The Bachelor 2018 | Episode Seven Re-Cap | Episode Eight Re-Cap

The Bachelor Re-Cap |

The Bachelor Re-Cap |

BTCHES Gotta Warn: ABC really didn’t plan out this season of The Bachelor very well. First, they chose Arie. . .enough said. Second, instead of just airing The Bachelor Winter Games during the Olympics, they decided to continue with The Bachelor and air there own Olympic version. So, I’ve spent my last two weeks (read: two episodes of The Bachelor) watching our country’s best ski downhill, fly through the air, spin on skates, suck the air out of the entire country of Canada in the hockey rink. . .I even watched Curling. My point, Arie and the ladies took a backseat. Since I don’t have hours upon hours to sit through and re-cap, I’m gonna give you the Cliffs Notes version, hopefully just in time for the Fantasy Suites. 

EPISODE SEVEN RE-CAP | 01.12: Seven women remain and this episode finds the women in Italy, because if you haven’t yet fallen in love with the Kissing Bandit (and yes, I threw up a bit in my mouth while typing that), then what better place than the home country of pizza. No rose ceremony takes place, instead he will gift three women one-on-one dates and four will be stuck together on a group date.

Becca is up first and the date goes really well. My only hiccup was him saying that he has felt the passion fizzle between the two of them since their last one-on-one. Well someone should’ve probably reminded him that the last one-on-one he had with Becca was the first one of the season, so if he forgets to add wood to an already nice burning fire, it will eventually die out. No worries, this date brought it all back and it’s now all good. One thing worthy enough to note (for me anyway), she tells Arie that her ex only met her family in passing, she never brought him home. Hmmm. . .she’s 27, Arie is 36. . .she has never introduced a boyfriend to her family before? A family that she speaks very highly of. Becca is my final pick for him and I still think she will be picked in the end, but this nugget of information is strange to me. 

Jacqueline on the other hand is having a very difficult time. She just can’t picture herself bringing Arie home to meet her parents and eventually she’s telling Arie he just isn’t good enough for her and her giant brain. Just joking, it did lead to her + Arie + his hotel room + copious amounts of wine + lots of kissing + her heading back to the states. He seemed pretty hurt over her decision, but if you ask me (which no one ever does) I think the hurt was more due to the fact that she was the one to say goodbye, not him. He hugs it out telling her “If you have any regret, you come back to me.” Which considering that he still has six women to choose from and chances are if she did see any sort of error in her decision, he would’ve already gotten down on one knee for someone else. Can we say. . .sidepiece? Because the interesting thing about the “break-up”, this all goes down the same night of his one-on-one with Becca, in fact, him and Becca are in the same clothes that they wore on their date, so shortly after going on a date where kisses were snuck in throughout and talk about meeting her family was had, followed by some more serious making out, he’s alone in a hotel room with another girl, not wanting her to leave and asking her to come back to him if she changes her mind. Boy, Becca’s family is probably already planning the nuptials. 

Arie must be smitten as a kitten or crazy as Krystal, because he has chosen Lauren for his second one-on-one. Now, he just had a one-on-one with her during the last episode and I think as a collective fan base, we can all agree that Lauren may be nice to look at, but she’s about fun as a pap smear. . .with a rectal exam. But, I do think that his interest is piqued only because of her looks and he is in Italy, why not walk around with some arm candy. He really gives her lady boner a work out when he takes a page from 1987 and does some gnarly tricks on the bike (cycle, that is) and by gnarly, I mean lame and by tricks, I mean he stands on the seat while still holding onto the handlebars. Way to be adventurous there tiger. 

During lunch, where Lauren nibbled on pizza like she was a delicate bird. . .c’mon, you’re in Italy for fucks sake, inhale that shit like the good American you’re supposed to be. Anyhow, she talks about walls needing to fall down and how vulnerable she is. . .blah, blah, blah. Where I think attention needs to be paid, is when she says that it’s just been a year since she was with her ex. . .her ex-fiance that is. . .and let’s us not forget that he is partly to blame for her “trust” issues. So, I wanna make sure I understand. Trust issues are somewhat ingrained into her psyche because of her parents, but add that to a failed engagement, where it was all hearts and flowers up until he dropped to his knee and then he became an asshole, which is why he’s no longer in the picture. And not one person in her life cared enough about her to tell her that going from one fucked engagement to a trying to land another, was a bad idea? Not one person? Surely, the 36 year old adult in the room can put his dick to the side for just a moment and if he really cared about her, could tell her that maybe, just maybe she needs to do a bit of soul searching of her own before she can embed herself into someone else’s. But instead, kids are playing soccer, so why not?

Can somebody, anybody, please explain to me how someone with Trump size walls built around her and an inability to trust wholehearted can already be falling in love? This is why this show pisses people off because it seems like these women (and men) feel obligated to say those three fucking words, in order to move further in this process. There is a difference with the idea of falling in love and falling in love. And you wanna know how well Arie knows women? When Lauren admits to him that she is falling in love with him, he excuses himself from the table and leaves her to wonder. He clearly doesn’t know his audience, because he tells her how nervous he is and then goes on to tell her that he is falling deeply in love with her. Holy shit. He is not the brightest crayon. Even if he truly feels this way and maybe he does, why would you tell someone who is as jumpy as a jack rabbit when it comes to love and trust, that you are falling deeply in love with her. The next guy in her life should fuck you up a bit, because you just made his road to her heart full of obstacles. ABC, it’s time to consider hiring a new team to vet these contestants, because the job is not getting done. Oh and she gets the rose.

Seinne is our next one-on-one, leaving Tia, Bekah, and Kendall vying for his heart on a group date. I’m just not getting the Seinne + Arie will equal forever connection and not from the her with him POV, I’m not understanding what she sees in a future with him, but she is there and they are gonna go root around for truffles, then have lunch with an Italian family, I guess ABC wanted to ensure the full experience took place. She admits to falling for him and like the juvenile he is, he says that he can tell that she “really, really likes him” and he likes to hang out with her. He’s coming from a date where he confesses to not only falling in love with Lauren, but falling deeply in love with her to going on a date with a woman that he likes to hang out with. You’re not in a basement catching the Cardinals on Sunday, you’re in Italy trying to find your wife and the best you have to say about the potential Mrs. Luyendyk, Jr. is you “like to hang out with her”? I bet there is some intern somewhere assigned to figure out why ratings this year are so low, well stop your research, I got your answer. But, let me bash from the other side for a second. Here is another woman who earlier in the season talked about not having the representation among the Disney Princesses because that’s where we still reference for love as adults? And love wasn’t discussed in the home where she grew up, but she knows she is falling for Arie? How? I know I’m being a bit of a cynic, but I genuinely want this show to work, but it’s hard to take it serious when they sound so ridiculous. Anyway, back to the date.

Dinner comes and even though there are a lot of words said, I have not the first clue what they were talking about. The vibe from him is finality, the vibe from her is forever. Unfortunately, his vibe wins out and his time with Seinne is over and I can say with absoluteness that better things lie ahead for her and she most likely dodged a bullet. 

The group date has Arie wooing Bekah, Tia, and Kendall at the Village Royale. This isn’t a date, it’s an interview and only two are moving on to the next phase. The gist of the questions revolve around the hometown dates and who it is Arie will be meeting. Tia plants a bug in Arie’s ear about whether or not Bekah is truly ready for the next step and Bekah cries on Arie’s shoulder because someone talked about her. This date goes from three to two after he gives Kendall the first rose and sees her off. Now it’s a two-on-one and has become a Tia vs. Bekah showdown. They each get another round with Arie and his lips and when it’s all said and done, a 14 year age difference may have been just too much to overcome, because Arie sends Bekah back to her job as a nanny. Surely, we’ll see Bekah on this season of Paradise.

EPISODE EIGHT RE-CAP | 01.19We have made it to the hometowns and I am gonna try to breeze through this.

Up first is Kendall. I don’t know if I mentioned it, but Kendall has a twin sister who ironically enough is named Kylie. Not that that fact means a whole lot, just thought I would share it. Prior to Kendall actually making the intros, her and Arie visit a taxidermy shop (?) and have some fun with rats. . .fun might not be the right word. But this is the time where Arie tells Kendall that he is falling for her, which Kendall picked it up and ran with it. For round one, Kendall gets her mom and Arie gets Kylie. Mom doesn’t really nit pick, she seems to be just as happy for Kendall as Kendall is for herself. Kylie does play a bit of hardball, making sure that Arie is in it for the right reasons and she does tell him that she can’t say if Kendall is ready for marriage, she does know that she is ready for the kind of love that a relationship like that will bring. For round two, Kendall gets Kylie and Arie gets dad. Kylie does Kendall that she likes Arie, she just doesn’t think Arie is her person and when Kylie asks Kendall what she is wanting from this, she admits that she isn’t ready to be engaged, but she is certainly falling for him and is afraid of losing him. Arie tells dad that he is falling for Kendall and can see potential with her. Dad tells Arie that he doesn’t really think he can give a blessing for marriage, because he doesn’t think Kendall is ready to say yes if Arie were to drop to one knee. He does go on to say that if marrying Arie was something she wanted, she would have her family’s support. Once the visit is over, Kendall decides that it’s best for her to tell Arie about her feelings, which don’t involve love, but she is falling for him, to which I would say “good luck”, because those other BXTCHES have already dropped the love bomb.

It’s time for some Tia from Weiner, Arkansas. Our girl is starting things off well by taking Arie racing, I’m not even sure Tia made it around the track once, but it’s the thought that counts. Let me just put it out there that this is my kind of family. It’s beers and pigs in the blanket, nothing pretentious, nothing that screams “take your shoes off before entering”, they toast with cocktail weinies for crying out loud. Arie gets the brother first and Tia already issued Arie a warning, so I do believe he’s a bit nervous. Jason (the brother) starts in right away with the playboy rumors and the fact that Arie has been given the nickname “The Kissing Bandit” and he’s kinda wanting proof that the rumors aren’t what makes the man. He did blame his playboy status on the fact that it was in his younger years, when he was more of a world traveler, Jason is just trying to make sure that Arie is an upstanding guy and his intentions are in the right place. In the end, whatever it is Arie said, worked. When Tia sits down with her dad (who I absolutely love) who wants to know how Arie compares with her dating past and when she says that he is “leaps and bounds ahead of them”, the only think I could wonder is what kind of assholes has she dated that Arie comes out looking like Prince Charming? I think dad was just trying to feel Tia out to make sure that the feelings that she has towards Arie are genuine and wanted to be ensured that he makes her feel special. He ends the convo by telling her “I’ll see if I can get anything out of him”. The topic of playboy comes up again and this time he doesn’t talk about his world travels, he just out right denies the claims. Dad quickly reminds him that Tia not just his baby girl, but his only girl. Arie does ask for his blessing and since Tia is on board, so is he. . .but not before issuing the “if you hurt her” warning. Arie ends the date telling the camera that his visit with Tia was pretty much the “perfect day”.

It’s time for Arie to take a trip to Minnesota and visit with Becca and her family. They kick the day off visiting an apple orchard and making caramel apples. They do chit chat a bit about who Arie will be meeting, which includes mom and an a pastor uncle, so good luck to Arie and his sinning playboy ways. And while I’m not sure who the whole clan waiting to meet Arie is, it appears that he may be walking in to a firing squad, so while my earlier “good luck” was a bit of a joke, now he really does need it. Uncle Gary steals Arie and the conversation quickly turns to Becca’s dad, who has passed away and how important he was to the family. Being the pastor that Uncle Gary is, he asks Arie about church and what happens when Becca wants to attend. Which I thought was a strange way to ask someone about their faith, but whatevs, I would like to take this time to flashback to the Fort Lauderdale episode and Arie’s one-on-one date with Tia. Tia was talking about how important her faith was and he asked her (in a roundabout way) could she see herself married to someone who wasn’t of the faith, which, to me, implied that he wasn’t. Now, when Pastor Gary asks about going to church with Becca, he said he would go and he would be open to it. In the meantime, Becca is with her mom and while her mom isn’t ready to give a blessing to a proposal, she really just wants her daughter to be happy. Now it’s time to make sure that Arie is the one that can make her daughter happy. Her mom really had an opportunity to come hard with the questions, but instead took more of a softball approach and when the time came for Arie to inquire whether or not he would have her blessing, if that time came, all she could really “bless” was Becca’s choice. In the end, they weren’t as hardcore as they could’ve been and Arie felt that it all went well. 

Lauren is last and if I’m being truthful, this is the one I really want to see. Through this process, Lauren has continued to claim a certain vulnerability towards love and trust and part of the blame for this has been aimed at her parents, who are still married, so I’m interested to see that dynamic. This hometown has moved to Virginia Beach and just a quick FYI, Lauren is the only remaining girl that Arie has actually told that he was falling in love, so she is already ahead in that game. Straight from the gate we see more out of Lauren than we have possibly seen the entire season and all she has done is the obligatory jump into Arie’s arms while wrapping the legs around the waist, I think we shall call this the Bachelor Leap. After riding horses on the beach and kissing atop a lighthouse, Lauren does let Arie know that her family is very protective and skeptical of the whole Bachelor process. Arie has entered a very conservative home and a even more so, an awkward and silent situation, which then clued me in on where Lauren got it from. If we were looking for a family that was completely the opposite of Tia’s, they have been found. Once they have all gathered around the very pretentious dinner table, the questions come firing off like there being shot from a gun. Has he known any military families? No. Does he play golf? No. What is different about Lauren? He’s always been drawn to her. When is he going to be ready to settle down? Is he there? Yes, he is past there. After that initial interrogation, Arie steps away from the table, mainly because he’s sweating worse than a whore in church and needs to cool himself down. If he was sweating before, he should probably get ready, because his talk with dad is about to commence and they decide to have a literal fireside chat. All her dad needs to know is that Arie is willing to protect Lauren with his life and once Arie tells her dad about how he went over to Iraq on a goodwill tour, any thoughts over his daughter’s safety is gone, dad is now about as smitten as Lauren and I’m surprised he didn’t declare his lover for Arie. I start to become puzzled when her dad tells Arie that he never really has to worry about Lauren picking the wrong guy and that she isn’t going to commit to something that she can’t stick with long term. He does know she was previously engaged right? And that the engagement ended just a year prior. What he didn’t do was give Arie any sort of degree, much less the third one. Now it’s the mom’s turn and I kinda get the feeling that mama mixes her wine with her prescriptions, but that’s probably a conversation for another day. Her only concern seems to be the actual process of the show and his relationships with other women and the fact that she does not want to see Lauren get hurt. He tells her that he loves Lauren and hopes to have her blessing, which he didn’t ask the dad for. . .the military dad. She gives the standard answer for the night. . .she’ll have to trust her daughter. So score again for the “race car driver”.

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There back at the mansion and as the girls make their way inside, each of them (through their confessionals) declare their love for Arie, well except Kendall. She is still just falling. Now, when Arie arrives he claims to have no idea what his plan is and starts by telling the ladies that it is the hardest decision he has ever had to make and then decides he needs to step away. When he comes back he needs to speak to Kendall before his final decision is made and the others are left to ponder. His question for Kendall is whether or not she is ready to really be engaged when this ends. While she sees a lot of qualities in Arie that she thinks would make a good husband, she can’t give him an answer on if she’s ready. . .yet. In the end. . .Becca, Lauren, and Kendall will be making their way to the fantasy suites. On a side note: Just once can the girl be a true bitch and tell the motherfucker that just broke her heart that NO, he cannot walk her out and NO, she doesn’t want to hear his bullshit excuses. Because in the real world, how often does anyone give the time of day to someone who just broke their heart? And I’m kinda low key wishing that Jason gets in just one good hit. 

As I sit and watch hometown dates, I always have the same question. . .Do these families know what this show is about? Because it’s always the same criticism. . . “it’s so fast”. . .“but there are still other girls”. . .“how can you already know”. . .“you’re not ready for a proposal”. This isn’t season one, it’s the twenty first season, the time for amateurs is long gone. All concerns probably should’ve been made when they first signed up, but if not then, maybe when they got the gig to be on the show. Look, I feel the same way, but telling your daughter when she brings him home that she isn’t ready for marriage is a bit too late. That convo should’ve been had when she told you she was going on a show to find herself a husband. You probably should’ve used that time to figure out where you went wrong as well, because your daughter is going on TV to find herself a husband. 

We gotta talk about Lauren. This is someone who has claimed several times that the lack of trust and skepticism of love comes from two places. One, her former engagement. She claims that all was good up until the ring went on the finger and that’s when he turned into an asshole. That’s a story I can stand by. However, I would then question why she is moving from one engagement to potentially another. Someone skittish about love isn’t that eager to possibly having their heart broke again. If it were me offering Lauren some advice, I would tell her to go live a little. To put some variety in the flavor of her dick selections. Make the kind of choices that have you running to the CVS the next day to buy the morning after pill. Because once you live through that, then you’re able to really savor the idea of forever. When you commit, you make that decision knowing that there is not another soul in the world that you want to take that step with. The second place is her parents. She never really went into detail, just that her parents put her in the middle. In the middle of what, we have no idea. But, her parents are still married and I was interested to see their dynamic when her hometown came up,  I wanted to know who the assholes were that had Lauren not believing in the fairytale. I get that this is a show and things can somewhat be altered, but after watching Lauren return home, there was nothing that I could see that screamed Lauren wasn’t anything but loved. There was also nothing that indicated Lauren’s parents didn’t like each other, it was quite the opposite. The ex-fiance story was enough to garner understanding and some sympathy, but why lie about your parents? Just once ABC, I need to see someone who can be vulnerable and not talk about how hard it is. . .I need to see someone who hasn’t put up walls around their heart. . .I need to see someone believe in the romance and the fairytale that should come along with finding their forever. . .I need to see someone who has had their heart shattered into a million pieces but still believe in the idea of a happily ever after. Just once.

