inside of Jules’ head, you understand her reasoning.

Okay, the ones we love are back along with some others that will grow on you. There are the kids from the shelter, but specifically, Roam and Sniff, who need all of the parental love that Jules is able to offer them. There is also May, who works with Jules at the shelter, who at times, seems a little more eager for Jules to find love than Jules even is. Nick is Jules’ uncle and really the only family she has left. I can’t forget Frank, Heavy, and Zip-Jules’ training team, that is until the Hot Bunch step in and take over. So, these characters along with the ones that we have let into our imagination will make this book fantastic.

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I have yet to decide my absolute favorite of these series. Every time I do a re-read, I change my mind, but Jules and Vance rank pretty high on the list. Renegade will hit an “Oh My God!” moment and not one that will have your laughing out loud, but KA finessed it awesomely.

You can’t help but fall in love with Jules. It’s her passion for what she does, it’s her love for her cat, it’s the love she shows those in her life, it’s her humor and her naiveté, all wrapped up in one pretty fantastic Rock Chick. She is a Rock Chick who certainly held her own among everyone and she is the first Rock Chick that becomes an unofficial member of the Hot Bunch. As with most (probably all) KA books, she’s gonna give it all to you. . .humor and love and passion and suspense and sometimes stress, but what she really gives you is the ability to escape. 

Even though the Rock Chick series has the same formula, Rock Chick + Hot Bunch + Mayhem, every book gives you something so different from the previous read that you’re not focused on the formula, your attention is on the leading couple and what new characters get thrown into the mix and what the previous couples are up to AND it reads as well as any romantic comedy you can catch on the big screen.


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Rock Chick Redemption (Rock Chick Series, Book #3) by Kristen Ashley

Rock Chick Redemption (Book #3 Rock Chick Series) by Kristen Ashley | Review on

Rock Chick RedemptionRock Chick Redemption (Book #3 Rock Chick Series) by Kristen Ashley | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comRock Chick Redemption (Book #3 Rock Chick Series) by Kristen Ashley | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comReview Tag

BXTCHES Gotta Warn: Just a friendly BXTCH reminder that the Rock Chick series is a long one and while you may be very tempted to read these fantastic books out of order, please do not succumb to the temptation. Each book lays out a foundation and that foundation just continues to build and build until you are in a Rock Chick Nirvana. They flow from one to the next and in order for you to really get the whole Rock Chick experience, you MUST read in the order in which they were written. They are numbered for a reason, don’t fuck up the flow.

Rock Chick Redemption will be told through the POV of Roxie.

First came Lee, then we were given Eddie, now we get to sink our teeth right into Hank. And in case a quick reminder is needed, Hank is the eldest sibling of the Nightingale gang and gives Lee a run for his money in the badass department, he just does his on the right side of the law. . .with a badge.

Roxie may surprise you a bit. She comes to Denver from Chicago. She is in the middle of her “shaking her ex-boyfriend loose plan” albeit not a very good plan and figures Denver is a good place to escape to, since that is where her Uncle Tex lives (yes, that Tex) and she has yet to meet him, then why not. Even though Roxie and Tex have never laid eyes on one another, they have been writing each other since she was a young child and the letters of late have involved the gang at Fortnum’s. It only takes one step inside Indy’s sanctuary for Roxie to catch the eyes of one sexy Hank Nightingale and since we are already two books in, we should have a really good idea of where this is headed.

We know the formula, the featured Rock Chick is gonna come with some trouble and in Roxie’s case her trouble’s name is Billy Flynn. He was Roxie’s boyfriend for many years and has a hard time understanding that they are in fact over. Even though Roxie knew that Billy was bad for her and knew this many years ago, it only recently hit home after he started getting a tad bit rough. What she doesn’t know (although she suspected) is that Billy is tied up with some very unsavory individuals and it should be no surprise that she is going to get tied right up with it.

In a way that only these badasses can, once Hank set his eyes on Roxie, he moves quickly. There’s a date. . .the best first date ever. . .which leads to her being wrapped up in Hank and his bed. Then in true Rock Chick fashion, a kidnapping ensues, a rescue occurs, and before she can even blink, she finds herself living with Hank and his dog and with the protection of Hank, Eddie and all of Lee’s gang. 

The meat of Rock Chick Redemption is Roxie’s troubles. The kidnapping occurs pretty early on in the book (so it’s not a spoiler). She’s rescued by Vance and while her heart is beginning to feel Hank, she is worried about her past coloring Hank all of the wrong colors. So let the break up attempts begin and the Rock Chick hijinks take over. 

