Locke (Corps Security Series Book #5) by Harper Sloan

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Locke (Corps Security Series, Book #5)

BXTCHES Gotta Warn: I want to assume that if you have made it to this book, then you have read the previous ones in this series. But, on the off chance that you haven’t, YOU NEED TO. These characters are very intertwined in every book, so to truly fall in love with them, you’re gonna have to just trust and go in order.

This book will tell the story of Maddox and Emmy, finally, right? It seems as if we’ve gotten teased with them from the very beginning. Well, their story is finally here and I must say, it did not go at all like I anticipated. I may have to actually have spoilers in this review, which I hate to do, but I feel is going to be necessary.

As with all of the other books in this series, this story is told through the POV of Emmy and Maddox. I’m just going to dive right in with this story because honestly, I don’t know any better way to get the job done. This was like reading two different books at the same time. The first of which was just weird, I will get to that in a sec. The second was what I wanted with Maddox and Emmy. Let’s just get the weird stuff over with.

SPOILER ALERT AHEAD. . . Now, in the duration of me reading and enjoying this series and even with the small glimpses into Emmy, I would have NEVER expected the past that came with her. Get ready, you may be shocked. Apparently, Emmy was destined to be the Princess of Syn. What is that you ask? Well, it is the strip club owned by her parents. And, it is also the strip club that she was groomed as a child to work at when she became of age, that’s not weird, that’s just plain ole’ creepy. Oh, it gets better. She was also “promised” to Shawn, the next in line to take over the strip club. So, when Emmy turned 21, she fulfilled her responsibility to her parents and started her “legacy” at Syn. She wasn’t too big on the idea of a future with Shawn, but that didn’t deter Shawn at all. He decided to take what he wanted and poor Emmy lost her virginity while being raped by Shawn. This is something that continued until Emmy was rescued by Coop and began her involvement with Corps Security. So, when Emmy takes off after Coop’s murder, where does she go? Well, back to Syn of course, to continue her future as a stripper. She also gets raped again by Shawn. This is where Maddox finds her. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, her parents have NO issues with the fact that there daughter is continuously being raped.

Do you see where my problem is? This is a shit ton of baggage and there was not one bit of foreshadowing in the previous books that would have EVER, let me repeat EVER led me to think that this was the past that Emmy came from. Emmy never appeared to be someone that had this much following her around. Now, I really wouldn’t have had a huge issue with this if it wasn’t for the past of Maddox (I will get to that in a minute). But, when you add the two pasts together, it’s just too much for one book. I could have handled her being a stripper, I even could have handled her being a stripper at her parents strip club, but take that, along with the fact that her parents are ok with her being raped, well that is just too much. You ready for Maddox’s messed up past? Brace yourself.

This book will flashback to Maddox’s past before he became what he believes is damaged and also dig into his relationship with his mom and younger brother. Maddox comes from money, but his delivery into this world came to be because his mother had an affair with a member of her staff. Her husband left her and she of course blames Maddox for this. So, suffice it to say, she loathes Maddox, but adores her other son, Mason. Maddox doesn’t care for his mother or brother and before Maddox became the brooding soul he is, he was actually engaged to Mercedes, who he was in love with and wanted to share his entire life with. But true to form, like all the women who the Corps Security men have a past with, Mercedes is not who Maddox thinks she is. She’s not really crazy, but she is bitch who does a horrible number on Maddox’s heart. So, you read all of this and it’s a lot to take in, but it’s ok because it gives you some sort of understanding into who Maddox is. But then, Maddox has a accident while serving his country and I’ll be damned if his mother doesn’t show up at the hospital, in Germany, in front of the men from Corps Security just to tell him how worthless he is. Ok, so I can take the relationship he had with his mom and brother, and even what his fiance did to him. I think that his military accident is important to the story, so I’m good with that. However, I am not good with his mom showing up to the hospital or the fact that he lost 2 men in the accident and one of the wives of the men, wrote him a letter telling him it was his fault her husband died.

I feel that you can’t put all of these issues on the shoulder of one man, it was too much. I enjoy the fact that in every book there are issues each character deals with. But almost always, it’s balanced out. The issues that Greg and Melissa had, coincided, Dee had some serious baggage, but Beck didn’t, Asher was dealing with so much but Chelcie came from good and was able to transfer that to him. We get to Maddox and Emmy and I was literally like, “what the fuck am I reading?” I guess my biggest issue was the believability of Emmy’s story. If Emmy’s past was good, I would’ve been able to handle everything that came with Maddox, because in EVERY book leading up to this one, we knew something happened to Maddox, just not what, but jeez, give a girl a break. I thought my brain was going to explode.