The Bachelor airs on ABC Mondays. . .7pm CENTRAL/8pm EASTERN











BXTCHES Be Sharing:

The Bachelor 2018 | Episode Six Re-Cap | 02.05.18

The Bachelor Re-Cap |

The Bachelor Re-Cap | www.bxtchesbeblogging.comLast Week On: We got to witness Arie make out with a bowling ball, which I’m sure shriveled up all of our lady bits. . .Krystal is still the solo passenger on the Crazy Train to nowhere. . .Tia confessed her love and Chelsea gave him a lap dance, so all around the week went good for Arie. It wasn’t all fun and games though, we still got to witness the dreams of Ashley, Maquel, and Marikh die a slow and painful death.

Tonight On: (2) one-on-one dates, (1) group date, and (1) two-on-one date.

Well, our spit swapping love fest has made it to Paris, so I’m sure a lot more “I love you’s” are gonna be handed out. Me personally, I would be pissed if I had my one-on-0ne in LA or Ft. Lauderdale, when I could’ve gotten my time in Paris. Chris shows up to tell the ladies that there will be four dates this week, one of which will be a two-on-one. Krystal for some reason knows that she will be part of that dreaded date, because I’ve had a target on my back since my one-on-one. Now, I’m not sure if she understands how targets work, but usually they’re put there by someone who doesn’t care too much for you. If it’s Arie who’s picking these dates, then why would she automatically assume that her and her target are gonna be put in the line of fire? Regardless, the date card has been dropped and up first is. . .Lauren.

One-on-One Date #1: Lauren Tomber amoureux à Paris-Arie | Fall in love in Paris is what Arie is throwing to Lauren and soon after the card is read, Arie shows up to whisk her away for a boat ride down the Seine. But first, let’s learn a little about Lauren. She is 26 years old and graduated from Old Dominion University back in 2015 with a degree in psychology. She resides in Dallas and works as a sales executive for Vonage Business. There’s nothing too juicy to report, except she was engaged to NHL player Chris Crane and they were set to tie the knot back in July 2017, but called off their engagement in December 2016. The one thing that really gives me pause about Lauren is her eagerness to walk down the aisle. I have no idea what brought about the end of her previous engagement, I’m not gonna try to dig that deep, BUT, if my math skills are somewhat accurate, she had just turned 25 when the engagement was called off. So, either she is really hard up for a husband or The Last Lauren Standing is really just hoping to get another career kicked off by being on the show. I think we need to face some facts, if it’s love she is looking for, I could go to many parts of Dallas right now and round up a football team of men that are not only better looking than Arie, but are just better period. So one has to wonder what is it that she is after.

The boat ride seemed to kick things off well, but the walk through the streets is screaming AWKWARD. JFC, you’re not walking through Six Flags, you’re in Paris for crying out loud. If you can’t find anything personal to talk about, talk about Paris, which Arie is trying to do, Lauren just isn’t offering any feedback. Maybe she should get her dating down pat before she tries to land herself a husband. I’m not sure on the direction their conversation is trying to go, because they do sit down and make an attempt at small talk. Lauren asks him about last week, he starts trying to clue in on whether or not she likes him because he’s really interested in her (which he tells her), but as much as he’s dropping the bait, she is not biting. Hopefully nighttime in Paris will have her eating up the romance and allow Arie to see another side to her, one he can’t resist, because if it’s anything like the day date, she could be going home. 

You already know uncomfortable is probably going to be the name of the game when they walk into a Parisian restaurant and use the word ‘cute’ to describe it. Things kind of get going when she confides in him that she has trust issues and that she will usually friend zone a guy for around six months before she starts to trust him. This leads him to tell her about his most serious relationship which ended in a miscarriage and her leaving him. This of course leads Lauren to tell him about her engagement. But before that she tells him that her trust issues come from her parents and their marriage. Now, they’ve been married for 30 years, but she says it’s not a perfect marriage, but whose is? Anyway, from what I got out of her tiny confession was maybe her parents put her in the middle of their disagreements and that’s why her trust issues built up, I’m not entirely sure I’m translating that correctly, she’s closed tighter than a. . .well, I’m sure you get the point. She did say that she shut herself off even more when her ex-fiance didn’t treat her right. So, now the burden of all of this baggage sits on Arie’s lap. At the beginning of this date, while he was having his chance with the camera, he talked about how beautiful Lauren is, but he needed to see if there was anything beyond the beauty and hopefully this date will lead him there. There was nothing electric about their walk through Paris. . .no real conversation. . .no making out. . .nothing for hope to grab onto, which I’m sure is a first for that city. The dinner conversation did evolve a bit, but I’m not sure it moved enough in the right direction for him to give her false hope. He gives her the rose, which I’m good with, but he does this by throwing her on top of a pedestal, one that you would probably find in an art museum there. I think his objective would’ve been better served if he could have told her that he’s glad she opened up a bit, but he’s giving her the rose because he can’t wait to find out more about her. I think he is blinded by beauty and that is more important to him than making sure the emotional and intellectual connection is there and if he eventually sends her home, she is going to be very confused and there will be no hope for the next man in her life because whatever trust issues she is currently working through, will grow and cloud any sort future she could have in love. 

Meanwhile back on the boat: The ladies are all sitting around waiting for the next date card and trying to figure out which order the dates will fall. A group date card arrives and the only names missing are Kendall, Jacqueline, and Krystal. Which means two of them will be going head to head

Group Date: Tia, Jenna, Becca, Bekah, Chelsea, Seinne Let’s get all dressed up.-Arie | I’m guessing they didn’t learn enough from the last date where costumes were involved and comfort zones were demolished, because they’re taking this to the Moulin Rouge. After Jenna’s little dance in the bowling alley, it’s not a surprise to see that she is super excited. Actually, overall excitement is what most are feeling. We do learn that Seinne can dance and Tia cannot. They get fitted for their costumes and we find Arie in another fucking cape, does he really think the Kissing Bandit is a real thing? Now the ladies are doing it up in their costumes, which to say that they are extravagant would be an understatement. At this point I can say that I have no idea what is happening. They find out that whoever gets the rose, will get to dance on stage with Arie. In the meantime, the ladies are doing some sort of a Moulin Rouge fashion show? I question it, because I have no idea, asses are getting blacked out, so thongs are definitely involved and Arie is being treated to some eye candy. The cocktail party is taking place in a VIP room within the Moulin Rouge and he lets them know straight from go that his decision on the rose is going to be based on their connection and not how well they “performed”, which should allow Tia to breathe a sigh of relief and she happens to be the one up first. The chemistry from their one-on-one is just pouring over to their conversation tonight. Bekah is next and there is something very refreshing about her while at the same time headachingly annoying. I can’t really put my finger on it. Maybe I just can’t tell if she is really genuine. I don’t know, I do get the feeling that Arie is starting to put some serious thought in whether or not things could progress beyond the physical with her. Once each girl gets her chance at selling her story and why she should be the one, Arie decides to gift the rose to Bekah, which not only shocked the girls, but this BXTCH was left a bit reeling as well. Now we have to watch the dance and to describe it as painful would be a compliment, but when I continue to say that someone on the production crew hates Arie, I am not saying it as a joke. They have this motherfucker come out in his suit donned with a cape and top hat, while lip synching to a song in French. This was a performance I could see on the stage in Branson, but this is the goddamn Moulin Rouge. . .once again leave it to the Americans to butcher the French. 

Two-On-One: Kendall and Krystal. Two women, one rose. One stays, one goes. We’ll always have Paris -Arie | Krystal is the lucky one who reads the date card and she is almost tickled pink when she discovers that it’s gonna be her going head to head against Kendall. Going into the date, Krystal is full of confidence and Kendall is full of doubt. Both talk about how prepared Krystal is, which confuses me, because for the love of every 80’s rom-com ever made, what life skills have been acquired to help you prepare for this? Pressure, I understand. . .preparation, I do not. The date kicks off at a chateau and what better place to tell someone you’re not made to be my wife then in the French countryside? They enter a maze and the ladies have to find Arie, I know, it was as corny as it sounds. I’m not sure why anyone would put someone as crazy as Krystal in a maze, but she does find him first and no one was bloodied, so good times. Krystal is up first. 

It seems that the sole incident that has Krystal on this date is what happened at the bowling alley. Back on episode three, Arie told Krystal that she could come and grab him if she ever felt lost and he seems a bit shook that she didn’t take advantage of that. For once, I agree. None of the ladies (especially Krystal) hesitate to interrupt when he’s feeling someone else up, but she couldn’t pull him aside in the bowling alley and discuss her hurt feelings? If he’s wanting a relationship built on good communication skills, then Krystal may not be the one. She is selling the incident as a bump in the road that they needed to encounter as a test to their forever. She apologizes and starts to talk about color and texture and depth and it is then I realize what she meant when she said she prepared, because those analogies (is that the right word?) aren’t ones that just come to ones mind in the middle of a discussion, there is a journal somewhere with this whole convo in it and Mrs. Arie Luyendyk, Jr. doodled on the front. He says he felt her sincerity, I think he was getting it confused with his dick, because whatever she prepared worked, he even stuck his tongue in her mouth for good measure. It may all be for nothing, because as soon as the kissing is over, Krystal throws Kendall under the same bus she threw Arie under. She takes it upon herself to tell Arie that Kendall has never been in love and is not really in a position ready for marriage. Good Lord, someone needs to make a voodoo doll of Krystal and use it in the most creative ways imaginable. 

The buses are causing a lot of carnage, Arie wasted no time filling Kendall in on what Krystal had to say about her. Which, let’s stop for just a minute. Couldn’t he have just asked her where her head was at concerning marriage? Did he have to say “Krystal said”? All that conveys is that he can’t be trusted when someone comes to him in confidence. But trust a BXTCH, Kendall handled herself like a woman. She then took that confidence to her confrontation with Krystal and then things got weird. It turned into a daytime talk show moment and Kendall was able to leave Krystal saying I don’t have words so there was some winning. Arie decides that the decision is just too difficult to make at that moment and tells the ladies that they will meet up again at dinner.  This is becoming way more dramatic then it needs to be. 

Since Kendall left Krystal without words earlier, she seemed to find them on her way to dinner. Unfortunately, Krystal doesn’t even compare to Kendall where intellect is concerned. Krystal says words just to hear herself talk and Kendall actually offers substance in her thoughts and thinks before she speaks. And both prove just that when Arie sits down at the table. For real. . .voodoo doll. . . Marie Laveau. . .someone make it happen. He only pulls Kendall aside and we weren’t worthy enough to pry into that conversation, but she does come back sans lipstick, so it’s safe to assume that things went well. Before we know what’s happening, Arie is at the table giving the speech meant to soften the blow. In the end, Kendall wins out and it’s time to say goodbye to Crazy. And if it wasn’t bad enough that she was left without her husband, he didn’t even walk her out. Damn, she may need a glass of water to get that crow down. While Krystal cried, Kendall made out with Arie atop of the Eiffel Tower. #relationshipgoals (not with Arie) And let me add, the Women Tell All is gonna be epic!

One-On-One #2: Jacquline | I feel like this is a one-on-one for me and Jacqueline as well, because I’m not 100% sold on her just yet. Though, I should be, she does stand out from the majority of the girls left and that alone should entice me, but I’m here to give her a shot, so let’s get this date going. The car breaks down immediately, so let’s hope it’s not a sign. I thought he was really gonna put his mancard out there and make her toes curl by fixing the car, but a taxi it is and the first stop is some shopping and a new dress for Jacqueline. We are once again at the part of the date where concerns and life stories get told. Her worry is she is just an experiment for Arie. She is basing that on not yet receiving a group date rose or a one-on-one date. I understand the group date rose, but I would rather be in Paris when I get picked for a one-on-one than in Lake Tahoe, you need to take your blessings girl. He tells her that his concern was her intelligence. What the fuck? Well, he thought she was just too smart for him. That’s a true statement and one that she should probably consider. Despite that, their discussion is very promising, in a laying it all out there way. She wants to get her PhD and that’s six years of school and he doesn’t want to hold anyone back from their dreams. There are a lot of what-if’s in the air, but in the end he must see something in her and she sees something in him, because he gives it and she accepts. 

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Once again, he’s drying out the livers and going without a cocktail party. There are five girls still seeking those beautiful red petals and only three to give out. Lauren, Bekah, Kendall, and Jacqueline are all safe, which means that when this show picks up next week, only seven will remain. 

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Bekah M., 22, Nanny

Lauren B., 25-Tech Sales

Kendall, 26-Creative Director

Jacquline, 26-Reasearch Coordinator

Tia, 26-Physical Therapist

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Seinne, 27-Commercial Real Estate Manager

Becca K., 27-Publicist

The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

Chelsea, 29-Real Estate Executive Assistant

Jenna, 28-Social Media Manager

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“I’m not interested in having a three-way, like, I’m there to talk with Arie and that’s it, so. . .game on.” -Krystal

“Is a french kiss in France just a kiss?” -Arie

“How boring are the other relationships compared to mine and Arie’s? I mean, really. Baby, I’m wife material. Yes. Fun wife material. -Krystal

“I think maybe some girls in the house will be shocked if Krystal comes home from the two-on-one, but I don’t know how shocked I would actually be. No one thought Trump was going to win the election either and looky here we are.” -Bekah

“I think when I got the date card it felt like I was given a pony for Christmas. But it’s also like, if you don’t learn to ride this pony correctly by the end of the day, it’ll be shot.” -Jacqueline

I was actually shocked at who he chose to go home. Jenna not so much. In fact, I’m starting to think that some of these girls are really just upset over the lost adventure rather than losing the chance at love. Jenna only had group dates. There’s not even a one night stand involved, I don’t get the pain and tears. If I meet up with a group of people every weekend for a couple of months and even though I may feel a connection to one of them, my life isn’t over if he were to tell me there is no future. I would maybe be upset, but really it would be his loss. I was more surprised with Chelsea going home. I actually thought it would be Seinne. His connection with Chelsea was on fire last week and even though his connection with Seinne is good, I just thought it was better with Chelsea. 

I’m offering up another great idea to those over at The Bachelor and this may be one you want to look into. Remember how giddy you would get in the beginning stages of a relationship, when he would call and hours would be spent getting to know the other over the phone? I think after a one-on-one, the Bachelor/ette should call. Maybe not the same night, but the next day. You could even gift a phone call to whoever gets the group date rose. It would not only bring about a bit of normalcy to the craziness that is this show, but it would give an opportunity to really get to know one another in a way that just can’t be done with a camera in the face. 

Let’s discuss the Moulin Rouge date for a bit. Shame on whoever came up with that idea, do you know women at all? Even though Arie may have said that the performances would have no bearing whatsoever on his rose decision, but c’mon, do we really believe that after seeing 22 year old Bekah in her teeny tiny costume he didn’t use another body part to make that decision? My problem with the date is not that he chose Bekah, my problem is that the ladies were made to put themselves in costumes that he hadn’t really earned the right to see them in yet. Not to mention, it was clearly uncomfortable for some of them and nothing is worse than having to display every insecurity you have about yourself for not only your love interest to see, but for his love interests to see as well. Then him picking Bekah just brought all those insecurities right up to the surface.

I need to know how ABC continues to find so many contestants with trust issues and why someone who has trust issues makes the decision to go on a show where having trust is a main component to success. Have I mentioned the word trust enough? I like Lauren, however, I think she’s about as interesting as watching paint dry, which has nothing to do with what I’m trying to say, just thought it needed to be said. When the conversation kicks off at “dinner” and she starts with how her parents have been married for 30 years, I didn’t really understand where her point was trying to go. When she continued with how their marriage isn’t perfect and some of her issues stem from her being put in the middle of things, I was even more confused. First, for her to even think that there is a perfect marriage somewhere is just plain ole’ naive. Even Disney doesn’t paint that picture. Now, if her parents are in a loveless marriage, then that’s a different canvas she could’ve painted her picture on, but my impression was that maybe they argue a lot, but the truth is, I’m still confused. I get the ex-fiance issue, but I just don’t see it as a hang up. Her being able to cancel the engagement and leave the asshole, should’ve given her strength to forge ahead, not use it as a weakness to hold her back. And are we still doing the “he hurt me, which means the next guy will as well” game? Jeez, that’s such a cliché. Which is why I call bullshit. I’ve said it before, but anyone who has trust issues to the point of having to friend zone a guy for six months before letting them in, isn’t someone who would willingly turn to T.V. for their ever after. Just take Ben and Lauren, she knew what she was getting into and even though she was the one picked in the end, she just couldn’t get over the fact that he told Jojo he loved her as well. That was the reason for the breakup, not that he went to a fantasy suite with two other women, where he most likely got to know them a helluva lot better. Nope, she just couldn’t get over the fact that he fell in love with her and Jojo. So do we really believe that anyone with enough emotional baggage to fill the trunk of a small car will be able to handle being picked in the end while having to watch him declare his feelings for other women? 