The layout of the story is Roxie trying to run from a past that went from scary to dangerous. It’s Roxie trying to get as much of Hank in as she can because she feels that Hank is good and she’s not and an end is inevitable. It’s Hank making sure that she understands that she is his and he will protect it at all costs. It’s the Rock Chicks inviting another into the troop. There’s the obvious Roxie trying to continuously break up with Hank and Hank making sure that Roxie understands that She’s The One. KA is gonna continue to have you laughing your ass off, but there are gonna be moments thrown in that will sober you up pretty quickly.

Rock Chick Redemption picks up almost right where Rescue leaves off. Not that there were any loose ends to tie up with Eddie and Jet, but we do get Lottie’s debut at Smithie’s and while the great characters that have been developing since Indy and Lee are back in full force, Roxie brings some with her as well. Trish and Herb are Roxie’s parents and since Trish is Tex’s sister, that should give you some insight to how those personalities are. Annette (Roxie’s BFF) and Jason come along for the ride as well. We also get introduced to Luke Stark. He was Lee’s guy who was shot during Indy’s story and will be the featured badass in book #5. So, while Hank and Roxie do a fantastic job of capturing your attention, this is a ensemble series and it’s the supporting cast that really brings it home.
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God bless Kristen Ashley and her ability to write sex scenes. She has an ability to put your imagination to work like no other. The bedroom is where these guys talk best and Hank has that talk down to perfection.  

While the formula may be the same throughout this series, each story is different. Not only is the series a long one, each book is pretty lengthy as well, but it is so worth each and ever turn of the page. The Rock Chick series is a Rom-Com that is enjoyed between two covers instead of with a remote control. It puts your imagination to work and gives you an escape. KA knows how to give you the best kind of feels, there is laughter, there is suspense, there are tears, you may get frustrated, but through is all, you will go on the same journey as our Rock Chick, you will fall in love right along side her. And that is the best kind of read.

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Rock Chick Rescue (Rock Chick Series, Book #2) by Kristen Ashley

Rock Chick RescueRock Chick Rescue (Rock Chick Series, Book #2) by Kristen Ashley | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comRock Chick Rescue (Rock Chick Series, Book #2) by Kristen Ashley | Review on

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BXTCHES Gotta Warn: Please for the love of all things ALPHA male, do not attempt to even start this book, without first finishing and raving about Rock Chick (book #1). This series is going to give you all of the feels, but in order to feel it from head to motherfuckin’ toe, you have to start with #1 and go from there. Each book is going to bring us a different couple to fall in love with while forcing you to question if you love the current book more than the previous one. . .it’s going to be lots of torture, but in the best orgasmic way. Just trust a BXTCH and heed the warning that I have just given.

Rock Chick Rescue will be told from the POV of Jet.

This book will take us on the journey that is Jet and Eddie. Now, we met Eddie during Indy’s debacle, but I’ll refresh your memory on him in a bit, let’s first start with Jet. If you remember, Jet was briefly mentioned at the end of Indy and Lee’s story. She was a new employee to Fortnum’s who arrived at the end of Indy’s drama. Now Jet has a lot of “goings on” in her life at the moment. Her mother has recently suffered from a stroke and with no dad around and a sister who lives out of state, the caretaker role falls squarely on Jet’s shoulders and in order for her to financially get it together, she is forced to take a waitressing job at Smithie’s (the local strip club), while working days at Fortnum’s and while trying to stay “Just Jet” and fly as far under the radar as she possibly can.

Time to shift our focus and our loins to Eddie. Eddie Chavez is Lee’s best/childhood friend and even that tight tie didn’t stop him from forcing Lee’s hand when it came to claiming Indy. If you remember, it was actually that gauntlet throw that spurred Lee into action. All it takes is a fumbling Jet and some coffee cups and Eddie has forgotten all things Indy. It hits a snafu when Jet misleads Eddie in believing that she is racist and Eddie actually slows his roll. Of course, with all things ALPHA in this series, that only gives her a small reprieve. When Jet’s dad shows up with a serious gambling debt and Jet unwillingly gets involved by hitting the radar of some pretty sketchy loan sharks, all of which starts with a knife to her throat outside of Smithies, that kicks up the ALPHA in Eddie and all bets are then off. And don’t worry. . .the whole racist thing really was a misunderstanding. It had more to with Eddie being hot, anywho, you’ll understand when you read it.