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Obviously they get their HEA and for them two, it is definitely deserving. Emmy is going to help Maddox face his past, so that they can have the future they deserve. He does get his closure in dealing with his past and that was satisfying to read.

For goodness sakes, let’s talk about the sex. I think we all kind of assumed that sex between these two was going to be explosive. Their tension has been building forever, so one could only hope that when they came together (no pun intended), fireworks were going to be set off. Well, Harper Sloan did not disappoint on the sexual front. They first decide to relieve their tension shortly after Maddox rescues her from Syn. There is no shortage of flames during the sex between these two. I’ll just say, she likes to push his buttons and he like to be bossy, it works out for all in the end. I know I’ve said it before, but holy crap, Harper Sloan must have a sex life that is off the charts or an imagination that puts porn to shame, because she knows how to keep your eyes glued to the page and your mind curious with “I wonder if I can pull that off without pulling a muscle?”

All in all, I did enjoy this book, I was just overwhelmed with the amount of “past baggage” that these two carried with them. In the end, to see Maddox and Emmy get what they both deserved was worth reading through all of that crazy. And the good news? The kiddos from this series will be getting their own books and Cohen is up first. So, I cannot wait for that to come out. This is really a great series and one worthy of your time. Enjoy.

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Cooper (Corps Security Series Book #4) by Harper Sloan

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Cooper (Corps Security, Book #4)

BXTCHES Gotta Warn: This is book 5 of 6 in the Corps Security Series and not to sound like a broken record, but if you haven’t read the previous books in this series, you may be slightly confused and very disappointed, especially because this book comes on the heel of the murder of Coop, oops, I gave it away. See that’s what you get for not reading these books in order. Now, let’s go.

This book features Asher Cooper and Chelcie Avery and is told through both POV’s. I don’t really want to bring up the past, but after reading Beck, you should know that Asher is the older brother of Coop (wipe the tear) and during Dee’s attack, Coop and Chelcie relieved their stress with one another that resulted in a pregnancy. As expected, Chelcie is pretty torn up with the death of Coop, not because she was harboring some misplaced love for him, she took the one night stand for what is was: one night. She’s upset because, she never had the chance to tell him about the baby. So, enter Asher, who upon first glance, is attracted to Chelcie. Unfortunately, he is so consumed with grief from the murder of his brother that he can’t come up from the bottle that is drowning his sorrows. Chelcie is equally attracted to Asher, but is conflicted in telling him about the baby. She realizes that the knowledge that she is carrying his brother’s child, may be the catalyst that pulls him from his darkness, but since she is attracted to him, she doesn’t want him to view her in a negative manner.

This book will feature some flashbacks during Asher’s POV. The most important ones, in my opinion, are the ones that flashback to the childhood of Asher and Coop. If you remember, Coop was the one who didn’t believe in relationships and was just content having a revolving door of women. The flashbacks will explain why. They focus on their childhood and their drug addicted, bitch mother. Because of the flashbacks, you will understand why Asher blames himself for Coop’s murder and why his need for revenge is so intense.

Asher and Chelcie finally get it together and actually-get together. She obviously tells him about the baby and they will get their HEA, so he is very excited about the birth of Coop’s baby. This is after Dee and Sway “set” Chelcie up on some very ridiculous blind dates, one of which she is rescued from by Asher. Everything is going very smoothly in their relationship except for Asher’s need for revenge. This is a topic that they do not agree upon at all, but they will work it out in the end.

Asher does have a psychotic CRAZY ex, actually, psychotic is being nice. For as smart and in tune to one’s character as these men are, they sure know how to pick the ex. It’s interesting that they can look at “their woman” and can tell whether or not she is lying or hiding something, but can’t see crazy when it’s sleeping next to them in bed. This particular ex does cause some havoc, but thankfully none too damaging. However, it does bring Emmy back.

There are some pretty emotional, heavy moments in this book. For me, the most poignant was when Chelcie delivered the baby. I won’t spoil, but it was very moving. It was also good to see Asher being brought out of his very dark place, one thing I would’ve appreciated though, was some sort of confrontation with his mother. The flashbacks were enough to establish her as a character and I felt that Asher would’ve gotten true closure being able to confront the one person who planted his roots.