As much as I was ecstatic to see Krystal left alone in Paris, the two-on-one has got to go. I feel like it goes against everything the sisterhood is supposed to be about. Well, this show probably does that as well, it’s just that this particular date is meant for the two chosen to smear one another by any means necessary just to be given a rose. I don’t know the stats, but I’m curious to know if any person that has gone on a two-on-one has been the last one standing in the end. Think about it, you’re chosen to go on a date where someone is meant to go home, someone is going to be deemed not good enough, which means when the Bachelor/ette picks the two people, they are aware of that. So how close could their relationship be with either? The truth, I think Kendall handled herself like a champ on this date, far better than I would’ve done, but why does it ever have to get to the point where backs are falling onto knives? We’re already judging these contestants a tiny bit for using this avenue to find a spouse, why humiliate them more by having them left stranded alone on a island or in the middle of a swamp or in some Parisian restaurant. If a two-on-one is necessary, then why not do the exact same date, just separate. One gets the sun and one gets the moon and in the end only one will get the rose. 

The Bachelor airs on ABC Mondays. . .7pm CENTRAL/8pm EASTERN






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The Bachelor 2018 | Episode Five Re-Cap | 01.29.18

The Bachelor Re-Cap |

The Bachelor Re-Cap | www.bxtchesbeblogging.comLast Week On: It seems that week after week, the one descriptor I have for the episode is “hot mess”, well last week was not a whole lot different. . .the crazy was seeping from Krystal’s pores. . .the girls almost drank their own urine, all in the name of love. . .Bekah finally revealed her age. . .and we learned that nothing will piss off a bunch of horny women quicker than someone cutting off their liquor source and Arie did just that when he decided to cancel the cocktail party. 

Tonight On: (1) group date and (2) one-on-one dates

The love fest has moved on to Fort Lauderdale, which really sucks for Caroline, who went home last week, because that is her hometown, but the show must go on. If it wasn’t cheesy enough with Arie cruising down the road with the top down, ABC decided to take it up a notch when they had the girls voyaging down the boardwalk on bicycles. I’m gonna go ahead and save the powers that be some time and say, ain’t nobody got time for that shit. Use the screen time for some good stuff, surely we haven’t seen the best that Krystal has to give. Once the girls have settled in, and by that I mean the obligatory jumping on the bed, freaking out over the view, sitting in a bathtub fully clothed together, you know, the norm. . .once that is out of the way, they sit and wait for their one and only to show up and when he does, it’s Chelsea who gets swept away. 

One-On-One #1: Chelsea | Chelsea says that she is excited for Arie to get to know her as Chelsea and not just the mom that he knows her to be. Say what? Wasn’t she the very first one on the very first night to stick her tongue in his mouth? And wasn’t she the one who interrupted Annaliese’s time on a group date just so she could “steal a kiss”? Isn’t she also the one who encouraged Annaliese in that very same episode to go for it with Arie after Arie already told her no. Which of those scenarios scream “MOM!”? The only way anyone even knows that she is a mom is because the words have come out of her mouth, not because every time she’s with Arie, she whips out the tissue to capture his boogies. The date kicks off on a yacht and a toast to “getting to know each other better”

Meanwhile at the hotel: Lauren, Marikh, Seinne, and Ashley are discussing how surprised they are that Chelsea was the chosen one. Actually, Seinne was shocked, Lauren was just flat out disappointed that she’s not the one hanging with Arie. But this is also the time that Maquel returns, which made a BXTCH smile. My only question is whether or not she had access to research Arie while she was away? 

Once again we find those who were left behind leering and this time their weapon of choice is a telescope. It’s Maquel, Lauren, and Marikh who decide to put their inner peeping tom skills to work by not only spying on Arie and Chelsea while they have their Titanic moment on the yacht, but also when they take out the jet skis and Chelsea decides to straddle Arie like they’re in a strip club and her electric bill is due. But that particular make out move works because the ladies quickly abandon their post and head back inside their hotel room. 

A Car Museum is the location for the evening side of their date and once again we’re starting with a toast. I’d like to point out that both toasts of this date have been made by Chelsea. . .just saying, Arie is not equaling Alpha. He does say (in his confessional) he recognizes that he needs to treat Chelsea “delicately” because she is a single mom. WTF!? I’m not sure what that means or if he even knows what it means, but please point out where in the date or any time up to this point that her being a mom has affected the way he has treated her, because I’m quite certain that the last thing popping up while she has her body pressed against his and her tongue lodged in his mouth, is her single mom status. Conversation quickly turns to Chelsea’s past and her baby daddy. Let’s chat here for a bit. A quick review, baby daddy is Mike Wilson, he cheated on Chelsea with his now current wife, which was the catalyst for their breakup. We did learn tonight that the two ended things when the kiddo was six months old, which almost brought a tear to Arie’s eyes. Here’s where things get interesting. I don’t like to read spoilers, so that tends to dampen my research a bit, but rumor has it that Chelsea was dating Julian Edelman right before she was cast on the show. In case you are not aware, Julian Edelman is a wide receiver for the NE Patriots and if you’re gonna play a game of This or That between Julian and Arie, the answer will forever and always be This. I have not been able to find one piece of evidence that supports this claim, if you Google Julian Edelman and Chelsea Roy, nada, there is nothing on her Instagram that would give life to this claim either, but the rumor is out there, I’m just curious to where it started. It’s also being tossed around that the only reason Chelsea is on the show is to advance her modeling career. That rumor may be a bit more believable. It makes more since for her to leave her son behind in an effort to make a better life, more so than to just find love. If you remember way back in the very first episode, Chelsea said that she was looking for a man to show her son what it is like to be a father, which in BXTCH translation means that the dad is not an active part of her son’s life. . .but he is. In fact, the son is currently with his father while Chelsea is on the show and the anger between these two must run hella deep because the dad went back to court to stop his child support payments while she is on the show, so there is really a lot going on in her life, and not all of it positive. Back to the date. I got the feeling as soon as she started going into her past, that she scripted what she had planned to say. It almost seemed rehearsed. She covers the basics and I couldn’t tell if she was trying to fight back tears or force them. During her monologue, she implies that her ex (baby daddy) had money and since she was so young and he was older, he was able to mold her into what he wanted and when things ended she was left with nothing but her belongings that were put into trash bags. She is saying all of this to a man who is older, whose net worth is in the millions and who also just enjoyed a date with her on a yacht. . .sound familiar? She does recover quickly when she tells him that the date could’ve been in a park and it would’ve been equally as fantastic. Arie found the date just as amazing, which he tells her so as he hands over the date rose. Once again, we get a great solo performance and tonight featured Tenille Arts and as strange as it is for the couple to be the only one dancing in the room, it’s a lot less awkward than them dancing at a concert surrounded by hundreds of people. Oh and apparently this date has proven to Chelsea that love is possible. . .there is no way that she dated Julian Edelman. 

Group Date: Maquel, Krystal, Bekah, Becca, Jenna, Sienne, Kendall, Ashley, Marikh, Jacqueline, Lauren “There’s not a moment to spare.” -Arie | He’s taking the girls bowling and after the embarrassing performance by Arie at the beginning of the date, I now know that someone over at ABC hates Arie and lobbied for him to be named the next Bachelor for the sole purpose of humiliating him. And trust a BXTCH, the goal has been accomplished. That is the only explanation for what went down between Arie, the bowling alley, and that very unfortunate bowling ball, which after tonight, can now tweet out #metoo. The great thing about this date is we get Krystal and she almost immediately goes into performance mode when she tells the cameras how some girls are desperate in fighting for his attention, but that’s just not who she is. This would be a good time to remind our resident whackadoodle that she is literally on a show whose title could be interchanged with the word Desperate, but that’s none of my business. The date will be a competition, with the losing team going back to the hotel and the winning team getting Arie. . .man, that’s a hard choice to have to make. It’s the Pin-Ups vs. the Spare Roses. . .I’m telling y’all, someone who works on this show, hates this show. I have no idea what it is that Jenna does prior to the competition taking off, but I’m quite certain that too much beer is involved and I’m also pretty sure that during her teen years, either Bring It On or Striptease was her favorite movie and she spent many an afternoon in front of a mirror channeling her inner cheer/strip BXTCH. Somewhere her mother just wondered where it is that she went wrong. Krystal takes a moment to offer up a prayer and for her dogs to be their angels. I’m not sure how the teams were split up, but it’s clear that the talent was not spread out. . .the Spare Roses (Jenna, Becca, Krystal, Jacquline, Maquel) take the win, which should mean that the Pin-Ups (Bekah, Marikh, Lauren, Seinne, Ashley) are headed back to the hotel to wallow in the wine glasses filled with their tears, but Arie is feeling a bit guilty and instead chooses for all the girls to head to the party. And because of his graciousness, some shit is about to fly.

We were forced to watch Arie make out with a bowling ball, but get deprived of the chaos that goes down on the bus ride back to the hotel. Who the fuck is in charge? Krystal is very unhappy with her future stalking victim, so much so that she used the time on the bus to throw Arie under it, telling the girls that he is a liar and she can’t trust him. Normal individuals who felt this way, would just pack up their shit and head home, key word: normal. But this is a good time to get a sneak peek at what real crazy is like. The girls do confront Krystal when she comes out in her bathrobe, ready to boil a bunny, and when Kendall asks her if she is out of the game or is she trying to send a message, she does say that her suitcase is ready to go. Kendall gives her a small piece of her mind and then it’s time for everyone to head out. One would have to wonder if her reaction would’ve been the same if it were Krystal’s team who lost and then got invited to still hang with Arie. . .and it took the baby of the group to point this out to everyone else. Arie soon realizes that Krystal is missing and once the girls feel him in on her temper tantrum, he decides to check in on her. Which of course is just giving her what she wants. . .alone time with him. Overall, I don’t think Arie should’ve went back upstairs, but I do think he handled it really well. He did tell her to stay in the room while he was going to go hang out with the girls and he would see her in a few days. Once things get settled, Kendall gets Arie first. Followed by Bekah. Both get their opportunity to make out with him and I can say with all of my gusto, that I am actually tired of seeing the tongues swap spit, we don’t need the close up, do we? We do find out that because of all the drama, Becca not only missed out on shaving her legs, but she had to skip the whole shower completely and still smells like a bowling ball. How her whole body smells like one, is a mystery I have no interest in solving, but the good news? Arie did lick a bowling ball earlier and he takes her back to his room, so the night may end in her favor. Just when we thought that Arie put Crazy to sleep for the night. . .she decides that she is not done. 

It doesn’t take long for the girls to call Krystal out on her hypocrisy and once that is done, she decides to go put the crazy up for good, well until tomorrow. Lauren gets her time with Arie and actually has one of the better discussions, they play a bit of 21 questions, which was really more like 5 questions, but at least she is making an attempt at getting to know him better. And because of that, he gifts her with the rose.

One-On-One Date #2: Tia | This date is taking the happy couple to the Everglades National Park. My first thought was hell no, this is not the date for me, but watching them fly through the water, it actually looked pretty cool. They meet up with Gerald, who has built a cabin smack in the middle of the Everglades and loves to go frogging. They devour fried frog legs, fried catfish, and fried corn on the cob. The Arkansawyer is shining bright from Tia’s soul on this date. So far, this is a great one-on-one. Whoever the mastermind is behind this date, needs to plan more, because this is by far the most real date Arie has been on. There was no yacht, there was no celebrity stylist or private jet back to meet the ‘rents, there was no hot tubbing on the lake. . .this was just what was needed. . .normalcy. 

The evening finds them at a nautical themed restaurant and it also finds Tia confessing to the camera that she is falling in love with Arie and she knows she needs to tell him. I knew our first confession of the season was coming, I just didn’t think it would be my girl, I wonder how much Raven shared with her and made her feel that it was important to be the first one to utter those three all important words? The conversation kicks off good, we learn that Tia has her doctorate in physical therapy, so one should start referring to her as Dr. Tia Booth, the ladies should probably take note. She also confesses that she can do her job anywhere, good little tidbit to throw into the convo. Things quickly switch to faith and religion. She has it, he doesn’t. He does ask her if she could see herself married to someone that is not of the faith and she responds with “Yeah. Like if I understand your perspective of it”. I’m not sure I can totally believe that, but we’ll table that topic for another time. The whole discussion felt very natural and not at all forced. . .until she confesses her love. I don’t know if it was weird because she was nervous or maybe because there were cameras all around, but it was a bit wincy. I guess we’ll have to wait and see if it’s real, but in the meantime, Arie fell for it and the rose is her’s. Where it gets interesting is when Arie confesses to the camera that he feels himself more around her than he does with any of the other women, so it looks like #teamtia is pulling out in front of the pack. It also looks like Arie just can’t get enough of her, because they stop on the porch to resume a very hot and heavy make out sesh.

I’m guessing that Arie has not made up his mind yet, considering cocktail time is about to commence. I’m also guessing that with the drama that has surrounded Krystal this week, the ladies are gonna need some liquid sustenance to get through the night. My point is proven when Krystal gives her obligatory speech about how challenging the week was for her, but in the end she is just here for Arie, which if that is the case, I’m not sure why she is sharing her inner most diary with everyone, but birds of a crazy feather. . .Kendall gets Arie first and finally another who starts off their time by playing a game of “let me get to know you without your tongue in my mouth”. Kendall is a quirky one, which comes across as very charming, the question she chooses to start with is whether or not Arie would consume human meat if it were the tradition of a hypothetical tribe he was visiting, okay maybe charming wasn’t the right word. In case you’re curious, no he would not. In the meantime, the girls are doing what us girls do best and that’s talk some shit. Of course this shit show is being brought to us thanks to Krystal and her wacky ways. This wouldn’t be the show it is if Krystal wasn’t able to hear every single word that is being spoken about her, but no worries, she knows how tight she is with her boo, but just in case, she is gonna go ahead and try to diffuse before anyone sabotages. She offers herself up for some one-on-one time with anyone who wants to hash it out privately. Kendall is her first bite and all her quirkiness goes straight out the window, she has put on her big girl britches for this convo. Kendall basically told Krystal that she needed step off her man, because there is no way that she could feel love for him while calling him names behind his back. Bekah had her turn to call her out as well and as many time as Krystal has commented on Bekah’s maturity, I think Bekah was the adult in that conversation. And as a reminder, all of this drama is because. . .Krystal called Arie a liar and untrustworthy. . .Krystal packed her bags to go home, but is still there. . .it’s not because he confessed feelings for her and someone else, it’s not because she caught him making out with another woman, it’s not even because he went on a date with someone else. . .it’s because he changed his mind. Let that sink in for just a bit. If she is that offended and that hurt over him just having a change of heart, can you imagine what the future would look like for him if he were to gift her with his last name? 

We had to know that Arie was going to give her a chance to speak privately with him and as soon as he sits, the voice gets turned on. Arie tells her she knows him better than any other girl there and their relationship is further along than any other. . .that’s the way you should play this game, Arie, just continue to pull out the insanity, smart move. He does man up a bit when he tells her that the behavior she displayed put their relationship back a bit. Now is the time that we may need to have Jesus take the wheel, because as I sit here and watch as I type, I cannot believe the words that are coming out of her mouth. She now blames the whole breakdown on the fact that she grew up in a bowling alley, her mom worked there, and it was difficult seeing men come in and out of her mom’s life while making promises they could not keep. And that bowling alley date just brought up some awful memories from her childhood. Move over Annaliese, we have a winner. On a more positive note, Arie didn’t seem like he was falling for her story and he actually stepped up and laid it all out on the line for her. . .like a goddamn adult, one who used his words instead of his tongue. 

It's Reality BXTCHES | The Bachelorette | Weekly Recap on

Chelsea, Lauren, and Tia all have secured their place for one more week. Now let’s see some hearts break and some tears shed. And we can’t forget that whoever he says goodbye to tonight will have no hope for love in the future, so we also get to see some dreams die right before our very eyes. On a side note, we need to get real serious about getting Krystal that dictionary, I’m not sure she knows what the word ‘futuristic’ means. 

The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

Chelsea, 29-Real Estate Executive Assistant

Lauren B., 25-Tech Sales

Tia, 26-Physical Therapist

Bekah M., 22-Nanny

Seinne, 27-Commercial Real Estate Manager

Kendall, 26-Creative Director

Becca K., 27-Publicist

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Jacquline, 26-Reasearch Coordinator

Jenna, 28-Social Media Manager

Krystal, 29-Fitness Coach

The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

Ashley Luke, 25-Real Estate Agent

Maquel, 23-Photographer

Marikh, 27-Restaurant Owner

The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

“I’m on a dreamboat, but I’m also with a dreamboat.” -Chelsea

“Krystal literally, like, lost her mind.” -Ashley

“I’m just trying to have fun and bowl.” -Arie

“I was his first date, and I plan to be his last.” -Becca

“Hell yeah, I love fried everything.” -Tia

“I’m gonna try to diffuse the situation, because haters gonna hate.” -Krystal

“That was glitter. Glitter.” -Krystal

“Like, this is our first fight.” -Krystal

“It could be our last fight.” -Arie


Last week I threw out some suggestions that maybe ABC could use to make some changes and after tonight’s Rose Ceremony, I have another. I think that the ones coming into the Rose Ceremony with roses already should get to sit up front next to the Bachelor/ette, just to add some flair to the process. That way, the others are reminded who it is that’s safe, all the while they continue to wobble on their stilettos. 