The cast of supporting characters in this series is really nothing short of amazing. We met a good core of the supporting cast in book #1, and with each book, KA will continue to add to that core. We’ll continue to not only meet more eventual Rock Chicks (and their individual core group), but we will also be introduced to more of the Hot Bunch Brigade, the Hot Guy Gang, Lee’s Guys. . .it doesn’t really matter what we call them, we know who they are. But let’s get to Jet’s peeps. Her mom Nancy is a pretty significant part of her life and while her dad, Ray, is the one that has created the shit storm that came raining down on her, it’s hard for Jet to just recognize him for the asshole that everyone else sees. . .he is still her dad. And KA does a fabulous job of putting the reader into that space and really empathize with what Jet is going through. Smithie, of Smithie’s, gets his introduction as well. Daisy is the wife of Marcus (owner of the stolen diamonds in book #1), she is a former stripper at Smithies, giving her a connection to Jet. She could also pass as a look alike for Dolly Parton, but doesn’t fit into the high society of Denver and she finds her spot with the Rock Chicks and they welcome her with open arms. Eddie’s family will make a very loud introduction, while I’m sure reminding some readers of there very own meddling loved ones. There are others, but I’ll let that discovery fall to you to make, and of course all of your favorite’s from the first book return, including one of my favs, Tex. Members of the Hot Bunch will continue to make appearances and we will also continue to be introduced to new ones, which is good for all involved because (a) their hot and (b) most will eventually get their own books, so it’s nice to have been introduced, albeit short, to them.

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You can’t share too much with what is happening within these pages, without spoiling the story. There is so much coming at you from so many different directions, that it truly is best for the plot to just unfold naturally. Now, if you’re one of those BXTCHES who reads a series and gets frustrated because you believe that the storylines are all too similar, well settle down, I’m gonna try to put your mind at ease. There are a total of 8 books in this series (this does not include the recent addition of a Rock Chick novella that gives us Daisy and Marcus’ story) and yes, most will involve a member of Lee’s team stepping in to rescue an eventual Rock Chick. Even I can say, “how many times can that formula work?” Well, I can say with certainty, it can work 8 times. With each book, I look forward to reading how the story unfolds between the Hot Bunch member and the Rock Chick, but what I really look forward to is the introduction to new characters and the scenarios that unfold with the characters that I’ve grown to love with the addition of each story. And that, my fellow BXTCHES is something that I can share with you without the fear of spoiling.

This book is just as active with the drama as book #1. Get ready for: kidnapping, gunfire at the strip club, Rock Chick mayhem at the seedy bar that will involve the use of stun guns, a crazy fight at Einsteins Bagels, lots of sparkle, big hair and so much more.

I still prefer Indy’s book to this one, but that’s not saying this book isn’t wonderful. It is fantastic. The story is told very well and even though there were parts of Jet that frustrated me, I still loved her. On a side note, she is also great cook and some of the wonderful recipes mentioned in this book can be found on KA’s website. Caramel Layer Squares, you can find here, and Chocolate Sheet Cake, can be found here,  and if you’re looking for more delicious recipes, just head on over to KA’s website and it’ll all be at your fingertips.

And. . .what would a Rock Chick be without great fucking music and KA guides you right to it on her website. If you really wanting some Jet and Eddie inspiration. . .go here.

Remember, I was a late bloomer to the Rock Chicks and if you are hovering anywhere over the “buy now” button on this series, just click it. This book offers everything you need in terms of an escape. It’s adventurous, it has mystery, it’s laugh out loud funny, not to mention the mattress on fire sex scenes, and the more you grow into the series, the more you become part of it. Reading TagBook Review.4Favorite Quotes TagRock Chick Rescue (Rock Chick Series, Book #2) by Kristen Ashley | Review on

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Rock Chick (Rock Chick Series, Book #1) by Kristen Ashley

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BXTCHES Gotta Warn: TRUTH (#1): I LOVE Kristen Ashley. I think that her work is brilliant and funny and captivating and. . .I could go on and on, but the point is I just love her. TRUTH (#2): This book was released back in 2011, which is a lifetime ago and I didn’t get my hands on it until 2014. Now, I would always come across this book, whether on social media or Amazon guessing that I would enjoy it based on my other reads. Initially my thought was “Not really my cup of tea”, but then I would come across so many Rock Chick discussions on different social media groups, so I finally decided to go where the love is and gave it a run. TRUTH (#3): While I’m a little pissed at myself for waiting so long, I am pretty relieved that I gave in. At this point, every book has been released, including the very last book, that’s more of a Rock Chick prequel, but is definitely rooted in the series. That just so happens to be the only one that I haven’t read. My original review of Rock Chick came back in 2015, it is now 2017 and I have decided to give my review of this series a bit of an update, which means I must dive back in and re-read. Oh, woe is me. So hang on, it’s gonna get a bit bumpy, but boy is it a fun ride.

Rock Chick will be told through the POV of Indy.