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Sex, sex, and sex. Well, this is an important part of these books and the sex here is good, not the best that we’ve seen in this series. I will give Harper Sloan credit though, she did a good job writing very passionate sex scenes where the woman is pregnant without it being awkward. It didn’t deter her from still being very vivid in her descriptions, which is always appreciated.

All in all, good book. I’m still reeling from the death of Coop, so this one was a little emotional for me. The series is almost coming to an end, Maddox Locke is next and from what I can tell the last one to get his story told. Stay tuned.

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Uncaged (Corps Security Series Book #3.5) by Harper Sloan

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Uncaged (Corps Security, Book #3.5)

BXTCHES Gotta Warn: Look, you know what I’m gonna say here. Even if you are a rebel (which I appreciate), DO NOT read this book without first reading Cage (book #2). Even if you don’t read any of the other books (why you would do that, I have no idea) you have to read Cage first or you just wasted your money on this book, because Uncaged is really a continuation of Cage. Okay, BXTCHES, you have been warned.

I know you are already head over heels for Greg Cage, right? Well, Holy hotness, the “Greg Love” is about to explode. I don’t know about you, but when I can witness any man fall even more in love because his wife/woman/girl is pregnant, it brings a smile so big to my face that my eyes will crinkle. So, you can add Mr. Cage to the book boyfriend list, because he is about make you melt.

This story is told through both Melissa and Greg’s POV. This book picks up around the end of Beck, with a couple of flashbacks thrown in. This is more of a novella, so it is a quick and very easy read. It focuses on the journey of the Cage family and their road to giving birth to twin girls.

With everything that has happened to the Corps Security family recently, they are definitely not taking tomorrow for granted anymore. They have decided to have a family dinner once a week and even include Sway, who has not only become part of the family, but has also got a new love in the form of David, who has taken Emmy’s place at Corps Security.  So, all in all, things are looking good for everyone and with twin girls on the way, things couldn’t be better in the Cage household.

Erectile dysfunction is considered as a repetitive inability of a man s life as he has to live with it for his whole life. levitra cost low The generic medicine works in the same buy levitra without rx process occurs in arteries of penis. Many people who took more than the advised amount of continue reading description now levitra 60 mg this chemical reported side-effects. Acai is currently regarded as superfood number one due to its many healthful substances, the extreme antioxidant capacity and the Nutritional Content of cheap levitra prescription http://djpaulkom.tv/category/crakd/ Acai. Cohen is cuter than ever, in fact the things that come out of his mouth, will make him one of your favorites in this book. Example: “HA! Daddy has his wiener rings in! Daddy, your wiener is funny looking with Mommy’s earrings in there!”. His transition from his kidnapping and his Nana’s death, was very well written. In fact, I think that making sure that he always has his “angels” was very moving. His relationship with one very brooding Maddox Locke (he calls him by first and last name) will allow you to see a side to Maddox that is lacking in the other books. And when you read why Cohen has decided this, you will start to fall a little bit in love with Maddox Locke. We also see the relationship deepen between Greg and Cohen. They have really become a father/son duo without any setbacks and the love that Greg has for Cohen is inspiring, though, I’m sure you felt it in Cage.

Ok, so this wouldn’t be a true to form Corps Security book without any drama. Get your emotions ready and have your tissues handy, because when you get to about 45% in this book, you’re going to be right there with that whole family, holding your breath. I can’t give it away, you need to read what happens. I can tell you however, that to watch Greg go through what he is going to go through will definitely shoot him to the top of your list, if he wasn’t already there. You will see a new side to Maddox, which I think is setting us up for his book, which I think is going to be intense. The way that Cohen responds to the tragedy before him will penetrate to your heart. Harper Sloan did such a great job writing him, giving him such personality and character at such a young age. You will appreciate it.

Don’t want to leave out the goodies. There is sex in this book, this is the Corps Security, for crying out loud. As any pregnant woman has witnessed, pregnancy brings certain needs and with Melissa and Greg, I think those needs are on steroids. While the sex isn’t rampant, it’s there and it’s enjoyable.

The story will end well, don’t worry. It did include an epilogue from Cohen’s POV, 15 years later. Which is nice, because Harper Sloan is setting fans of this series up for the next generation of Corps Security.