I was actually surprised by who got sent home. I’m not shocked that he kept Krystal, if he wasn’t keeping her for himself (or his dick), he was definitely doing it for production because she adds the drama needed for this season. I was shocked that he sent Maquel home. Why even have her come back if you’re not going to at least give her another week to find a spark? It’s as if he brought her all the way back just to humiliate her. 

I may be going against any and all rules of the Ya-Ya, but is it too much for ABC to help some of the ladies out with their make-up? You don’t have to do it for them, just give some lessons. They are on television, it’s going to look different than when they are just looking into a mirror. Some of the girls got it, but some are needing just a lesson or two. But for real, someone needs to have a talk with Jenna’s eyebrows and tell them to calm their tits and while the conversation is happening, just mention that her face is showing up a bit lighter than the rest of her body when the cameras hit. She is very beautiful, just a couple of tweeks. On a more positive note, the weaves are looking fantastic so far.

The Bachelor airs on ABC Mondays. . .7pm CENTRAL/8pm EASTERN








BXTCHES Be Sharing:

The Bachelor 2018 | Episode Four Re-Cap | 01.22.18

The Bachelor Re-Cap |

The Bachelor Re-Cap |

BXTCHES Gotta Warn: I’m not really sure why I even call this a warning anymore, I mean, I guess it sometimes is. . .but since I wanna stay somewhat consistent, a warning is what it will continue to be. I just want you to know that I am well aware of the fact that sometimes this doesn’t even come close to representing the word ‘warning’. The past couple of weeks I have decided to re-cap as I watch, well this week. . .I just ain’t doin’ it! I did go ahead and watch last night (it is now Tuesday) and let me just say the following: Usually I can tolerate the wince that this show produces within the depths of my soul. Why? Because the man candy that is trying to find a bride makes it so. I know. . .I know. . .shallow. Whatever. My point? I don’t even have that this year, so for two whole hours every single Monday, my soul is in a constant cringe state and it’s becoming a bit too much to bear. But I’m no quitter, so forge ahead I must. However, I am trying to convince myself that the fine folks over at ABC are in a rebuilding mode and is chalking this season up to a bankruptcy of the mind. Full disclosure, it is only the fourth episode, he still has some time to win a BXTCH over.

Last Week On: That episode was nothing short of a hot mess. They wrestled, we continue to learn that Krystal is nutty as a fruitcake and it’s getting worse, one of the Lauren’s got sent home during her one-on-one, Annaliese revealed that dogs also trigger her PTSD (we learned this on a dog date), and The Kissing Bandit *wince* isn’t swapping it with everyone, which Annaliese found out the hard way and was sent packing, along with Bibiana. Fun times.

Tonight On: (1) group date and (2) one-on-one dates

Even though this season, so far, can at best be declared disappointing, this episode however did bring about some realizations. Chelsea in this episode is by far the best Chelsea I’ve seen this season and she does a great impression of Krystal, which will always score some points in the pro column. Fake or not, eyelashes really do make a difference and the psychological vetting that is being done on these contestants is clearly not thorough enough.

We kick off this episode talking about the youngest elephant in the room. . .Bekah. And the ones passing the judgement are Chelsea (29), Caroline (26), Jenna (28), and Becca (27). The question being pondered among this group is: would Bekah be ready to get married and does Arie know her age? There really wasn’t an opinion on whether or not she is ready to be married at such a young age, their bigger concern is that fact that she hasn’t yet told Arie her age (I’ll discuss more on that later). I am one that believes 22 is a bit young, but they all are seeming to forget that not only is Maquel 23, but she has already been married and divorced, so if anyone has insight at tying the knot at such a young age, it would be her.

Straight from jump street, the crazy is coming out of Krystal like hot lava. In her confessional she not only gushes on about how proud she is of Arie for sending Lauren home, but how these girls are not prepared to fulfill Arie’s wishes. She never clarifies on what exactly the wishes are, but she makes it clear ain’t nobody ready but her. The icing on this crazy cupcake? She claims that the ladies are living in a false reality and she is willing to be the voice of reason that Arie may need. She is just so thoughtful. There is so much to dissect. First, I think that because Krystal wants as much screen time as possible, she sits in the confessional just saying words. Second, c’mon ‘false reality’, has anyone told her that she is in fact on a reality show to find her husband? A false reality is what she is currently living. Good Lord, I hope her mother is planning some sort of smack down for her when she arrives home.

The ladies quickly learn that this shitshow is wrapping up in California and is about to move to Lake Tahoe and they couldn’t have been more excited if they were learning that Arie had decided to just take on some Sister Wives and declare them all winners. And just in case sound travels a bit better than even we can imagine, the ladies decide to announce to Tahoe that they are in fact on their way. Insert eye roll right about here. 

Someone in production certainly had Kendall in mind when they jumped onto to book the accommodations for this trip. That girl is in taxidermy heaven. The date card has been dropped off and first up is Seinne and the first one-on-one of the show.

One-On-One Date #1: Seinne, “Let’s let our love soar” -Arie | More about Seinne Fleming. She is 27 years old and currently resides in Orange County, CA., although she has also called Scottsdale, AZ home, something in common with Arie. She graduated from Yale in 2012 and currently works as an Assistant Property Manager. Fun Fact: She won Miss Teen Long Beach in 2007. Arie arrives to pick up the lucky lady and this leaves the ones remaining to speculate whether or not she will be coming back. Arie’s self proclaimed bride had this to say: “Seinne is on a date today and she’s probably going home tonight, um, that makes me happy. The more girls that go home the more time I get with Arie. So good luck.” 

I have to wonder if the crew goes into the living area, hands out binoculars and tells the girls to go check out the view from the balcony, because that is where we find them. And what is it they’re doing you ask? Getting in a Arie + Seinne peep show. It’s weird enough that there are multiple ladies competing to be someone’s bride. It’s weird enough that they all sit around and talk about their personal time with him. It’s weird enough that as soon as he removes his tongue from one mouth, another is waiting to be filled. I think it’s about time that ABC added a new feature to the show that’s creatively titled “Give these ladies something to do” because standing outside creeping on someone else’s date is usually not well received in the real world. Regardless, the one-on-one date has our couple parasailing which leads to a picnic on the beach. The conversation centers around Arie’s family and the wedding of his younger brother. Seinne shares her trepidation about being on the first one-on-one date after Lauren (the one he sent packing), but he puts her mind at ease by telling her how impressed he was with her back on the first night. The kissing then commenced. 

Back at the lodge: Maquel talks to her mother and learns that her grandfather has passed away. Apparently, this was very unexpected, he wasn’t sick, nothing indicating that the end was near. She does pack up to head home. I’m not sure what the protocol is for this, but I do hope she is allowed to return. The next date card arrives and we find out it is a group date and with only 13 girls to choose from, 12 will be piling into the car together and one will be left daydreaming about what their alone time will bring. Bekah, girl it’s almost time to whip out the ID, your one-on-one date is here. BXTCH side commentary: It has not taken too many brain cells for even me to see the sexual chemistry that sizzles between Bekah and Arie. So one should’ve been able to deduce that it was just a matter of time before her number was picked. One would not be Krystal. It is in her professional opinion a 14 year age difference is too much to overcome and Bekah is so young that she has yet to find her identity. Don’t you just love how concerned she not only is of Arie, but for Bekah as well. She is a true member of the Ya-Ya.

The sun has set and as we learned last week, this was not a good thing for Lauren. Let’s hope it goes better for Seinne, if for no other reason. . .just to piss off Krystal. Before anything even gets started, we get a piece of Seinne’s confessional on love. She talks about how hard love was for her parents, so that example wasn’t very firmly set, but she goes on to talk about how growing up, there was no fairy tale ending for black girls. Which contributes to her apprehension towards love. When the conversation kicks off between the two love birds, Seinne brings up Arie’s run on the show and how he has not been in love since. He does admit to only dating girls who he knew wasn’t ready for the long haul, even if subconsciously. Time to put on the brakes. Only Arie and his ex’s know the real truth, but from everything I have read, the may be pulling on Seinne’s leg a bit. Just Google Sydney Stempfley. There’s this article or this one. Probably more, just start there. Everything implies that she was serious and that he is somewhat a liar. This one fact that certainly stood out is him telling her that he found out that he was going to be the next Bachelor just one hour before Good Morning America announced it. He really must have some ocean front property to sell in Scottsdale. Back to the date. Their conversation flowed just okay. Seinne talked a lot about her parents and how she realized as a kid that marriage isn’t perfect and that there weren’t too many examples of girls that looked like her on T.V. finding love. I think she makes a good point, but I kinda got the feeling that she was almost trying to conjure up a reason for being love shy. But, she certainly didn’t ramble like Lauren, which means she found herself a rose in the end. So far the best part of these one-on-ones? The concerts, from what I am assuming feature up and coming artists. Tonight’s show starred Lanco. Again, I have no idea who he is or where he came from, but it was good. Having to watch Arie and Seinne dance. . .not so much.

Group Date: Chelsea, Krystal, Becca, Marikh, Ashley, Jacquline, Tia, Jenna, Kendall, Lauren, Brittany, Caroline “Will our love survive?” -Arie | He does bring up Maquel, but doesn’t mention whether or not she will be returning. Fingers crossed. The date kicks off with a hike. I don’t think this date could’ve been planned better for Kendall if she were to have picked it herself. Soon they meet up with a survival expert and his wife. Not only experts on surviving in the wild, but they have been married for 13 years, so there you go. They tell the ladies that the skills that they need to survive in nature are the same ones that they would need to survive a relationship. I’m sure this was meant to be cute and all, but to survive something would indicate that I was able to get through it alive. Hello, there is a T.V. show with the same name and one that does not have me ever wanting to sign up for. If you’re looking to just ‘survive’ a relationship, you should probably get out. Relationships are for thriving, not surviving. My husband and I have gone 23 years without me having to pee outside or kill my own food or read some sort of a treasure map leading us to the end of the rainbow, because I can pretty much guarantee you that if he and I were thrown into the wild, one of us ain’t coming out alive and we sure ain’t coming out still married. I’m not sure what the education background looks like for these women, but the fact that this survivor expert was not only able to convince these women to pee in a water bottle, but also almost drink it because they thought Arie was drinking his, tells me that they aren’t as high on that spectrum as I maybe thought. FYI, Arie didn’t drink his pee, it was apple juice and they literally had to stop a couple of the girls from taking swigs from their bottles, which were filled with urine. I would also like to ponder over the following, how many of the girls would’ve still kissed Arie thinking he drank his own pee? Next up, whose willing to eat some worms? Man whatever happened to just getting a brazilian and showing off the tits, now in order to impress your date, worms need to be consumed, and let’s not forget the maggots. No thank you. Of course our resident lunatic believes that this is all a desperate attempt at trying to claim Arie’s attention. Since they now have all the skills needed (peeing in water bottles and eating bugs) they are ready to traipse through the wilderness with hopes of making it to their destination. They are split up into three teams and sent on their way. Arie is placed on the blue team and needless to say, those who weren’t are none too happy and some quickly learn that if surviving in the wild has any bearing on surviving in a relationship, it’s not looking good for them. Eventually all arrive at the destination, which is a hot tub oasis.

Things get interesting quick. Krystal finds her way next to Arie in the hot tub or he finds his way next to her and across from them are Tia and Caroline, who use this time for some fun by mocking Arie and Krystal. Arie finds it funny. It was. Krystal however believes that they are making faces at her and they are making Arie uncomfortable. Two things. It was Krystal who throughout the show (up to this point) talks about how juvenile the girls are and how it’s her that’s the voice of reason and she is what Arie needs, but she’s gonna whine that Tia and Caroline are making faces at her, a dictionary would be a nice gift for Krystal. Her mother really needs to intervene, because something definitely went wrong in the formidable years. Second, the only thing uncomfortable in that hot tub was Arie’s dick. Everyone eventually makes their way to the hot tub and now the only thing uncomfortable is Krystal. She actually compares herself to a camp counselor supervising high schoolers and questions whether or not this is real life. She asks that knowing that she is in Lake Tahoe, sitting in a hot tub with 11 other women, all striving for the same man. . .I’m gonna go out on a limb and say no, no it’s not real life, but the fact that you actually had to ask that question, just wraps you up in one neat little delirious package and trust, it gets even better later in the evening. 

So, the problem for someone like Krystal is since she has basically declared herself Mrs. Luyendyk, Jr. or let’s face facts, it’s more likely that she has declared him Mr. Krystal Nielson because that man doesn’t have an alpha bone in his submissive body. Anywho, back to the problem. She really believes he has already picked her and is just going through the motions for the sake of the show. Exhibit A: Kendall pulls him aside at the beginning of the wilderness hike just to get a kiss. She did eat a worm and a maggot for crying out loud, she deserved more than a kiss, but Krystal’s reaction was shock. When they are all in the hot tub, we’re lucky she didn’t drown anyone once Arie moved from his place beside her, to the middle. We’ll get back to the unhinged reality that Krystal finds herself residing within in a bit. First up tonight is Lauren and I believe her when she tells him that she is working outside of her comfort zone because she asks him: “I mean, what exactly are you looking for? I know you want someone who has a flexible schedule. But what else are you looking for?” Do you think she knows she is on a show looking for love and not at an interview looking for a job? She does go onto mention how she hopes when their old and gross looking, that they can still “spank each other’s butts”. I’m pretty sure this was her way of subliminally telling Arie the kind of kinkery she prefers. He did respond with “I like that”, so hey girl, you may have found him. We learn from Kendall that she travels with a duck named Ping and she is looking forward to introducing him to Arie. I do believe that Arie is really starting to feel something with Kendall, quirks and all. Krystal continues to alienate herself from the others by constantly giving her own commentary on how the date has gone versus how her other dates with Arie have gone. I just really think she enjoys hearing her own voice, but it is fun to see the other girls imitate and get frustrated with her. When it’s time for her to manipulate Arie, she starts off by telling him that things are hard because since she got one of the first one-on-ones, she feels like a target has been put on her back, which I would get her concern if it were the girls eliminating one another, but is it really a target if Arie is the one picking? Also, has she forgotten that Becca had the very first one-on-one of the season and she is still able to function without being a total wack job? She is trying to convince Arie that she is becoming a victim with the other girls, she brings up the hot tub situation, he tells her how pretty she is. She goes on about how she pours love into everything and how much it hurts. . .I don’t even really know what she’s talking about. She’s trying to cry while saying ‘like’ every other word. I have two words. . .bat + shit. I have seen many episodes of Snapped and I know what qualities they are looking for when it comes time to “cast”, that bat has a lot of what is required to be a star on that show. Tia makes an appearance and Krystal asks Arie to delay her for a minute and he does. He is definitely a bottom. The night is about to get 100 times better when Krystal asks for a moment of Tia and Caroline’s time. Please let them all go on Paradise together. Even though I may need to bleach my eyeballs, I promise I’ll watch the whole season. 

The whole point of Krystal pulling aside Tia and Caroline was to tell them how her feelings got hurt when they were in the hot tub. I would like to remind you all that during the entire episode thus far, she has continued to comment on how she is at a different level than the other girls and how immature they all are, she has basically commented on how adult she is versus how childish everyone else is. Seriously, someone get her a dictionary and flag a couple of pages, just for some pleasure reading and to maybe ensure that she stop sounding like someone who thinks she knows all the words. When she realizes that the “she got her feelings hurt” battle cry is getting shut down solidly by Tia, she switches tunes to how uncomfortable she was in getting the one-on-one so early and how all the others were giving her a hard time, which again, got shut down. Krystal was really just trying to start something that would then allow her to run to Arie and whine about how the other girls are being mean to her. The hypocrisy of the situation is that Loony Tunes continues to say that she is only there for Arie, which if true, then who cares what others think? 

Now Tia is getting to have her turn with Arie and she breaks down a bit, Arie soothes her nerves. . .again with his tongue and she walks away feeling more assured. Well, Arie earned about a teaspoon of my faith when he hands the rose over to Tia. 

One-On-One Date #2: Bekah “I’m looking for a stable relationship.” -Arie | But before the date can even get going, Chelsea, and Seinne find themselves having to listen to Krystal discuss how proud she is of herself for overcoming all of the challenges that tried to hold her down on the group date. She claims that she is working on not coming across as being so intimidating to the other girls, because she comes across as flawless and with my hand to the Homeboy above, she said that. I’m no psychiatrist, but I am quite certain that I can diagnose this as being out of one’s mind. This is my 3rd full season to watch and I’ve seen some unhinged ladies, but this chick here takes the cake and the ice cream. Now let’s get to the date. I think we have our first running into the arms, whilst wrapping the legs around the waist of the season. Congrats to Bekah for that honor. They trek through some woods on horseback, which leads them to some hot tubbing. They drink some, they make out some, she rubs the screws on his collar bone, you know, the norm.