It’s probably best to just start somewhat from the beginning and I mean, the very beginning. India (Indy) Savage is the daughter to Tom Savage, Tom is a cop. Indy’s mom, Kate, passed when she was a tiny thing of just five years old. Kate’s BFF was Kitty Sue. Kitty Sue is married to Malcolm, also a cop. Kitty Sue and Malcolm have three kiddos. . .Hank, a cop. . .Ally, Indy’s BFF and Lee. Indy has been in love with Lee since she was five years old. Over the years, she has tried any and every attempt to get Lee to notice her as more than just “Indy, his sister’s best friend”. All of this came to a screeching halt when Indy was twenty years old and Lee crushed her dreams by telling her she was like a little sister. I mean, if that doesn’t dry up any sexual fantasy that she may have had, I’m not sure what will.

Indy is now thirty years old, all rock and roll and the owner of Fortnum’s (used bookstore/coffee shop) and still doing her best to avoid all things Lee. This plan starts to die a pretty quick death when Indy gets shot at trying to help her barista (Rosie), who has gotten himself involved with some stolen diamonds and some really bad guys, hence he bullets. One minute she’s sleeping peacefully in Lee’s bed, you know hiding out and under the impression that Lee is out of town, and the next she finds herself pressed against Lee, having to explain why he has found her half naked in his home.

Once Indy is through with her explanation, Lee has decided to help. It’s probably a good time to tell you BXTCHES that Lee is the owner of Nightingale Investigations and an all around natural badass. While he is pretty pissed that Indy has been shot at and is involved in a pretty messy situation. . .he has some particular stipulations when it comes to providing his services. Those conditions involve Indy completely naked in Lee’s bed. . .with Lee right next to her. . .or right on top of her. . .or right underneath her, surely you get the jest. Regardless of the position, Lee will find himself inside of her, of course in Indy’s mind, if she finds the diamonds first, then all bets and payments are off and she can go back to a life where she continues to avoid Lee.

That is where Rock Chick takes off, well really the book takes off from page one, but this is where you will get sucked in. While I can’t share the deets of everything that is happening within the pages, I can dangle some goodness right in front of you. In true Rock Chick style, Indy is not about to let a few kidnappings, dead bodies, creepy criminals or even the idea that after 25 years, she may finally get her happily ever after, keep her from living a Rock Chick life. There are drag shows to attend, ex-girlfriends that need to be smacked down, barbecues that must go on, and most importantly, sex to be had with Lee, especially since everyone she knows seems to be begging for updates on what sex is like with the #1 member of the Hot Bunch.
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This is probably the best ensemble series I have read to date. Each book in this series builds on the characters from the previous and even though the spotlight shines on the leading couple, the entire Rock Chick group makes up each story. KA insures that her characters, every one of them, add dimension to the storyline. They all play their part, no matter the size. The layers in which they come together is incredible. The love affair that one usually just has with the featured couple, extends well beyond that in this series. You will find yourself in an internal battle over who your favorites will be.

I can’t really talk about a KA book and not mention the sex. Even though Indy first attempts to avoid all things Sex + Lee, eventually she gives into what her heart and honestly, her pussy really want. Part of the adventure in this book is the struggle that Lee and Indy have when they try to attempt getting down to the business, which just thickens the sexual tension and creates a fog that will leave you hot and bothered. Once the mission is complete and Indy finally gets a taste of what Lee has been packing and what she has been missing all of those years, you’ll be hot and bothered for many other reasons. No one writes the ALPHA male better than KA (in my opinion) and the sex that her ALPHA’s bring to a story is just one of the many reasons why.

When I said that there is a lot happening in this book, I mean there is A LOT. This book involves a missing bag of diamonds, kidnappings, a crazy Vietnam Vet ex-con, car bombs, pot heads, a bunch of Alpha hotties, add a shootout at a drag queen club, the sassiest dog you will ever meet and her fabulous gay owners and you have a book that is laugh out loud funny, suspenseful, sexy, and may have you contemplating a move to Denver, even though you realize that what you are reading is indeed fiction.

If any part of you is sitting on the fence, wondering whether or not to dive into this series, just do it. It is worth it, and even though it is a very long series, all of the books are released, so it’s easy and almost necessary to move from one book to the next. If you love Kristen Ashley, this is a no brainer, if you haven’t yet read Kristen Ashley, I would first ask “what the fuck?”, then tell you that this series is as good of a series to start with as any. But, beware. . .KA is very addictive.

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#Hater (The Hashtag Series, Book #2) by Cambria Hebert

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#Hater is book #2 in The Hashtag Series by Cambria Hebert

BXTCHES GOTTA WARN: This is not a stand alone novel and should only be read AFTER you have enjoyed #Nerd (book #1).

This book will pick up where #Nerd left off and will be told through the POV’s of Rimmel and Romeo.