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Beck (Corps Security Series Book #3) by Harper Sloan

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Beck (Corps Security, Book #3)

BXTCHES Gotta WarnYou probably have already figured out that each of these stories will get their HEA and there is really no cliffhanger, blah, blah, blah. But once again, I highly recommend that you read the books in their respective orders. If you chose to go out of order then be warned that things could get confusing because previous events are referenced in each book.

If you thought the books before were serious and emotionally draining, then prepare yourself to maybe need therapy and a really good drink after this one. Let’s jump on in.

This book follows Dee and Beck. Like the previous books in this series it is told through both of their POV’s. Obviously you know the nature of Dee and Beck’s relationship and like me, you probably thought that they were playing this back and forth game and it was really just a relationship to scratch an itch. And, Dee probably irritated you a little because all arrows pointed to her not wanting the relationship with Beck. If you were one of many that got irritated with Dee, then EVERYTHING is about to be explained and your theory is going to be turned upside down.

This review is going to be difficult to write because there is so much that I can’t say if fear of giving away the book, some stuff I can mention, because it was touched in the other books. So, I will reveal what I can, without ruining anything.

The book starts with a glimpse of Dee’s childhood, which to say was abusive would be an understatement. So, the beginning of her life left a footprint that looks as if it will be embedded for life. Let’s add in the fact that she was somewhat of a witness to Izzy’s marriage with Brandon while harboring the guilt because she set them up, footprint is digging in deeper. Now, don’t forget that Brandon attacked her in her home, well, it’s gonna take an act of God to remove the idea of all that a man is or will become. I would say an act of God, but really just an act of Beck.

The beginning of the book will focus on Dee and Beck first getting together, so the timeline is taking place during Izzy and Axel’s story as well as Greg and Melissa’s. So when we get into the meat of the story, it’s about two years after the end of Axel and right around the end of Greg, give or take some months. I can go ahead and tell you that while everyone knows Dee as the life of the party, she has been faking that personality, in part so she doesn’t have to face all that is destroying her, but also because she doesn’t want to burden anyone. Beck sees right through it and is determined to break through. It’s hard for him, because he continues to get shit from his boys, who keep telling him to leave her alone, why want something that doesn’t want back, etc. Well, they just don’t know.

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Let’s talk about some good stuff: SEX. There’s a reason Beck calls Dee “wildcat”. Sex between Dee and Beck caused LOTS of destruction, literally. I’m surprised that he didn’t need to replace the entire inside of his home, it was like they were having an out of body experience. But, just like the others, the sex is on fire and this book needs those scorching moments to lighten up all of the heavy stuff.

Beck is close to being one of my favorites, in fact, I will say that he was giving Greg a run for his money, but then I went and read Uncaged (book #4) and my heart grew even bigger for Greg. No worries, Beck is still close behind.

I know that the reviews I have read for this book, some readers are irritated with Dee. I get being irritated prior to reading this book, I just don’t know how you can be after you’re able to understand everything that she has gone through. If anything I was more frustrated with Greg and Izzy for not noticing a friend in need, especially given everything they have been through.

This book was very unexpected. I have definitely loved the series up to this book, I was just not expecting everything this book gave, in fact, I can’t really say that I was willing to take it. There are moments that are going to gut you (have tissue ready), moments that will make you proud of Dee, moments that will make you want to pull you hair out and chunk your e-reader across the room, moments that may make you need a cold shower and a stiff drink, but in the end it will be a moment of love and triumph. I’m not sure why Harper Sloan saved all of this for one book, but good move by her, because if you’re not singing her praises after you read this, you may want to make sure you got the right book. This may very well be a series that gets mourned for when it ends.

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Cage (Corps Security Series Book #2) by Harper Sloan

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Cage (Corps Security, Book #2)

BXTCHES Gotta Warn: The author does tell you that “Cage is a complete story with a HEA”. This is true, but, this is a series that NEEDS TO BE READ IN ORDER. If you read this series out of order, it very well may ruin the other books for you. Fair enough? Now, lets get to it.

I will start by saying, that if you loved Greg Cage in Axel, then you are going to fall even more in love with him here. This book tells the story of Greg “Cage” and Melissa Larson. The book is told through both POV’s, so you will be able to get into the head of both, which is certainly necessary. (Prologue) This book is going to pick up with Axel and Izzy’s ultrasound appointment. If you remember, Greg was on the phone while waiting for Axel and Izzy, and whatever expression he was wearing on his face, gave Izzy cause for concern. Well, we find out here that he is speaking to an individual that he pays to keep tabs on and give him any news regarding the husband of his sister, the one who murdered her. What he finds out, has him seeing red and will forever alter the course of his life.