As the nighttime gets underway, Arie is waxing poetically about how great Bekah is. . .how incredible and amazing she is. . .how strong and independent and sexy and mature she is, if there was a positive adjective available, he grabbed it. So, while the others are sure that he is going to let her go as soon as he finds out her age, there are too many positives swimming around in his head (and most likely his pants) for that to happen. The convo is flowing very well. They’re talking about their chemistry, about how intrigued he is by her, they discuss wanting to really get to know one another. As the discussion progresses, eventually she asks him if he knows how old she is. His reply? No. When he does ask and she responds with “I’m 22”, he seems shocked, I just don’t know if I’m buying his lack of knowledge. Maybe he didn’t know she was 22, but I’m willing to bet that he wasn’t opposed to a contestant being that young. I have no idea if the star of the show gets to put in guidelines when contestants are picked. But, I would like to think that they have a say in what the minimum and maximum age that they are comfortable with. He does ask if she has ever dated someone his age and she tells him that she has casually dated men in their 30’s, but no one as old as him. His concern at this point is does she really know what she wants. He does voice concern about getting to the end and falling in love with her, just for her to break his heart. It goes back and forth for a bit before Arie tells her that he believes that the connection they have could be amazing and decides to give her the rose and then does what they do best, make out. 

It seems as though our Bachelor has his mind already made up and is choosing to forgo drinking hour, much to the dismay of the ladies. But before that bomb gets dropped, Krystal has once again decided to dole out advice, which if you think about it, is quite humorous. If she really knew all that much about love and how to find it and secure it, she would most definitely not be on my TV screen right now, encouraging me to fast forward. The saving grace? Hearing the others talk about how they feel about her. 

It's Reality BXTCHES | The Bachelorette | Weekly Recap on

Seinne, Bekah, and Tia all have secured their spot, so I suppose skipping out on getting buzzed isn’t fazing them too terribly much. The others however, I’m sure wished they were able to tip back a couple of shots before heading into the line-up. Mostly because they haven’t gotten “their time”, but a little bit because Krystal has made the decision that nobody, not even The Bachelor himself, is gonna tell her that she ain’t getting her time. She interrupts the doling out of the first rose and asks to speak to Arie, leaving everyone ready to cut a BXTCH. And BachelorNation soon learns that our little crazy nugget is also pretty insecure. In the end, she just wanted him to know that she is only there for him and how much she believes in their relationship. I called this from the one-on-one date, but I do believe if she makes it to the Fantasy Suites, he may have a pregnancy scare on his hands. 

The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

Ashley Luke, 25-Real Estate Agent

Becca K., 27-Publicist

Bekah M., 22, Nanny

Chelsea, 29-Real Estate Executive Assistant

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Jacquline, 26-Reasearch Coordinator

Jenna, 28-Social Media Manager

Kendall, 26-Creative Director

Krystal, 29-Fitness Coach

Lauren B., 25-Tech Sales

Marikh, 27-Restaurant Owner

Seinne, 27-Commercial Real Estate Manager

Tia, 26-Physical Therapist

The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

Brittany T., 30-Tech Recruiter

Caroline, 26-Realtor


The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

“I really like Arie.”. . .”I can’t use the ‘L’ word yet, but I really like him.” -Seinne

“Arie’s looking for a woman, not a girl.” -Krystal

“Ghandi used to drink his own pee.”. . .”I’m not Ghandi.” -Marikh

“I would drink my pee for Arie.” -Jenna

“I think if Krystal gets the rose tonight, Tia is going to speed bag her face.” -Caroline

“I mean obviously it would be frustrating if I went home and Krystal stayed. But Krystal’s not his wife.”. . .”She is playing him like a fiddle, man.” -Caroline

“My relationship with Arie is very strong. Is he gonna send home a woman who has a lot to offer? I don’t think so.” -Krystal

“You know just like people slut shame and body shame people, you were like glam shaming me.” -Marikh

“Like freakin‘ Millennials these days.” -Chelsea

Here’s some truth about me. My body shape isn’t anywhere near ready for The Bachelor, my age would actually be the bigger issue, but I’m trying to make a point. I have always been fascinated by The Biggest Loser and I always thought I would probably be successful on that show, but it’s a show that I would NEVER take part in, wanna know why? Because when the contestants get weighed, they have to remove their shirt. Nope, not doing it. It takes me way too far outside my comfort zone for an event like that to occur, even if it were to mean me losing a significant amount of weight. So I find myself wondering, why is it that every contestant on this show is someone who has had a very difficult time with love. Whether it’s. . .they’ve been too hurt to try their hand at love until The Bachelor. . .it’s so hard to be vulnerable until The Bachelor. . .it’s really hard for them to open up until The Bachelor. . .they don’t trust easily until The Bachelor. . .you name it, they have it. My point is this, if you are really someone who has been burned to being almost unrecognizable, your heart has been shattered and there is no way you see yourself trusting in anyone in the near future. . .the best decision for you to make is to compete for the love of one man along side 20+ other women? Now all of a sudden you can trust and open up? It seems to me if your hangups are any of the ones mentioned above, then going on T.V. to find love is the equivalent to me standing in a sports bra being weighed for the world to see. Ridiculous. 

I suppose we need to discuss the Bekah age situation. Now I get that 22 is young, but Maquel is 23. Corinne was 23 to Nick’s 36 and Brad Womack was 38 to Emily’s 25 (and he picked her). My mind is in the same place as everyone else. Is she ready for a marriage? I’m gonna go one further and say that I don’t even think he is. During this particular segment, in his confessional he went on and on about how he wants a wife and a family and how serious he is about the journey. I will again remind. . .Sydney Stempfley, just click the links above. But in the end, I have no idea what Bekah is ready for, only she knows that. And since when can someone not be adventurous and live life to the fullest, while wearing a gold band? I actually liked her on this date more than I have up to this point. She was much more composed than he was, she somewhat tackled the issues head on and answered his questions honestly or at least what seemed to be honest. I get that the minimum age to appear on this show is 21, but I also think that the Bachelor/ette certainly has some sort of say in what their minimum age is, if not, then shame on ABC. However in the end, I do believe that this was only meant to be a step up to the next journey for her in this crazy franchise. And let’s not forget, he likes them more on the younger side and while that age may only be more for his sexual preference, but if that’s the case, his bride to be better get ready for her Knight in Shining Armor to have himself a side piece. 

I’m starting to want to encourage ABC to revamp this show and while I’m pretty sure no one over at the American Broadcasting Company is reading to find out what suggestions this BXTCH is making this week, I’m gonna forge ahead with them. . .you know, just in case. I think that they should really consider sending the contestants out on their own sort of group date, while The Bachelor/ette is out doing their thing. It’s starting to creep me out to have to watch them peep. Also, I would like to somewhat be able to see the thought process behind the Rose Ceremony. I mean, we watch the contestants almost the entire episode, what is the Bachelor/ette doing? Let’s just get some sort of a glimpse. I’m starting to believe that BachelorNation needs to have a say in who the next Bachelor is. With all the polls and surveys going around, surely y’all can figure something out, because whatever method is currently being used, is way off base. I really am trying to find something about Arie that’ll give me at least an internal moan, but the only thing that rattles up from the depths of my BXTCHy soul is frustration. There is no charm, no sex appeal, no humor. . .GIVE ME SOMETHING! And since we’re discussing it, the ladies this year seem to be having the panties melt right off, if that is the case, then the editing is going terribly wrong, because it’s not translating and I really want to believe that these ladies are really feeling something and not just there for the cameras.

In the end, Tia lost another friend and even though I did have Caroline in my final four, it was really me just picking someone because the only two I was truly feeling was Tia and Becca. But here’s what I want the ones discarded to realize. You dodged a bullet, girls. If he ain’t feeling it, then I promise you there is something greater waiting. And just by being on the show, you have already signed up for a really strange orgy type of club with the Bachelor Alumni, so surely there is someone within that group that’ll have you screaming sweet nothings soon enough. Also, do you really want to be with someone who is okay with the type of behavior that Krystal has been displaying? Arie is 36, he has lived long enough to know better, but doesn’t seem to care. So, anyone that can be attracted to whatever it is she’s emitting, is someone that I wouldn’t want anywhere near my good stuff. 

The Bachelor airs on ABC Mondays. . .7pm CENTRAL/8pm EASTERN






BXTCHES Be Sharing:

The Bachelor 2018 | Episode Three Re-Cap | 01.15.18

The Bachelor Re-Cap |

The Bachelor Re-Cap |

BXTCHES Gotta Warn: Well, it’s that time BXTCHES. . .after tonight, we’ll be three episodes in and I have yet to be impressed. Arie hasn’t wooed me (not that I’m the one who needs to be swept away, but still), he hasn’t forced me to do a double take, my toes haven’t curled, there has been any flutter whatsoever in my belly (or in other places), you know what that’s called? Disappointment. I can’t even rally up any jealousy for these women, I actually feel sorry for them. You can hate on Nick all you want, but that fucker was so much fun to look at. It’s time to step up your game ABC. 

Last Week On: Was that episode a train wreck or what? We had a group date that brought back some horrible bumper car memories for Annaliese, Krystal got to meet the fam, so she’s now started to plan the I Do’s, and Becca was gifted an evening gown wardrobe by Rachel Zoe along with a $1300 pair of shoes, but in the end kept a very calm and lovable vibe about her. A catfight almost broke out between Bibiana and Krystal, but when it was all said and done, only words flew, so again I was left disappointed. In the end, three ladies packed it up and one was more upset over having to leave her friends than she was about being out of the running to be the one who gets to wake up to that hot mess of hair every day. 

Tonight On: We get (2) group dates and (1) one-on-one date.

It’s time for another “Gathering of the Minds” moment, but first Bibiana and Krystal need to re-cap what went down during the last Rose Ceremony. Well, they spoke to the cameras, not to the entire bunch of ladies, but interestingly enough, as much as they don’t like one another, they’re sure enjoy sitting next to each other. And maybe my petty game is just that strong, but if I don’t like you, we are certainly not sharing the same space. Back to our programming. Chris Harrison makes his appearance and reminds the girls that with 18 left, not everyone is going to get date time, so it’s important to make the time that they have with Arie count. Translated: “Continue doing you boo, keep interrupting and stirring up drama, I would like to be back next season.” He says what needs to be said, drops off the date card and bids a farewell.

Group Date #1: Maquel, Jacqueline, Lauren B., Tia, Marikh, Bekah, Bibiana, and Krystal. “It’s all about the ring.” -Arie | Decked out in their finest and for some, their tiniest workout gear, the girls leave the house with enthusiasm I’m not sure I could ever muster . It doesn’t take long to figure out that wrestling is the game and GLOB is the name. ABC, we need to have a quick discussion and I’m afraid that there are going to be a lot of these “discussions” this season. First, with my hand to the Good Lord, it looks like you guys borrowed the decor from the middle school down the road once their winter formal was over. . .in 1987. Surely, there’s more money to spare than this. Second, how any of these women can be or will be sexually attracted to Arie after his announcement into the ring is beyond what I can comprehend. My nipples would’ve shriveled up and my vagina would’ve dried up faster than the Sahara if a guy I was lusting after responded to Arie “The Kissing Bandit” Luyendyk Jr. AND came out with a cat burglar mask on. There was nothing even remotely appealing about it, does someone over there have it out for him? Also, GLOB? The Gorgeous Ladies of The Bachelor? It sounds like the same eighth graders that helped with the decorations, also came up with the name. It helps none and gives a little bit of false hope somewhere, when the ladies involved with this date, cheer and scream like this little charade gets them hot. Whatever ABC, just do better next time. Jacqueline is concerned that A) she is not athletic, so her body will most certainly be hitting the mat and B) that some of the ladies aren’t really getting along, so putting them in a ring to face off is not a good idea. Aww, sweet, sweet Jacqueline, that’s the only reason this is a good idea. 

To help out with this disastrous date, ABC has enlisted two GLOW women. . .from the 80’s. I suppose it’s time to get down to the date itself. When the ladies try to teach a roll, Arie is up first and if there was any lust left in these ladies, it’s for sure gone now. They teach a 3/4 roll, and this motherfucker did a somersault as if it were his first day in gymnastics class. . .for toddlers. It doesn’t help that during his camera confessional he admits to not knowing anything about wrestling, “I’m a race car driver”, sure you are, my question however is why do the date? Surely race car driving isn’t his only passion. Here’s a tip from me to you (free of charge): You wanna really get to know somebody? Do something that brings you great joy and see how they react, it’ll tell you a lot. Jeezus, do I have to do all the work? These GLOW women are either looking for a comeback in life or they take yesteryear very seriously. They first get on Lauren for not selling the fake wrestling. Not only do they call Bibiana pathetic, but criticize her mom and the name she bestowed upon her. They tease Tia and put her down. They’re really just some bitches. I would now ask Arie if his goal is to make his dates feel like shit when he takes them out? A friendship did form between Bibiana and Tia, so something good did come from it. However, I do wish Annaliese was on this date, I would love to see the trauma it would stir up in her. 

Now it’s time for the festivities. The women have outfitted themselves into their alter ego and wait patiently for the opportunity to take down a BXTCH. But first, Arie’s up. I would think that it would be in the best interest of the show, to have Arie look as badass as possible, but any hope for that gets fucked when he dons a cape and a mask and turns straight into the kissing bandit. . .it’s gets fucked further when Kenny (from Rachel’s season) comes out as his opponent. In case you missed that season of the Bachelorette, Kenny is a professional wrestler. It could be in the sense that Arie is a professional race car driver, I’m not too sure of his resume, but whatever it is, he still has a leg up. Even though Kenny “kicked his ass”, in the fakest way possible, Arie still got to hold onto a little of his pride by winning in the end. Now it’s time for the GLOB. Bekah the Sex Kitten vs. Maquel the Lunch Lady (Maquel won) | Krystal the Cougar vs. Jacqueline the Beauty Queen (I think) (Krystal wins) | Marikh the Gold Digger vs. Lauren the Stripper-not really, but it turned into quite the porn act and I have no idea who wins | Tia the Southern Belle vs. Bibiana the Bridezilla (Tia is the winner). And that’s it, there is no date winner, no ultimate match that pairs Arie up against one of the ladies, could you imagine how pissed off Krystal and Bekah would’ve been if Tia got to take Arie on in the ring. Man, this date sucks, I hope the nighttime is much better.

Krystal bites first and everything about their one-on-one time made me squirm and not in a good way. We must address “the voice”. I cannot be the only one who wants to shove a knife deep into their ear whenever she speaks. And here’s the thing, it’s not even her real voice. Yes, she speaks a little bit hoarse, but her voice is not that sultry. I know this because I’ve seen her YouTube videos. Arie sure is doing some ground work for his dick when he tells her how sexy she is and how it’s hard to concentrate when she’s in the room, I mean it was like. . .stroke. . .stroke. . .stroke. Then they kiss and I don’t know who gave him the name “Kissing Bandit”, but it’s has been so uncomfortable to watch him kiss these women. I would say that maybe it’s the women, but he is the common denominator. I can say with gusto, that watching Ben or Nick kiss did not make me want to turn my head.

Remember last week when I told you BXTCHES that by taking Krystal to his hometown to meet his parents would unleash something inside her? My point was proven when she actually asks him the following: “What am I supposed to do, like, on these group dates? Do I just kick back? Or, do I need to be aggressive and. . .” Arie’s response: “You just be you, you’re doing good”, which is like having a firehose shoot gasoline on an already burning inferno. The blaze is about to burn out of control when she says “I want to make sure I don’t get lost” and he says “If you ever feel lost, you just come grab me” That’s like sending a grown woman into Target and telling her that money is no object and to have fun. Later, when it’s just her and the camera, she legit says that she asked him the following: “Do you want me to be aggressive or do you want me to allow you to get to know the other girls?” You would think that at 36 years old, he would know how to somewhat read women, but after that convo and me knowing that he just set crazy free, I now know he only thinks with his dick, which is something he should’ve already outgrown, and since that’s his way of pursuing women, I now know why it is he’s single. He’s a bag em’ and tag em’ asshole. On a side note: It makes me want to pull out my fingernails to have to defend Krystal, but here it goes. I’m not sure why everyone gets pissed when someone grabs him and kicks off the night. Isn’t that the point? I don’t like the woman, but someone has to go first. And with Bibiana the main one bellyaching, I shouldn’t have to remind the cheerleader, but, next time. . .be aggressive B-E aggressive. A little less bitching and a lot more doing. And Bibiana is the first one to tell you how badass she is, well let me see it, I ain’t tuning in for him. I don’t know how some of these ladies get by in life. Good gracious, pick up a book if you need the help. Bibiana does use her time with Arie to talk about the time that’s being spent with him or the lack thereof. She mentions Krystal, but doesn’t dwell on her too much. He’s probably going to prefer Krystal over Bibana, at least she is on some sexual wire with him, all Bibiana got was a hug. That’s called the friend zone girl. 