Rome and Rimmel are back together and while she’s been away in Florida for Winter break, Romeo has been preparing for the upcoming championship game. With the pressure of the game falling squarely on Rome’s shoulders, he and Rimmel haven’t had a lot of time to spend with one another. Besides the game holding them apart, they have another problem in the form of Zach, who has it out for Rome and knows if he really wants to hit Rome where it hurts, then all he has to do is get to Rimmel.

There’s a lot more happening in this book compared to the first one. But first let’s talk about the good stuff. Rimmel is just as funny and adorable as ever. Her relationship with Romeo is growing deeper day after day. She is looking forward to the Spring semester and is still volunteering at the animal shelter. While her first meeting with Romeo’s mother may not have went well, even she starts to come around and can see that Rimmel is the real deal. Her friendship with Ivy is continuing to grow as well and Braeden has officially adopted her as his “little sister”. So in Rimmel’s world everything is looking up, until it’s not and like the title indicates “haters gonna hate”.

Everything Romeo has dreamed of, is beginning to come to fruition. He leads his team to a championship (c’mon, you could’ve figured that one out) and he is in love for the first time in his life. The only thorn is his side at the moment, goes by the name of Zach (#hater). Unfortunately, with the prospect of the NFL looming and within his grasp, there isn’t much Romeo can do. His protectiveness of Rimmel, while honorable, does seem to piss her off, but only in a “you need to talk to me first” kinda way.

Oh Lordy Lou the drama in this book is going to be in spades. Most of the time, I would say that drama of this magnitude is a bit overwhelming to the reader, but in this case, I’m right on board with it, only because of where it is deriving from. This book is going to ask a lot of questions, with not a lot of answers, yet. But the third book will bring the answers you will desire.

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The only “issue” I had with the story (and it is really a petty one, sorry) is the way the author handled the NFL storyline. I would’ve been able to understand it more if she would’ve used a fictional league name. It’s the way that she that she writes the process in which a player enters the NFL, you will understand more once you read it.

I am so in love with the supporting characters in this book, especially Braeden. They are all written so well that they should get their own books. Well, Braeden is going to, but let’s not get too ahead of ourselves, we still have book #3 to get through. I absolutely adore the way that Rimmel and Braeden’s relationship is developing. He is really taking the role of her “adopted big brother” very seriously and Rimmel is finally starting to come around to the idea of having a circle of friends.

For me, there are so many things that this author does right by this book. Since there is so much drama happening, I appreciate the fact that she didn’t add any unnecessary headache to the top. I am also loving the fact that with all of the issues that Rimmel’s past provides and add to that her own insecurity (you know, “why me, when he can have someone more his type?”) she stays strong by his side, very trusting in the love she has for him. For being a young couple in love, they are very mature in the way they handle issues that arise.

So far, I think that this is a wonderful series and will only get better with the conclusion of book #3. Take it on, you’ll be glad you did.

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Wanted (B & S Series, Book #2) by Kimberly Knight

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Wanted (B & S Series, Book #2) by Kimberly Knight

Wanted is book #2 in the B & S series and is a continuation of Brandon and Spencer’s story. In order to enjoy this book in the manner in which the author intended, please make sure that you have first read, “Where I Need to Be”.

This book will pick up right where book #1 left off and will be told through the POV of Spencer. Now, if it’s been awhile since you have enjoyed the first book, then let me refresh your memory real quick. Remember psycho Christy? I guess psycho doesn’t really describe her to her full crazy, but she did try to kill Spencer all the while claiming to be pregnant with Brandon’s baby. Come to find out (surprise!) that she was not pregnant, just kooky.

So this book keeps the story going. You’re going to have to prepare yourself, because there is sooooooo much happening that it is a bit overwhelming and not in a great way. I think it’s best if we just jump right in.

After the attempted murder of Spencer and upon returning to Brandon’s condo, they both realize that living there is really not going to work. They scrubbed and scrubbed, but had no luck in getting up the blood stain left behind, so what better time than that to ask Spencer if she wanted to move in with him? Well, not at the condo, but buying a house, together. She of course says, YES, but in the meantime, Brandon is going to move in with Spencer and put his condo up for sale.

During all of this time, Ryan is planning her wedding to Max. Since Spencer is the MOH, the wedding and planning of, have somewhat of a “front and center” part of the storyline. But before that takes place, there is still the opening of a Club 24 in Seattle and Christmas and New Years to get through.

Brandon and Spencer will spend Christmas in Texas with his parents and brother. I enjoyed the change of scenery for the book, especially being a Texan myself, but there is an incident with his brother and his brothers date that I thought was strange. It was more like a puzzle piece that didn’t fit. This part of the book was peculiar, it didn’t gel with the book the way that I hoped it would. It wasn’t necessarily poorly written, it was just odd.