Fast forward two years, Axel and Izzy have their baby boy, Nate. While trying to get last minute things together for her upcoming nuptials, Nate gets sick and Izzy is in desperate need for someone to take him to the doctor. Uncle Greg to the rescue. While at the doctor, he lays his eyes on the nurse, Melissa, and knows he wants more. Now, I should tell you that Greg is kinda the equivalent to a man whore. He’s just not interested in the long term, settling down type of relationship, well, so he thinks. And to keep his bed and other parts of his body warm, he is involved with a whole bunch of crazy that goes by the name, Mandy. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know just how deep her crazy runs.

Obviously, Greg gets Melissa. This only happens after a couple of interruptions from Crazy herself. Melissa’s past is just as life altering as Greg’s. I promise, I’m not spoiling anything, but I will let you put the pieces of this puzzle together. Melissa is working hard and living just with the bare necessities, so she can help care for her nephew, Cohen. Cohen was left behind when Melissa’s sister, Fia, was murdered by her husband. Fitting the pieces together yet? Well, Greg figures it out very quickly, and decides not to share the news with Melissa, because he doesn’t know yet where their relationship is headed. And, he also harbors so much guilt, that he blames himself for the murder of Melissa’s sister. It also turns out, that Simon (the abusive, murdering asshole) has a just as crazy mom, who wants nothing more than to get Cohen away from Melissa’s mother. So, it should be quite obvious that this is where the drama and pain will circle around in this book. So, I’m giving nothing more away.

Melissa is fantastic. She holds her own with Greg, which is not easy to do when an “alpha male” is involved. She also does not take any crap from Ms. Fatal Attraction, Mandy. In fact, she actually takes her down in true bad ass style at the bachelorette party. She doesn’t use Mandy against Greg, when she has plenty of reason to. She takes it for what it is, his past. True to any “alpha male” storyline/formula, Greg and Melissa fall in love quickly, which is good, because the pain that they will face in this book will require a lot of support from the other.

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The sheets they are a burnin’. I’m not even sure the best way to describe the sex in this book. Forget the “26.2” sticker you see on cars. There needs to be some sort of an “all night long” sticker used to identify marathon sex. These two could consume a shit ton of calories daily and it wouldn’t matter, because it would all be burned away between the sheets. The sex in this book is that hot. But, I gotta know. Am I the only one while reading sex scenes, is trying to picture the functionality of the scene. It’s almost like Twister, boy, I need to get back on yoga. I cannot believe I almost forgot to mention that Cage is pierced, yes there. Not only pierced, but what I guess is referred to as the trifecta. So try and hold on to those vagina’s ladies because it is bound to be a glorious ride. 

Lots of things to love about this book. Greg’s love for Melissa and vice versa is one. The way Greg took to Cohen, unbelievable and kinda orgasmic. The bond that you continue to see grow with this Corps Security family. And Sway, what’s not to love. Here is the ONLY problem I had with this book. When Greg was at a low point, he sees a book that Melissa is currently reading. The book: Withstanding Me by Crystal Spears. If you haven’t read it yet, it features the Breakneck MC, which is run by the President, Braxxon Breaker. That is the fiction book on the table, which I thought was great, until Greg actually seeks out the help of his old friend, Braxxon Breaker. Now, I know that the book I am reading is fiction, but isn’t it weird that Braxxon Breaker is in the book that is sitting on his table and he is going to see him. Shouldn’t I assume that for Braxxon’s line of work, it is very bad for business to have it printed for all to see. Oh well, just a little hang up, not enough to not love this book!

I hope you are enjoying this series. From here, there are at least 4 books remaining (with hopefully more to come) and currently I am on number five. So trust me when I say that the further into the series we go, the more emotionally draining that they are.

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Axel (Corps Security Series Book #1) by Harper Sloan

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Axel (Corps Security, Book #1)

WARNING: There is domestic violence in this book. The author does not sugarcoat the scenes, they are a bit rough. If this is a sensitive subject for you, please take it into consideration.

This is book one in the Corps Security Series and it is a fantastic start to a fabulous series. This book will focus on the relationship between Isabelle (Izzy) West and Holt (Axel) Reid. There is a lot of “book” packed into the 260 pages, so get ready and hang on to your emotions and your panties, because they will both be hanging on by a thin thread by the end of this rollercoaster.