I’m all about #teamtia, well I was, but now I’m torn. I don’t think he’s good enough for her, but then they have their time and she is just being reeled in. . .hook, line, and sinker. And the thing that pisses me off is the conversation itself. . .oh, and that weird kiss, but it seems once again that nothing of substance is being discussed. I get it, the chemistry is alive and you want to capitalize on that, but are we so far removed that no one knows how to date anymore? I probably know more about each of them than they know about the other. 

The nanny is next and we already know her age is a question yet to be answered, that is until tonight. Look, she’s 22. She’ll be 23 in February. Here’s how I know. The Bachelor Episode Three Re-Cap | How old is Bekah Martinez from The Bachelor |
Is it a big deal? 14 years is a big difference and one I may not blink at in the real world if fate just fell into your lap. But, she has come on to a show to find her one and only and during their time together, he asks her how long was her longest relationship and she answers with 2 1/2 to 3 years. If she broke up earlier in 2017, then that makes her 19 when the relationship began, 18 if she was 21 when they broke up, it could’ve been a high school relationship, but that was not implied. She was with someone for three years and after he broke up with her, she realized she never loved him in the first place. That could be why she’s so carefree now. Look, I watch the show, I try to buy in as much as the entertainment allows, and in the end, we all want to see someone happy and the process work, but when you’re 22, you need to conquer the journey first and settling down with anyone, much less someone who is 36 years old, should be at the very bottom of your to do list. So, my personal opinion. . .she’s here for the adventure, not the long haul and that’s okay, she may allow him to check something off of his bucket list, who knows, when the obligatory make out session occurs, she does straddle him, so something gets checked. My favorite Bekah moment of the night happens when she tells the camera it’s been a long time since she’s felt this kind of chemistry. BXTCH, “long time?”, you are 22 years old, you haven’t lived long enough to incorporate the words “long time” into any aspect of your life, unless you’re talking about how long you’ve been potty trained. 

Both Krystal and Bekah think that they are a shoe in to be pinned with the rose. Krystal truly believes that his mind is made up and he’s playing along for the sake of the show. Please put her on Paradise. I never watch a full season of that show, but if ever I were to, it would be with her on it. She gets put in her place quickly when Arie hands the rose over to Bekah. I told y’all, he thinks with his dick and who straddled him tonight? Bekah may now need to watch her back, because Krystal was really about to spring tears and when a crazy bitch turns on the waterworks, all bets are off.

At the mansion: Crazy is busy telling Marikh how jealous girls usually are of her and the experience that she chooses to share took place in the eighth grade. She is 29 years old and an incident in the eighth grade has forever shaped her perception of how women view her. I will continue to reiterate this for as long as she is on the show. . .that bitch is cray cray. And I’m talking crazy in the Snapped sense of the word. So, whoever Arie chooses (if it’s not her), y’all better prepare for her to show up and declare her undying love. What’s even more entertaining is she tells Marikh how insecure girls are around her, how jealous they get and how she thinks that it’s followed her into the house. Meaning some of the girls in the house are starting to become jealous of her. Give Marikh credit, her facial expression couldn’t have said “Bitch, please. Insecure?” any better if she would’ve actually said the words herself. I really hope Crazy doesn’t win, but not for the reasons she would think, I just want to see her reaction when she doesn’t get a rose. It could be Emmy worthy.

One-On-One Date: Lauren S., “You had me at merlot” -Arie | I have to admit, this date surprised me, in a good way. Only because Lauren S. has not really shown up in my re-caps yet and usually if that’s the case, then they’re not getting a whole lot of screen time. It’s once again time for Arie to whip it out, his private jet that is, don’t tell Krystal, I think that she may really believe that Arie owns the jet, which means that she does as well, since in her mind they are already married. Arie is whisking her away to Napa, which at first I thought, man that would suck if she didn’t drink wine, but who am I kidding, this is The Bachelor after all, wine is water. During the boarding of the plane and all that goes with it, Arie talks about how he’s excited about the date, because he’s excited to get to know Lauren more. He describes her as beautiful and mature and that she has a great job. I’m gonna go ahead and let you all know now that if someone asks you to tell them some great things about me and the word you use is ‘mature’, I’m kicking your ass. No questions, just a good ole’ school yard beat down. I got a couple left in me and I’m saving them for the right time. But when he goes on to say how she is what he is looking for in a potential wife, he should have said just that she looks the way he wants a potential wife to look, call it like you mean it. Once they arrive at the winery and the date really takes off, their conversation is flowing very well. The right questions are being asked, Lauren is finally finished with her giddiness and the adult in her has taken over. Arie actually has some jokes, overall so far this date is a relief to what we have watched up to this point. All in all, the day portion of the date has gone great. 

I’m not sure what happened between the snack in the vineyard and the sun setting, but Lauren is so all over the place that Arie starts to eat the meal that they’re not supposed to eat. He asked her about her journey to the show, so she starts to tell him about her last relationship, but then dives into her family, then moves onto Mother’s Day and an eye infection. I don’t even like Arie and I’m kinda feeling for him right now. She does at least admit to the camera that she knows she was all over the place and she wouldn’t even give herself the rose. Blame the wine girl! In the end, the rose didn’t happen and Lauren got sent back to Dallas and since she talked nonstop, she didn’t even get to enjoy the steak. Lesson learned: Always eat first, at least then your mouth is too busy chewing to talk.

The reaction from the girls when Lauren’s suitcase is wheeled away is shock. I’m assuming her and Caroline were close, because she is in tears, but the picture of the night goes to Krystal. This is her face when they realize what is happening.

The Bachelor 2018 | Episode Three Re-Cap |

I think this says it all. Krystal does go on to diagnose the situation and use her time to tell the girls that Lauren did confide in her and told her that she has a really hard time opening up and being vulnerable to which Krystal then tells the group that since she has already been on a group date and she has already been on a one-on-one date, she really has gotten to know Arie and based on that the ladies really need to make the most of their time when they have it, because if they don’t, she will swoop in and take him away. Okay, I added that last part, but c’mon, y’all know it’s true.

Group Date #2: Ashley, Becca, Brittany, Jenna, Caroline, Chelsea, Annaliese. “Love is ruff.” -Arie | When the date card arrives and the clue pretty much gives away the fact that the date will involve dogs, fuck whatever it is that is happening in the world right now because the fact that Annaliese has a traumatic childhood experience that involves dogs may very well set this episode right. I don’t know the deets yet, but I hope I’m about to find out. The date is just going to involve the park with some dogs and some fun. And the fun is some sort of stage act with the dogs and costumes. What could possibly go wrong? Back to Annaliese. First, shout out to ABC for that flashback video, it was ah-mazing! Second, I don’t remember too much about the backstory, but Annaliese’s parents were out of the country, she was with the grandparents and almost lost an eye because of the dog. I hope I don’t have to spend too much time on the hot mess that was the dog show, but I am gonna talk about Chelsea for a bit. Just an observation really. So, the girls have to get the dogs to do some tricks, ones that they practiced in the park. They are performing in front of an audience while being decked out in costumes, which bewildered me, but back to Chelsea. . .during her set, a small girl comes onto the stage. Now, Chelsea has spent a lot of time talking about her kiddo, so wouldn’t this have been a great time to show off those mom skills and let the girl help her? Instead Chelsea says nothing and the girls mom has to come on stage to get her, whilst tears streamed down the poor child’s face. What a wasted opportunity Chelsea, I bet Krystal wouldn’t have let that chance pass her by. The best part about the dog show was Fred Willard as host and Annaliese getting demoted to pooper scooper. Actually, she probably did the best job overall.

Chelsea didn’t have to rush to make the first move, Arie did it for her and of course this just reinforces how serious he is about getting to know her (sense the sarcasm). All the conversations were flowing well, not too awkward. . .well, yet. Annaliese was fretting a bit over getting time with him and when she did finally take a seat, it was nervous at best. Her goal was to just kiss him, but that plan was quickly thwarted when Chelsea shows up for round two, just to tell Arie that she came in to steal a kiss and proceeds to do just that. #whatabitch I would suspect that if she was able to eavesdrop on his private time with Becca, then she wouldn’t be so confident in her moves, because if those two would have gotten anymore horizontal, that make out session would’ve went a totally different route. But I could be way off base because in the end, Chelsea does get the rose.

It seems that the theme of this cocktail party is. . .stress. Well, really more like “I just need to see if we have a connection and I’m freaking out because we haven’t kissed”. What I would like to know is if they (the girl) aren’t feeling it, are they gonna go ahead and send themselves home? Arie finally takes charge and instead of allowing a lady to pull him away, he’s making the grab himself, he’s being very assertive tonight, first up is Seinne. Bibiana has taken the time to set up a star gazing area, in the hopes of getting some private, uninterrupted time with Arie. Too bad that while he was having time with Lauren B., they stumbled upon it. They even took advantage of the makeshift bed. You know things aren’t looking good for Bibiana when she somewhat interrupts and he asks for five more minutes with Lauren. And the hits just keep on coming at Bibiana when Arie continues to use her set-up for each and every girl, as if he was the romantic mastermind behind the whole spread. I’m not sure on what kind of fuckery Bekah was trying to sell, but she has quickly turned into a relationship guru and is convincing Arie that the reason he is so attracted to her is because she is someone who doesn’t need him and how scary it must be to actually be with somebody who doesn’t need you to complete them. Which I feel is a bit opposite of how she acted on the group date, but she is feeding and he is feasting, and I mean that in all that it implies. NEWSFLASH: He’s attracted to you because you’re young and that’s the temperature he prefers and you make him forget that he is 36. He is attracted to you for the same reason that Nick was attracted to Corinne, you have the youngest pussy in the house, do the math. I’m not judging. Treat yo self. This isn’t a philosophical teaching moment and it would be hard to sell it as one when every time you’re with him, either your tongue is down his throat or you look like your about to join the rodeo or both. Get it girl, just call it like it is.

He and Tia share some hay bales and moonshine. She’s still my fave. I think that she’s herself and she’s not trying to constantly sell a product. If she doesn’t win his hand, I’m pushing for her to be the next Bachelorette. Not that my voice travels far, but you never know. It seems that everyone is obsessed with who he has kissed or who is still waiting to be kissed, it’s becoming a lot of pressure and they’re all sitting around talking about it, which is not only weird, but it’s starting to make me uncomfortable. Annaliese is doing her best to create a moment, she takes him to the balcony and the conversation revolves around the fact that she wants to kiss him and oh me oh my oh, does it get awkward when he tells her that they just aren’t there yet. #thatstung Kendall comes and steals him away, leaving Annaliese pondering about her life and where it went wrong, well I’m quite sure she is anyway. Kendall gets the kiss, so I’m starting to think that Annaliese will not be changing her last name anytime soon. Matters aren’t getting helped when Marikh and Chelsea are advising her to be more assertive. Someone should enlighten them about the whole #metoo movement that has formed based on unwanted or unsolicited sexual contact. I’m not #teamarie, but he has made it clear that the relationship he has with Annaliese isn’t to a point where he’s ready for any sort of physical intimacy and for anyone to suggest that she go against his wishes is playing dirty. In the meantime, Jenna (I believe) is getting ready to give him a lap dance and she probably would have had her dress not been in the way. But instead of listening to reason and Arie, Annaliese decides to hang on to the word “yet” and see what it is he meant by it. If it’s this painful for me to watch this shit, I can only imagine how they must feel watching themselves back. #cringe All of the girls who gave her encouragement should be ashamed. I may not know what it is that’s about to happen (I’m re-capping as I watch), but I know she’s about to be embarrassed. And what do you know, she asked and he answered. Now she’s going home.

It's Reality BXTCHES | The Bachelorette | Weekly Recap on

The Rose Ceremony is about to begin and I still have no idea of what became of Bibiana and the whole star gazing set-up. I’m beginning to feel very incomplete right now. She does reveal that she never even got the chance to speak with him. I would throw down a very bit “fuck that”, and as aggressive as she is, she should’ve moved in on him. Now her chance could be gone and she’s gonna be left with nothing but a telescope and a day bed. Bekah and Chelsea have group date roses and are safe. 

The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

Bekah M., NO AGE GIVEN-Nanny

Chelsea, 29-Real Estate Executive Assistant

Caroline, 26-Realtor

Kendall, 26-Creative Director

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Ashley Luke, 25-Real Estate Agent

Lauren B., 25-Tech Sales

Brittany T., 30-Tech Recruiter

Becca K., 27-Publicist

Seinne, 27-Commercial Real Estate Manager

Krystal, 29-Fitness Coach

Tia, 26-Physical Therapist

Maquel, 23-Photographer

Jenna, 28-Social Media Manager

Jacquline, 26-Reasearch Coordinator

Marikh, 27-Restaurant Owner

The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

Lauren S., 31-Social Media Manager

Annaliese, 32-Event Designer

Bibiana, 30-Executive Assistant

The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

“I just got the shit beat out of me a few days ago on a group date, so I’m really hoping that doesn’t happen again. But I’m willing to do what I have to do.” -Tia

“I want to make a good impression on Arie, but I’m getting my ass beat today.” -Jacqueline

“Oh my God, I’m literally gonna fucking kill Krystal.”. . .”Get off your high horse and stop being so condescending to everybody because you met his dog.” -Caroline

“Feel like Jesus needs to take the wheel.” -Bibiana

“I had planned something extremely special, but the devil is working OT man.” -Bibiana

“Get home safe.” -Arie

Let’s start at the end. It sucks that Bibiana went home. Actually what sucked about it is she was the only one that wasn’t given a rose during the ceremony. Up to this point, it was multiple people let down at one time, so I’m sure when that happens, it doesn’t hurt as badly. It also sucks that she put together a romantic spot and she never got to use it, but that alone screams ABC set this up. Because if I truly went out of my way to set up an area to star gaze, because that’s my thing, then he’s gonna know all about my effort and who did he really think set it up? When he arrived with Lauren, she didn’t claim it, he didn’t claim it, surely after putting those deduction skills to work, he could’ve assumed that it was another girl who was trying to impress him, so that makes him an ever bigger asshole. After her final confessional, I’m sure Valium was involved, because she is “broken” (her word). She talks about how this was her one chance to find real love. Clue in Bibiana, this is a T.V. show and while we hope that it works out, it usually doesn’t, which means if you were truly putting all of your love eggs into this basket, then that’s on you girl. 

I’m curious how much time there is between the announcement of who the next Bachelor is and the time that filming starts on the show. Did any of these girls do research? It didn’t take a ton of time for me to dig up the little bit I did on Arie and that was enough for me to probably forever be turned off. I do believe that some of the girls are all in regardless of what his background would’ve revealed. I’m not sure what could be worse than finding out that he’s a serial cheater who frequents sorority houses, but I guarantee you if there is something worse, Krystal and Chelsea would fight to the death for a chance to hear “I now pronounce you. . .”. And if he truly is this gem of a partner that the girls are constantly bragging about, then ABC is doing a poor job of putting that in the spotlight. Trust me, we need to see this because right now, nothing about him is appealing. There is zero alpha lying within him, which every girl needs a little bit of. So, if you want us to fall hard, it’s about time for us to see a different side. Which brings me to my next point.

Okay ABC, this experiment needs to go down as an epic fail. If Arie was the best you could come up with, then it’s time to turn to the free agency market. Surely there are men out there, who have never tried to woo any of your Bachelorettes, one who could set BachelorNation on fire. Turn to social media, hang out at a gym, hell go to Target, you are bound to find someone, but this season is becoming painful to watch.

The Bachelor airs on ABC Mondays. . .7pm CENTRAL/8pm EASTERN








BXTCHES Be Sharing:

The Bachelor 2018 | Episode Two Re-Cap | 01.08.18

The Bachelor Re-Cap |

The Bachelor Re-Cap |

BXTCHES Gotta Warn: Okay, so don’t fret if you didn’t catch last weeks episode, there wasn’t much missed, just read the re-cap right here. In my opinion, the first episode is boring as fuck, but usually the highlight is being able watch the train wreck that is #WhiteGirlsGetWasted, but even that didn’t happen last week. It seems that maybe someone over at ABC finally started to heed advice and stop giving these girls IV’s loaded with liquor. Anyway, I’m working outside of my usual box today and am actually re-capping this episode as I watch it for the very first time. I was away on Monday and am just now able to tune in. So let’s go.

Last Week On: First, we need to met our Bachelor, because let’s face facts, when they said “Arie”, we said “who?” so a review was necessary. Next, we meet the 29 ladies who are vying for the title of Last BXTCH Standing. Even though this episode doesn’t send tingles from head to toe, there were a couple of things that I was able to take away from it. . .blonde white girls really do look alike. . .no fucks get given when you’re trying to fall in love. . .age really is just a number for the folks over at ABC. . . and “Do you see me talking? It is rude to interrupt” is not a phrase many of these ladies heard while growing up.

Tonight On: We’re gonna get (2) one-on-one dates and (1) group date.

I’m not sure who comes up with “What the Girls Will Do Today” bit that’s happening at the beginning of this episode, but surely I’m not the only one who finds it awkwardly strange that 20+ girls are hanging out, drinking champagne while waxing poetically about the one guy they all want a piece of. It all just has a big ole’ sleepover feel, but as Chris Harrison points out, that won’t last long. Once the date card gets dropped off, we learn that Becca K. is the envy of all, by being awarded the very first one-on-one date of the season.