New Years will be celebrated in Seattle with the grand opening of Club 24. Becca has found her place in the “girlfriend circle” with Spencer and Ryan, just as Max has found new friends in Brandon and Jason, so all is well and the group is growing. Now prior to the girls leaving to meet up in Seattle, Spencer runs into Trevor again outside of the gym. She has now figured out the this is more than just a coincidence. But really there is nothing she can do about it.
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Here is where I’m going to have to be very vague. I’m all for drama in a book/series. I think it adds to a great story and if done well, can really keep the page turning and the reader on the edge of their seat. Having said that, what happens in this book is too much. I was okay with the showdown between Christy and Spencer, I though it was a bit extreme, but considering the crazy that was Christy, I got it. What happens in this book, had me shaking my  head. I really thought that the book could’ve done without it or it could’ve been tapered down a bit. But, read it and you be the judge.

TravASS does make another appearance, this time he actually has the balls to show up at Ryan’s wedding. I’m not sure if this is the last that we will see of him, but he most certainly provided some good entertainment.

I guess it’s that time, the SEX time. I thought it was well written, unfortunately since I’m not 100% stoked about this book, it’s difficult for me to get fired up about all of the lovin’. 

Not my favorite book. I really feel that the dialogue was kind of campy and somewhat predictable. It was almost forced. It wasn’t a horrible read, I did finish it. I just had high hopes for this one. I’m hoping the finale in this series is going to bring it back to life for me.

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Reasonable Doubt (Episode 1) by Whitney G.

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Reasonable Doubt (Episode 1)

This is the first of three episodes in Whitney G.’s Reasonable Doubt Series. Don’t be frustrated, all 3 episodes are out and you will want to buy all 3, just to make it easy to go from one to another, trust me, I know this from experience.

This first two episodes are pretty short and very quick reads. Therefore, this review will not be very long, but it will be very fulfilling. This book will kick off the relationship between Thoreau (real name Andrew) and Alyssa (real name Aubrey) and will be told through both POV’s.

Andrew is a high profile attorney in North Carolina, by way of New York. In the beginning of and at times throughout the story, you know that there is something from his past, that’s not shady, but has caused him some serious grief. You will not find out what the mystery is in this book. Andrew seeks out dates on the internet under the name “Thoreau”. The only thing he is looking for: “Casual sex. Nothing more. Nothing less.” Liars are a deal breaker. The only thing that he even looks forward to lately, are the conversations with his only friend, “Alyssa”. He met Alyssa on a lawyers only website. Not really a dating site, more of a professional advice site.

Aubrey is a pre-law student at Duke University. Her real passion though, is ballet. Her parents aren’t really on bored with the ballet part of her dream and part of the agreement is, she can study dance as long as she also studies law. She happens upon her mothers invite to “” and needing academic assistance, she sets up a fake profile. This is where she stumbles upon Thoreau or Andrew. She of course leads him to believe that her name is Alyssa and she is in fact a first year lawyer.

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There’s actually not a ton of sex in this book, but the sexual tension and dirty talk in this book is so erotic and sensual, you don’t need the actual scenes.

This book is going to end on a “holy shit, did that just happen” moment. Hence, the need to buy the next 2 books ahead of time. Wonderful book, even better series. Go for it, you will not be disappointed.

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Thoughtless (Thoughtless Series, Book #1) by S.C. Stephens

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Thoughtless (Thoughtless Series, Book #1)

I have read this book several times, but with the impending release of Thoughtful, I knew I needed to give it a good re-read and then of course take the opportunity to go ahead and review it as well.

Thoughtless is book #1 in the Thoughtless series and will tell the story of Kiera Allen, Denny Harris, and Kellen Kyle. It will be told through the POV of Kiera. If you haven’t read this book before, then get ready, it will take you on a roller coaster. If you are revisiting the story, well, get ready to jump right back on that roller coaster.

It rarely takes me a significant amount of time to finish a book, in fact, I can usually knock one out between 1-3 days. This book, even re-reading it, took a little longer than a week. This book is so emotionally charged. It takes you from being elated, to shutting everything off in frustration. Even frustrated, it was a great read. However, you will need to be open minded. There are traits, mainly “Kiera traits” that are going to annoy the shit out of you (we’ll get to those), but keep pressing though, the book is really a wonderful story. Let’s begin.

Kiera is moving to Seattle from Ohio with her boyfriend Denny. Denny has a great job/intern opportunity and Kiera has also decided to relocate with Denny in a effort to start a life together. Denny spent a brief amount of time in Seattle, while in high school and that is when he met Kellen Kyle. So because of this connection, Kiera and Denny will be staying with Kellen in his home. 