This book is told through the POV of Izzy and Axel. I love it when an author uses both the H and h to tell the story. Most of the time I feel that it’s a perk. Maybe not completely necessary, but more of a bonus. In this story, it is totally necessary. These two characters are on opposite sides of the globe when it comes to the re-telling of “their” story.

Izzy and Axel met when they were in high school and fell madly in love. So much so that they planned out their future and new they were going to get a “happy ever after”. Axel is a foster kid, not from a very good foster home and as soon as the opportunity presents itself, he enlists in the Marines. Izzy is a year behind him, but they make plans to reunite as soon as his basic training is over. Tragic events occur to Izzy that will forever change the destination of her future plans.

I’m not spoiling anything when I tell you that because of one of the tragedies that struck Izzy, she is forced to move from Georgia to North Carolina and live with her grandparents. Afraid of losing contact with Axel, she does the only thing she can think of, and leaves her new address with Axel’s foster mom. Needless to say, but the address was never forwarded and Axel believes that Izzy left him and Izzy believes that Axel has been killed (that’s because the foster mom told her that).

Izzy goes to college, meets Brandon, marries Brandon, then gets beaten continuously by Brandon. She finally gains the strength to leave Brandon and begins her new life in Georgia with her BFF’s, Dee and Greg. This is in essence where the story actually begins.

Dee and Izzy met in college and became friends fast. When Izzy finds the strength to leave her husband, it’s Greg who helps Dee with Izzy’s situation. So, the three of them are thick as thieves and I love the way Ms. Sloan wrote their relationship. It was written in a very familial way, not a sexual one. You can feel the love that these three have for one another. Izzy and Greg share an unfortunate connection. Greg’s sister, Grace, was too in an abusive relationship. Sadly, she didn’t make it out alive, so the bond between them two is pretty unbreakable.

Greg owns a security business and it is growing so much, that he enlists the help of his military buddies to go into business with him. Surely now you can see where this is going. Axel happens to be one of the buddies. Greg knows Izzy’s past, but doesn’t know Axel as Axel, so he has never put two and two together. When circumstances force them to meet, shock is an understatement. For crying out loud, Izzy thought he was actually dead, so imagine seeing that ghost. Axel is of course pissed, because he did eventually find out that Izzy was married, so in true “Alpha Male” style, he becomes somewhat of a ass when they meet for the first time in twelve years.

I’m not going to give all the “fun” away, but this story doesn’t stop from the first page to the last. Izzy refuses to speak to Axel, which as the reader is a bit frustrating, because she is harboring a life altering secret that he deserves to know. I understand why the author kept the lack of communication the way she did, it’s just irritating when neither one of them would confront what happened. Now, obviously this is a love story and with that the H/h need to get their happy ending. Izzy and Axel finally do see the error of their ways, it just takes one ex-husband who doesn’t want to let go in order for that to happen.
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Lots and lots of heartache through violence in this one, but in the end, it is a journey worth taking. The author does a great job in this book introducing you to the supporting characters. They will all get their book, but as the reader, it’s nice to have an established relationship when starting the remaining books.  All of the characters have terrific back and forth banter. The closeness of their group, is almost enviable. I love that Harper Sloan did not need to have any past females of Axel’s pop up. I appreciate that she had enough baggage for Izzy, that she didn’t need any additional baggage to add to the drama of their relationship.

To see the love that Axel and Izzy have for one another actually bring them their deserved fairytale is a very powerful thing. I enjoy reading a powerful alpha male, I mean don’t we all? What I think really brings out “alpha hotness” is when he is not afraid to put his vulnerability on display. My heart broke for everything that Izzy and Axel had to go through, but it was smiling by the time to last page was turned.

The sex scenes rock. As the reader, you know that Izzy is going to have some sort of an adjustment period, but boy, they did not disappoint in the steaminess of their needs. It was A LOT of pent up frustration and heartache and really twelve years of missing your other half, all thrown in to some serious bedroom games. I told you, panties-thin thread, hang on to em’. 

All in all, this is a great start to a great series. Next up is Greg Cage’s story. I think that while these books are emotional to read, they are quick and very difficult to put down. I hope you enjoy them. I mean look at the cover, if you can’t get some sort of “gasm” just by looking at that, you are probably reading the wrong genre.

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