One-On-One Date (#1): “Hold on tight” -Arie  |  That’s the clue and while it brought the fan girl screams out loud and proud, not every girl is as happy, namely. . .Chelsea. More About Becca Kurfin. She’s a 27 year old publicist from Minnesota and graduated from Minnesota State University in 2012. She lost her dad when she was just 19 years old (brain cancer) and her mom is in remission (breast cancer).  Now, originally I thought that Marquel’s ex-husband would be making an appearance to try and win her back, but rumor has it, it is actually Becca’s ex, Ross Jirgl, whom she dated on and off for seven years. Also, I don’t think her ABC promotional photo really does her beauty justice, she should’ve demanded a re-take. Now, back to our date. 

First order of business? Get Becca styled up by none other than Rachel Zoe. After giving Arie a private fashion show, it’s decided that Becca will get to keep all of what she tried on. I thought it was sweet and I would understand the excitement if she were trying on jeans and such but this BXTCH was trying on evening gowns. In what life would she have a need for one evening gown, much less five or six. . .but she was happy and I suppose that’s all that matters. Arie then dropped to one knee-and for those keeping count, that’s twice he has dropped to one knee for Becca, keep up the good work girl-to give her a pair of Christian Louboutin’s. Becca may need to watch her back, Chelsea’s may very well stab her with that stiletto if she feels that Becca is moving in on her step baby daddy. Arie surprises her one more time with some jewelry by Neil Lane, so if Chelsea can’t stab her with a stiletto she can choke the shit out of her with that diamond necklace. I suppose one benefit from the gifts would be to utilize them during Rose Ceremonies. By doing so she will be constantly reminding Arie of their date, without ever having to say a word. Once the champagne was cheered out and the kissing finally ceased, Becca makes her way back to the mansion to drop off her gifts and make the girls jealous while she gets ready for the night.

They meet up at the Hudson Loft and everything about Becca screams BLING!, but I’ll admit, she was looking good. Conversation flows very easy between the two, though I think Becca was a bit more at ease than Arie. They discuss Arie’s run on The Bachelorette and what his passions are, we learn that he is able to fix the brakes on Becca’s car, so score one for Mr. Racecar. It may be too early to call, but he seems very smitten with Becca, so I definitely see her sticking around for a while. She does discuss her ex and the passing of her dad. She mentions her family and is stoked that he is close to his, because that’s something that is important to her. It’s not gonna take a whole lot of brain power to realize that she is definitely getting herself a rose tonight. They do kiss a lot, like a lot a lot. Arie does confess to the camera that this date was the perfect first date. You may wanna go ahead and move Becca Kurfin to your final four, that part of the bracket may be set.

Meanwhile at the mansion: We find Krystal, Chelsea, and Seinne sitting around discussing how jealous they are of Becca’s motorcycle ride with Arie. Well, Chelsea is really the one green with envy, but more so because Becca gets to put her hands on Arie. Now, it’s time for Krystal to enlighten us all on her fear of motorcycles and she starts with her dad being in a really bad motorcycle accident, but she has also seen a lot of people who were either “killed, injured, or lost body parts” due to motorcycle accidents. There is so much happening in that one statement, I don’t even know where to go with it. I’m not saying that it isn’t true, but in my 41 years on earth, I don’t even know that many people who have been in car accidents, forget about motorcycle accidents, so for the love of Jax Teller, for her to not only know lots of people who have been injured because of a motorcycle, but for them to fall into those three categories seems a bit out of touch for me. She did say that had she been chosen for the date, she would’ve had a moment with Arie to explain her fears. I would think that surely there is something they fill out asking if there is anything that they absolutely would not do and if her life has been impacted so negatively by motorcycles, I hope that riding a motorcycle would be a hard limit for her, but I’m willing to bet that she would’ve opened those legs far and wide to get a feel of that vibration.

Still at the Mansion: While sitting around waiting for the next date card, the girls do what every group of girls who happen to be dating the same guy would do. . .and that’s discuss how well he kisses with those pillow lips of his of course. I’m not sure what it is that they are referring to when that classify his lips as “pillows”, I think of a pillow as soft and fluffy, not soft and thin, maybe they should try the descriptor silky or how about just soft. Can you imagine the gab fest that will go down if one of these ladies gets to feel his dick? Good Lord, can you imagine the descriptors? “Aww. . .isn’t it cute?” What every guy wants to hear. Anyway, the next date card arrives and Arie throws a curve ball because while most were expecting a group date card, a one-on-one arrives and who is the lucky lady? Krystal.

One-On-One Date (#2):“Home is where the heart is.” -Arie  |  More about Krystal Nielson. She is 29 years old and from Montana (but resides in California). She graduated from Boise State University and currently works for Orange Theory Fitness. And hold onto your shit for this next one. Her phobia’s include spiders and sharks and she is also afraid of. . .wait for it. . .unused potential. I now know I am gonna need some strength to make it through this season and possibly something to dislodge my eyeballs as I roll them into the back of my head. Well, the red carpet gets rolled out and a private jet gets fired up as they head to Arie’s hometown. Good thing she doesn’t know anyone who has lost body parts due to a plane crash or this date would be taking a different turn. But, we are gonna need to stop the bus plane right here for a hot second. This date is not a good idea and someone who is 36 years old should know better. I’m not judging. . .who am I kidding, I kinda am, but by taking Krystal back to his hometown, he’s gonna extract a serious clinger from the depths of her soul, one that when released there will be no coming back from. The plane hasn’t even been boarded and she has already commented on how meaningful it must be to him. Mark my words BXTCHES, she is about to lay some claim to this fucker. He starts with a tour of Scottsdale. . .first job. . .first kiss. . .high school, you know the important spots. Then he actually takes her to his house. We’re not even two full episodes in yet and she’s mentally moving herself in to his home. What the fuck happened to just going to Chili’s and a movie OR dancing OR karaoke, simplicity isn’t all that bad. I just feel as though he is sharing an awfully intimate part of him for a first date and when she is one of 20 women competing for his bed space, he’s putting a whole lot of hope inside of her imagination. And trust a BXTCH, when he brings her home to meet his family, the wedding plans are already internally being made. But in real life, how many women are gonna be just fine with a first date that includes meeting the parents? Crazy bitches, that’s who.

The only thing really freaking Krystal out at this point is the fact that she did not grow up in a close knit family like Arie did and she is worried that because of that, it will turn Arie away. I don’t want to pull out my  mom card but, if that would wind up being the case, then girl, it’s time to step. Ain’t nobody got time for that. And you know what? I would understand this type of insecurity from like a 21 year old, but for someone who is knocking on the door of 30, she should be well seasoned enough to know that if a man, a 36 year old man, cuts you looses because of you’re family or lack thereof, then fuck them. Well any who, the evening does bring about some deep conversation. Krystal goes into how her parents divorced when she was really young and how her relationship with her father is non-existent and her mother, while she raised her, was never there for her emotionally.  STOP RIGHT HERE: Let’s rewind a bit, back to her sharing her motorcycle horrors with Chelsea and Seinne and she mentions that one of the reasons she hates motorcycles is because her dad was in a really bad motorcycle accident. . .but now is talking with Arie about how she doesn’t have a relationship with her dad. . . .I’m starting to pick up on some vibes and they ain’t good. She is really trying to sell a childhood not only lacking in love, but one that lacked in material things as well, she tells a story about saving up Christmas and birthday money just so she could buy herself a comforter. It’s almost as if her mind went blank when it came time to go in for the kill. She could’ve said something like clothes or shoes or food for the family, but the went with comforter. I didn’t really understand where the story was even supposed to go, I thought she was going to say something like. . .so she could feel warmth because she never got any from her mom. . .but the story ended right there and she moved onto her brother and the story of him living on the streets. I know I’m a cynic, but let’s play a game of “Merrie, you really are a bitch” real quick. While telling her life story, you could hear the emotion, but it seemed like (to me) she was trying to force some sort of an ugly cry, her eyes watered a bit, but nothing fell. Later in the group date, Annaliese goes into an ugly cry over a traumatic bumper car experience and yes, it’s as fucking ridiculous as it sounds. So, I’m not saying what Krystal said isn’t true, but she does have some sort of relationship with her mom, there is a YouTube video that she made with her brother and maybe a sister, wishing their mom a happy birthday and how sad they were that they couldn’t be with her. It was full of love, not animosity. Also, call me old fashioned, but there ain’t no way I’m exposing that much of myself on a first date. That motherfucker is gonna have to earn my history. You gotta make them fall to the point of no return regardless of your history. I’m not saying that he should cut her loose by learning this information, but right now there is no deep connection for him. . .just a first date and baggage is baggage and he could always start to think that hers is just a bit too heavy to carry around. No worries, he assures her that her past is not her fault and he believes that she is a very loving person. How he knows that is anyone’s guess. Shocker, she gets the rose and a kiss. The date ends with a serenade from Connor Duermit, and I have no clue who that is, but it was a beautiful song. And as one would predict, every season there’s that one contestant who has struggled with love and opening up their whole life, but one date with the Bachelor/ette, all doors get knocked down, Krystal is our girl this year. She has stayed away from love for so long, but after one date with Arie, she’s ready to break through her past and take a chance. After one date. With cameras. But still just one date. Man, T.V. really does change you.

Once back in the mansion, the girls are begging for Krystal to share the deets of her date. In the confessional, she does believe that she currently has the strongest relationship with Arie and she has no interest in divulging what went down in Scottsdale. 

Group Date: Maquel, Marikh, Tia, Valerie, Annaliese, Lauren G., Kendall, Bekah M., Jenny, Seinne, Jenna, Caroline, Brittany, Bibiana, and Chelsea. “Let’s hit love head on.” -Arie  |  The girls arrive at a racetrack and instead of Arie just whipping it out, he decides to seduce them from behind the wheel of a derby car because nothing says “I have a small dick” more that spinning around and kicking up dust on a racetrack, maybe that’s why he is (supposedly) so good at kissing. The only way it could’ve been more cliché is if he would’ve shown up in a monster truck. They’re gonna compete in a demolition derby, which is one way to eliminate the competition, and they even get to decorate cars of their very own. Though I’m not sure if “decorate” is the word that would be used in a real demolition derby, but hey, this is The Bachelor and somebody actually did decorate their car with polka dots, so there you go, decorate it is. It doesn’t take long for tears to start pouring, thank you Annaliese for providing us with a moment that should go down in Bachelor history. I don’t know how this story came to be, I’m just glad it did. Apparently, a demolition derby is her worse nightmare and it all stems from bumper cars as a kid. As a child her bumper car got stuck and because people continued bumping into her, the nightmare has never left the recesses of her mind. Oh the horror, bumping into her bumper car. Oh, and it’s not just the bumper cars that brings about the terror, carnival lights and sounds will do it as well. #fuckingwhitepeople But guess whose bumper car tragedy does the trick? That BXTCH ain’t dumb, she knows by having a breakdown, Arie was gonna come running and try to calm her down. It’s time for my very own Dear Arie letter. Look, there are so many things going on with this bumper car experience, I’m not sure where to even start, so I’ll tug your dick for a minute, metaphorically of course. If a bumper car carnival ride caused some PTSD for Annaliese, severe enough that she is still struggling with it as an adult, then I promise you, you’re most likely not ever gonna get your dick in her mouth (imagine what kind of horrible memories that could trigger), and there will never be an anniversary or birthday special enough for anal to ever be an option. It will only ever be the mattress, her back, and you between her legs, not your head, just you. Good luck there Chief.

What Arie should realize is if this woman is in full on cry mode over some fucking bumper cars from years ago, the crazy ain’t buried that deep, and he needs to cut it loose. And once you think that she is calm, because Arie has stroked her a bit and she’s put on the protective gear, so all should be good, she then sees the fire extinguishers and looses it again. It makes more sense for her to loose it if she didn’t see the fire extinguishers. Seeing them at least indicates preparation. And for the record, Arie did tell her that she didn’t have to compete, but how ever will she get Arie to hold her if she went that route? For someone who thought that the end of her life was coming down so hard, that she was close to walking towards the light, she sure didn’t show fear when she started to t-bone BXTCHES all over the track, but in the end Seinne took out the most and is declared the winner.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Chelsea scoops him up first and her motive (allegedly) is to fill him in on her son. Here’s where my curiosity starts to flame up. I did do a bit of research on Chelsea’s baby daddy (more details on that later) but it does appear that he is an active part of the kid’s life. So much so, that (allegedly) he refused to sign the paperwork that would allow his son to be on T.V. So here’s my question. If Arie picks Chelsea in the end, is he moving to Maine? Because I highly doubt she is going to be allowed to move to Arizona with her son. If the baby daddy isn’t going to sign permission for him to be on the show, he’s surely not going to give permission for him to move across the country. But, Arie doesn’t seem to give any indication that her being a mom would cause problems. He shows this by shoving his tongue down her throat. Seinne carries a pretty remarkable resume. She’s actually lived in Scottsdale, she went to Yale, she’s studied abroad. . .brains + beauty = the whole package. Arie was impressed, enough so that their tongues did make an introduction and it was as awkward as I just made it sound. As he is flying though his one-on-one time with the girls, the anger is brewing in Bibiana. But there were 15 girls on this date, that’s a lot of spit and a lot of stories that need to get shared. By the time the end comes, she has already worked herself up and decides that storming off is her best bet. She is certainly someone who could’ve benefited from a shot or possibly twenty. Arie is clearly taken with Bekah and I certainly have a theory for why that is, but I’m gonna hold onto that until later. The conversation was mostly non-verbal and I’m quite certain that they could both taste what the other had for dinner. That Arie is one slick cat, he made Chelsea really think he was going to give her the rose, but then turned around and gave it to Seinne. Mama was clearly not happy. It was fun times.

Brittany gets her turn first, mainly because she got injured during the derby and Arie needed to make sure that she was okay. But hey, whatever it takes to snag his attention and leave an impression. Because of her badass driving skills, Arie does present her with a “Most Hardcore” award. I personally think there is some underlying connotation there, but regardless, who doesn’t love to receiving awards. Him and Bekah do seem to have chemistry and I’m telling you BXTCHES, if they could’ve gotten away and rubbed one out of each other, we would’ve been hearing their cries of pleasure. I like Bibiana, but that BXTCH is starting to stress me out. I’m no expert, but if it’s this difficult and the games have just begun, then you may wanna just peace on out. He has already made some connections with a handful of the girls, connections that are deeper than what she has established, so I think it’s safe to say that Bibiana may survive tonight, but she will not be around much longer. Krystal does pull a move that very well may get that bitch smacked down, she already has a rose, so her night should be stress free, but she thinks that she needs to continue her one-on-one time with Arie and does so by interrupting Lauren B’s conversation with him. Emily Post would’ve been proud when Arie told Krystal to step the fuck back. . .okay, he was actually a bit nicer, but the point was made. And truth. . .I almost puked a little when Arie steps back inside and Krystal gives him a “hi baby”. And, while outside, she is all “I missed you. Did you miss me?” First, the baby voice makes me want to punch her in her puss, JFC it’s like she’s never met a man before. I’m telling y’all, she has already named their kids. Thank fuck, Bibiana finally gets her turn. Funny enough, for as long as she’s been waiting for just a chance to talk to Arie and get to know him, she’s stumped when he tells her to ask him something. But some weave is about to fly when Krystal decides to interrupt Bibiana for some more time with Arie, but Bibiana moves up on my list when she tells her no. And with my hand to the Good Lord, Krystal is literally standing on the other side of the door when they walk through it. #thatbitchisbrave No worries, Bibiana schools her well.


It's Reality BXTCHES | The Bachelorette | Weekly Recap on

Seinne, Becca K., and Krystal are sitting pretty, they have already been handed their roses. Now it’s time to find out who else will get to continue the battle for Arie and everything that it implies. The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

Becca K., 27-Publicist

Krystal, 29-Fitness Coach

Seinne, 27-Commercial Real Estate Manager

Maquel, 23-Photographer

Jacquline, 26-Reasearch Coordinator

Bekah M., NO AGE GIVEN-Nanny

Jenna, 28-Social Media Manager

Chelsea, 29-Real Estate Executive Assistant

Lauren S., 31-Social Media Manager

Tia, 26-Physical Therapist



Annaliese, 32-Event Designer

Lauren B., 25-Tech Sales

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Kendall, 26-Creative Director

Brittany T., 30-Tech Recruiter

Ashley Luke, 25-Real Estate Agent

Marikh, 27-Restaurant Owner

Caroline, 26-Realtor

Bibiana, 30-Executive Assistant

The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

Lauren G., 26-Executive Recruiter

Valerie, 25-Server

Jenny, 25-Graphic Designer








Thank you Jenny for providing me with the quote of the night.

The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

“Hopefully I can hold onto his arms.” -Becca K.                                                                                              “Hold onto something girl.” -Lauren G.