Kellen is the lead singer of the D-Bags, a local band whose popularity is growing. His childhood was full of abuse and because of an intervention from Denny, he has always felt like he owes him. Oh, of course he’s hot! He fits into every cliché for any rocker you have read: hot, cocky, womanizer, sleeps around, you get the point. And it seems that most every woman he comes into contact with is somewhat moved by his charm.

Denny and Kiera have been together for 2 years and are very much in love. Kiera is somewhat innocent. She’s not a virgin, but Denny was her first. She is very uncomfortable with any talk of a sexual nature, joking or otherwise. Her innocence is charming, but definitely can be annoying and some D-Bags members capitalize on her uncomfortableness.

Denny’s job is going really well, so well in fact, that the firm he is working for, has given him an opportunity to travel to Arizona for a couple of months. This news hits Kiera hard and when he leaves, she is devastated. This is when her relationship, really picks up with Kellen. At first, it’s just friendly, but as time goes on you can sense their relationship heading into inappropriate waters. The straw that breaks the “committed relationships” back is when Denny is offered a long term position in Arizona. That is the night that Kiera and Kellen cross the line.

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I loved Kellen. There is a reason why he topped a lot of “book boyfriend” lists. He has everything that you want in a brooding rock star. But the one thing that really drove me to love him was his torture. I don’t mean that in a sadist kind of way, but to experience the emotions that he felt for Kiera was heart wrenching. There are some scenes in this book that will leave you speechless. He was written very beautifully and while you want to be upset with him because Denny is a good friend and some of Kellen’s actions are deliberate, you can’t. 

Kiera was a bit of a frustrating character for me. I do feel that the author was very sympathetic to her character, because I did feel sorry for her and the predicament that she put herself in, but she could’ve stopped it at anytime. Especially when she agreed and really believed that her and Kellen could continue their flirting as long as it stayed innocent. C’mon, anyone in a relationship would see that as a betrayal and she saw it as friendly. It also really upset me with the way she strung Denny and Kellen along. Now, I know it’s hypocritical for me to say that it would’ve been easier for me with Kiera’s deception if Denny was an asshole, but he was nothing but a wonderful boyfriend. Her other character flaw for me was her naiveté. I can appreciate that personality trait to a degree. But she took it too far for me. For someone who has a hard time listening to story about a blow job, but then turns around and continues to cheat on her long term boyfriend, the act needed to be up. I think that she rode that naiveté trait a little too far. 

While, the main characters in this book are fantastic, the supporting ones really make up the meat of this wonderful story. The members of D-Bags offer such comedy and character, that you find yourself excited when they enter a page. A part of you wants to really dislike Anna, Kiera’s sister, but she is just too charming and by the end of the book, she will earn your love. The other characters really round out this book and give it such life, that you know this book wouldn’t be the same book without them.

Like I said, usually I can fly through a book in no time. But this one gets me every time. It goes from one emotional extreme to the other so much that I have to put it down and give myself a break.  It is well worth it however, and having already read the other two books in this series, I can vouch that the series will get better and the next two books are no where near as emotionally draining as this one. The last part of this book was really a gut clencher, so be ready. Again, it was fabulously written and I have a suspicion that I’m going to enjoy Kellen’s POV much more. 

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Stardust (Peaches Monroe Series, Book #1) by Mimi Strong

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Stardust (Peaches Monroe Series, Book #1)

I really hesitated in starting this series. I did read a sample a long while ago and for whatever reason, I didn’t make the purchase. Of course, it continued to pop up on my different feeds, so I then figured, “why the hell not, I’ll go ahead and give it a whirl”. The jury is still out on how I’ll feel about the whole series, but I have finished book #1, so let’s just start there. This book is told through the POV of Peaches.

This book will introduce you to Petra (Peaches) Monroe. She is the manager of Peachtree Books and happens to literally fall into the arms of one very sexy Dalton Deangelo. Dalton is an actor who happens to play a hottie vampire on a very popular T.V. show. Dalton runs into the bookstore in an attempt to escape some reporter and knocks Peaches right into his arms. She is about to leave to do her bridesmaid duties at her cousins wedding and Dalton convinces her to allow him to be her date.  

Peaches is more on the voluptuous side and while she is most certainly excited to be on the arm of Dalton, she is under no false pretenses that he is at all attracted to her, despite the sweet nothings he keeps whispering in her ear. However, she is willing to live a once in a lifetime opportunity, if it happens to arise and boy does it ever.

Peaches has never really “dared to live”, she is super funny and has a wonderful family and fantastic friends, but has lived a life of precaution, never daring to be fun. Dalton is doing a wonderful job in the pursuing of Peaches and she is beginning to convince herself that maybe, just maybe, a little fun can be had.

While she is all for fun, she is constantly running when her thoughts keep getting in her way. She does finally come around and accepts that maybe she is more than just “fun” to Dalton.

This book is surrounded by a wonderful cast. Peaches has a fantastically funny mom and dad. She also has a very young brother, Kyle. There’s her roommate, Shayla, who I am still a little leery of, her high school crush, Adrian, Dalton’s butler, Vern and really just a lot of characters who really bring this book together.
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This book is a part of a series and will end on a cliffhanger. I thought I had the mystery of this book solved. I didn’t. I was on the right track, but I do think that you will be somewhat surprised as well as pretty pissed at Dalton.

Time for complete honesty. The one thing that bugged me about this book, is the one thing that is this book. The comedy. What I mean is, I love a funny book and this one meets that requirement. My problem is it was only funny. Even during the sexual moments. There is a particular scene that she is “cowboying up” and calls Dalton “Lionheart”, which was a pony from her childhood. I’m even ok with some sex scenes being sprinkled with a little bit of funny, what I’m not ok with is all of them being made into a joke and that is what happens in this book. And it’s not only the sex, but there is not really a bit of serious in this book, not until the very end. Again, I’m all for a funny book, I just think that the author overdid it here. 

All in all, I enjoyed this book. I wish I can lay a little more accolades on it and maybe by the time I finish the series I will be able to do that, but as of right now, I’m not blown away. Stay tuned, I may shock myself.

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Mid-Life Love: At Last by Whitney Gracia Williams

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Mid-Life Love: At Last by Whitney Gracia Williams

This is the follow-up to Mid-Life Love, which means that you MUST read that book prior to this one or you will not enjoy this book as much as it was intended. So, please do yourself a favor and read the first book, then come back and enjoy this one.

This book will actually begin with the epilogue of Mid-Life Love. The epilogue may be included in any new edition of the first book, but I purchased mine back in 2013 and it wasn’t in that edition. The epilogue takes place 8 months after the ending of Mid-Life Love.

This book will still be told through both, Jonathan and Claire’s POV. This book will focus more on the relationship between Jonathan and Claire, but the main focus is the planning of their wedding. No worries, I’m not spoiling anything, it’s written in the synopsis.

Claire is finally making her interior design dream come true and with the twins away at college, life is going really well for her and Jonathan. Jonathan is still working through the issues he has with his mother and all of the problems that she caused and because of these problems, she has worked herself out of an invite to the wedding.

Because Claire’s first wedding was really just a formality, there wasn’t any lavish plans, her nuptials to Jonathan will be nothing less than spectacular. In fact, a good part of the story line is the actual stress over planning this wedding. Jonathan, of course just wants to be married, but he also wants Claire to get the wedding of her dreams. And nothing will hold Claire back from achieving this. The one thorn in her side is no other than her ex husband, Ryan.

His sudden presence in San Fransisco has Claire bewildered and Jonathan with a sudden urge to make very clear that Claire no longer belongs to Ryan, but in fact is Jonathan’s in every way. There is a reason for Ryan’s sudden materialization in the Bay Area, but it is a doozy and I refuse to give it away. Know this though, he will cause some serious drama and the bitch in you, you know, the one you hold way down deep, is going to be saying “Karma’s is truly a bitch” after everything is revealed.

The twins make a return, not often, but when they do rear their heads, they are spot on hilarious. Jonathan’s sister now works for him and is starting up a little something with the best friend Casey, much to Jonathan’s dismay. I already mentioned the mother, and as much as you probably hated her in the first book, she is trying to redeem herself.
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There weren’t too many things that I can say I disliked about this book, but there were a few. First, I thought that Claire was going a bit overboard on the wedding planning. I only say this because in the first book, she was adamant about people not thinking that she was after Jonathan’s money. Well, the wedding she is planning could rival that of the Royal family. Jonathan was also a little frustrating at times in this book. Not really anymore than the first book, it’s just a scene goes down with Claire and her ex-husband outside of a Starbucks, and I think that Jonathan overreacted and that overreaction causes some things to happen. I know, I being very vague, but you will know what I’m talking about when you get there. Even though I was frustrated with him, he is still the very sweet, protective, very loving man you fell for from the first book.

This book flowed very well. Again, I love the chemistry between these two characters. And really, you want just happiness for Claire after everything that she has been through. Regardless of who you are, you have to appreciate the May-December romance between Claire and Jonathan. And yes, I will be a hypocrite, because I don’t know if I would appreciate it as much if the roles were reversed.

I think that this series was very well written. It reads very easy and the author has created characters that you become very invested in. You love the ones you are supposed to love, you loathe the ones you are supposed to loathe, and while you know that these two are going to reach their happy ever after, it is written in such a way that has you on edge and wondering “what if”. So, I say, take the plunge and fall in love with Claire and Jonathan. You will not be disappointed.

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