“Oh my God, they are gonna get married.” -Bibiana                                                                                       “Yep.” -Tia

“This is like some redneck shit.” -Tia

“I didn’t know bumper car trauma was a thing.” -Jenny

“She went to Yale. I barely graduated high school and worked at Pizza Hut.” -Arie

“If I go home tonight, good luck Krystal. I would sleep with one eye open.” -Bibiana

“Yeah, I’m not sad about you. I’m sad about leaving my new friends.” -Jenny


I’ve been doing some research and I have no idea how much truth there is to what I’ve learned (read about it here), but word around town is that Arie is a cheating scum bag. And this is coming from several sources. Arie has already confessed on this season that he has not been in love since Emily, but it wasn’t long after he met Jenna Jones that the two were living together and allegedly professing his love via Instagram. I’m not saying that one needs to be in love before sharing a permanent bed, but there had to be some feelings. Then there’s Sydney Stempfley. They were together for about a year and even met one another’s families. They celebrated their one year anniversary in July (2017) and later that month, he broke it off over the phone (allegedly). She was completely shocked when he was announced as the next Bachelor, especially because she asked him point blank about the rumor and he denied it. Not a crime, but here is where things get interesting. Apparently Arie dated Courtney Robertson (The Bachelor season 16) and according to her book, I Didn’t Come Here To Make Friends: Confessions of a Reality Show Villain, Arie cheated on her the entire time they were together. Buckle up, it’s about to get juicy. Jef Holm is the one who ultimately won Emily’s heart, leaving Arie to come in second place. Now, Jef and Arie turned out to be really good friends, until they weren’t. Jef tweeted the following back in September (2017). . .

He also tweeted telling Chris Harrison that he would donate $5k to the charity of Chris Harrison’s choice if Arie makes it a year with the one he hands the final rose to. But here is where things get judgy. Pay attention to the sorority house comment above, because according to a Reddit user, sorority houses are a frequent hangout for Arie. . .where he likes to sex up the 18 year olds. . .he’s in his 30’s. . .read about these allegations here. Which would mean that Bekah’s age isn’t gonna be a concern to Arie at all. It also seems that even Reality Steve isn’t a huge fan of this pick. . .


It’s gonna be very interesting to see where all of this heads and how many more will start coming out of the woodwork and everyone vying for his heart deserves to know his history. Because someone who enjoys a buffet of pussy, will always need a bit of variety for his dick.

I’m not sure what is actually happening during the filming of this show that makes women want to cut a BXTCH (next week seems like some may need something stronger than a drink) or what it is that brings out someone’s inner baby voice (so not sexy) or what makes one believe that their life is over if Arie doesn’t fall in love with them and we’re only two full episodes in. And all of this drama over a man they barely know. So, I think it’s time for the Queen BXTCH (that’s me) to break some stuff down. I understand that the circumstances on this show are special, but some things are what they are regardless if you’re meeting someone in a bar or you’re standing in a mansion about to collapse because you don’t know if you’re getting a rose. Chemistry is a real thing and usually one would know almost right from the get go if it’s there or not. Physical attraction is important, but if things don’t flow organically, then it’s usually not gonna work. For example, Bekah will be around for a hot minute. I don’t think she will get the final rose, but their sexual chemistry is beginning to build and he is a man, so he’s gonna want to see where that particular chemistry will lead. Becca is another that may be around, maybe even to the end. There chemistry is about ease. They’re very comfortable around one another and seem to fall into place like a seasoned couple. I’m torn about whether Krystal will be around for a while or not (Oh good and plenty, I hope not), there’s reasons for why she would and some for why she won’t. She is very well practiced at making him feel like he is a precious commodity and that can sometimes be an attractive trait, there are a lot of things that men like to have stroked and their ego happens to be one of them, and by the looks of it, Krystal knows how to give a stellar ego job. However, it can also be overdone and she is walking that line with a lot of wobble. The baby voice paired with the “I missed you’s” means that it’s not gonna be long before she is professing her love and she’s gonna be stuck to him with the strength of a thousand magnets. So her length of stay is going to depend on whether or not Arie likes that type of girl. My guess? No, because that type of girl needs to know it all, from who’s calling/texting to what did his mom want when she called and that’s a hard life to live for someone who likes a little variety in the bedroom. We’ll discuss some more next week because we still have to talk about Chelsea and Marquel. So stay tuned. 


The Bachelor airs on ABC Mondays. . .7pm CENTRAL/8pm EASTERN







BXTCHES Be Sharing:

The Bachelor 2018 | Episode One Re-Cap | 01.01.18

The Bachelor Re-Cap |

The Bachelor Re-Cap | www.bxtchesbeblogging.comBXTCHES Gotta Warn: I feel like I should first issue an apology. This BXTCH kinda let shit just fall apart at the end of Rachel’s season and didn’t finish. Truth be told, I did have a lot of stuff going on and I did pull the same stunt towards the end of Big Brother, so I did at least spread the procrastination. But, in case you were relying on my re-cap to bring you whose hand Rachel did accept, well spoiler alert. . .it was Bryan. Now that we have that behind us, I think I speak on behalf of a pretty good chunk of BachelorNation when I say “Who the fuck is Arie and what did y’all do with Peter.” There was a collective heartbreak across America when Rachel broke Peter’s heart, but we mended the crack with the hope of Peter being named the next Bachelor, but ABC flipped us all the finger and went a route none of us saw coming.

I still don’t know who Arie really is. I didn’t watch his season of The Bachelorette and I suppose I could’ve done a bit of research, but the motivation just was not there. Although I did hear that he was the runner-up, so there is that. Maybe I feel like the spark is missing. And the more I watch the teasers for the show, the more I’m starting to believe that the sole reason Arie was picked is because ABC is able to use phrases like “JanuArie”. #cuetheeyeroll

We’ll discuss Arie a bit more later, right now we need to get to the business of meeting the 29 girls ready to cut a bitch for the chance to win his heart. Now, the first episode of the season is my least favorite. To have to watch women come up with “clever” (I use that term very loosely) ways to impress The Bachelor makes this BXTCH wanna cut a bitch. Look ladies, most of the work is done. . .you’ve made it to the introduction. . .all you need to do is make sure that your hair extensions have been tightened up, your lashes are secure and your tits are on point, you should know how to do the rest. Unless your usual MO is pulling up to a bar in a race car OR asking a guy to drop to his knees immediately after exchanging introductions OR asking a guy if he has a small weiner, while handing him a small weiner, okay that one was actually funny, then you should be reading from a somewhat familiar playbook. What I’m trying to say is this, if you put the work in and look the part, the rest will usually fall into place, even if your nerves are threatening to take over, it will at least come across as being sincere. And for the love of #feminism, please stop with the fangirling when you do actually meet The Bachelor. C’mon, this could be the man you’re about to marry, if your gonna fangirl at all, at least wait until the guy crawls between your legs and gives you something to fangirl over. You’re welcome.

Ali Harrington, 27-Personal Stylist

Amber Wilkerson, 29-Business Owner

Annaliese Puccini, 32-Event Designer

Ashley Luebke, 25-Real Estate Agent


Becca Kurfin, 27-Publicist

Bekah Martinez, NO AGE GIVEN-Nanny

Bibiana Julian, 30-Executive Assistant

Bri Amaranthus, 25-Sports Reporter

Brittane Johnson, 27-Marketing Manager


Brittany Taylor, 30-Tech Recruiter

Caroline Lunny, 26-Realtor

Chelsea Roy, 29-Real Estate Executive Assistant

Jacquline Trumbull, 26-Reasearch Coordinator

Jenna Cooper, 28-Social Media Manager

Jenny, 25-Graphic Designer

Jessica Carroll, 26-Television Host

Kendall Long, 26-Creative Director

Krystal Nielson, 29-Fitness Coach

Lauren Burnham, 25-Tech Sales

Lauren G., 26-Executive Recruiter

Lauren Jarreau, 33-Recent Masters Graduate

Lauren Schleyer, 31-Social Media Manager

Maquel Cooper, 23-Photographer

Marikh Mathias, 27-Restaurant Owner

Nysha Norris, 30-Orthopedic Nurse

Olivia Goethals, 23-Marketing Associate

Seinne Fleming, 27-Commercial Real Estate Manager

Tia Booth, 26-Physical Therapist

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Valerie Biles, 25-Server

Some fun facts. . .Brittane Johnson was on the reality show Ex-Isle, the same reality show that Blake and Lucas (Waboom) from Rachel’s season were cast-members. . .Annaliese Puccini is an actress/writer who has an IMBD page (check it out here). . .Bibiana Julian is a former Miami Dolphins Cheerleader who was featured in FHM magazine back in 2007 as America’s Sexiest Cheerleader. . .hopefully I’ll have more fun facts to come.

Arie is 36 years old, the average age of the cast is 26, with the youngest being 23 (though rumor has it Bekah could be 22-no age is listed) and the oldest being 33. 

Before we get to the good (another word I’m using loosely here) stuff, can we take a moment and for once admit that white girls look alike. It’s almost as if ABC wasn’t really checking too many boxes, but if you’re blonde and your hair flows freely down your back-you in girl. #disappointed However it is nice to see that we have EIGHT women of color represented. #canthaveitall

Because it’s been five long years since Arie was a fixture on Monday nights, ABC did give us a bit of a re-cap on his Bachelorette run, all the way down to the break-up. I didn’t watch his season, but here is what I now know. . .he appeared on season 8 of the show. . .Emily Maynard was The Bachelorette. . .he finished 2nd, behind Jef Holm (who won and eventually lost) and in front of Sean Lowe, who went on to star on The Bachelor (season 17) and find love. I guess it’s also no coincidence that ABC pulled in Sean Lowe as the one to give Arie pre-season advice. Even though it’s been a while since Emily broke Arie’s heart, he claims that he hasn’t been in love since and even though The Bachelorette was/is his biggest heartbreak, it did prove that he could fall deeply in love (on T.V.). #fingerscrossed We do learn that while racing may still be a part of his life, his career is now in real estate.

The Bachelor/Ette | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comNow it’s time for the worse part of the season. It’ll be boring as hell for me to go through one by one, so the best thing for me to do is grab the most interesting. Chelsea Roy from Portland, Maine may be one to watch. She is in real estate and a single mom to Sammy and when she says that she is looking for another good man to be in her life and one to show Sammy what it is to be a father. . .I’m gonna go ahead and assume that the baby daddy is non-existent. She’s hoping that since Arie has already competed for the heart of a single mom (Emily), there is a point sitting in her pro column. Caroline Lunny is in real estate as well, which she points out as a common thread for her and Arie, little does she know how common that thread will become, and no worries, she did grow up around cars, so call off the search, she has been found. Maquel Cooper is on the young side at just 23, but that’s just the tip, so to speak. It seems that the Utah native has already been married and divorced. But interestingly in her featurette, she says things like. . .“One day I’ll find love.”. . .“I wanna be married.”. . .“I really want to find someone to share a life with.” Oh, it gets better. Apparently her ex-husband, Josh Munday, wants her back. They were high school sweethearts who, according to him, just got married too early. And he already has Maquel fitted for her chastity belt, claiming that her conservative Mormon background will not have her hopping into the fantasy suite with the race car driver (see the interview, here). Tia Booth is a physical therapist from Weiner, AK. Her tie to the Bachelor world is Raven Gates (Nick’s season). Her and Tia are good friends and it’s because of Raven that Tia is giving reality love a shot. Kendall Long plays the ukulele and collects taxidermy, but does wonder why she has yet to have a relationship last more than a year. Who wants to break the news? We meet Marikh Mathias, a 27 year old restaurant owner, while she is working out with her trainer. . .with a full face of make-up, lashes and all. Really? That’s a sure sign that, that BXTCH has something to hide. However, we do meet her mom, cooking in a restaurant kitchen, also with a full face of make-up. Again, really? So the apple does not fall far. She is however, pulling a pretty strong Kim K. vibe. It seems that every season has at least one and Krystal Nielson is the this year’s resident personal trainer. She does have her own YouTube channel (here), but with only 32 subscribers and 7 videos, not a lot of attention is being paid to the upkeep. On a more philanthropic note, once she found out that her brother was living on the streets, she was spurred into providing some help for the homeless.

Caroline is first out of the limo and girlfriend took the expression #titsup very literal. Her girls are screaming to be noticed. Job well done. Seinne (also works in real estate) is the first to come bearing gifts. Elephant cuff links, her favorite animal, to be exact. Tia gifts Arie with a little weiner. I’m just gonna leave that right there. Britt stuck a “Nice Butt” bumper sticker to his ass, because while you’re not supposed to put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari, putting it on an Arie is just fine. Get it. Super fucking funny, huh? When our health and fitness guru steps out, she decides that Arie needs a little wellness prayer. On a side note: Every year I wonder how is it possible for so many attractive individuals to be yearning for love so badly that T.V. is where they go to find it. You always ask the age old question “how are you single?” and every year I’m able to figure it out within the first 30 minutes of episode one. Let’s continue. Bekah shows up in a classic car (insert whatever brand you imagine here), telling Arie that “I may be young, but I can still appreciate something classic.” In my head she’s calling him the classic AKA old, but he seemed to interpret it a bit different. Bekah was one of the very few to admit that she didn’t know a whole lot about our Bachelor. Becca K. proved that friends are missing in her life, since not one told her it would look ridiculous for her to have him drop down to a knee as an introduction. Because that’s what she did. Good Golly Miss Molly, I would love to watch some of these ladies put their moves to work in a bar. Someone brilliant over at ABC decided to maybe save some trouble and put all of the Lauren’s into one limo. Lauren S. was followed by Lauren J., who brought him Mardi Gras beads as a clue as to where she is from. Did you say New Orleans? Yeah, you’re wrong, she’s actually from a small town near there, I still don’t know the name of it, but Happy Mardi Gras. Lauren B. is out next, followed by Lauren G., so in case you’re keeping track, that’s four Lauren’s. Ashley brings a fucking racing flag, because you know. . .he’s a racer. It was as if she asked the limo driver to stop at Hobby Lobby because she forgot her prop. Brittany T. attempted to woo him with some Dutch, but I’m thinking she picked up a book while Ashley was running into Hobby Lobby, because she may have meant for it to be sexy, but it came across as a small child who just learned to count in Spanish. Arie almost gave her a “you did so good” compliment. One would think it couldn’t get much worse. . .one would be wrong. Amber decides that the following is great “pick-up” material, hold tight, I’m going for verbatim here. . .“I own a spray tan company”. . .“Yeah, so you can imagine in my line of work, I see a lot of dick.”. . .“And I’m just hoping you’re not one.” And just when you begin to think that it couldn’t get any lower than Amber talking about the amount of dicks she sees, out steps Ali. What could Ali possibly have done? This bitch actually had him sniff her pits. Here’s the thing, I don’t know what’s worse, her asking or him actually doing. Last, but I suppose not least, is Maquel. She arrives in a race car, for the race car driver. She wasn’t driving it, she just got dropped off, but it made all the other girls jealous, so mission accomplished.

Chelsea does a good job at body positioning, because she puts herself right next to Arie when he makes his appearance and by doing so, she takes him first. She plays the mystery card and tells him that sacrifices were made for her to be there, but she’s not going into detail about those sacrifices (ahem, she has a kid). I think it’s really just a way to keep him wanting more. It may not sit well with the other 28, but so far, it’s working for her. She gets interrupted by Maquel, which triggered something in the single momma, so look out for a Chelsea vs. Maquel showdown. Brittany T. pulled some strings and brought in some hot wheels for a bit of a race. It seems #cliche is the theme of the night. But once again, it was something that worked, because she found herself attached to his lips and according to her, his lips are “like clouds, like pillows”, but no tongue, she didn’t want to seem too aggressive. Lauren G. food tested him with a pineapple, telling him that is her safe word, a little advice to Lauren G., I don’t think Arie is the kind of guy you would need a safe word with. Now, you may need a code word to kink it up a bit, but I think as for as “safe”, you’re good girl. There is a reason for my theory, hear me out. Jenna decides to give Arie a little pedi and Arie decides to label Jenna as “wild”. Yeah, this man ain’t throwing no one up against anything but a mattress. #straightvanillaBXTCHES We have now made it to the point in the night where the freak out has begun. The first impression rose has made its appearance, and the women are beginning to kick it up a notch. . .or twenty. It’s not only about who is going to make the last impression, but who has yet to make one at all. Some are kicking back and keeping their cool, just waiting their turn, while others are busy surveying to find out who has yet to be interviewed. Others, well one in particular, decide that one conversation just isn’t gonna be enough. So while Arie is busy trying to get to know Krystal, Chelsea walks up and whisks him away. On a side note: Everyone wants to sit and complain about being interrupted, which I agree is rude, but if it’s really that big of an issue, then tell a bitch no. She can sit and wait her turn like everyone else. Of course, just once I would love to see the Bachelor/ette tell one of the contestants just how rude it is to interrupt someone when they are speaking. Hello. . .parenting 101. But regardless of how you feel, Chelsea succeeds, her tongue is the first of the season to meet Arie’s. I’m actually torn on this particular action, but I’ll talk more about that in my Final Thoughts. I can say that even though Chelsea is most certainly the first villain of the season, she is also the one to land the very coveted First Impression Rose. 

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So, we know that Chelsea is safe, but who else tightened Arie’s pants just a bit. Here are the one’s given roses this week. . .

Annaliese, 32-Event Designer

Ashley L., 25-Real Estate Agent

Becca K., 27-Publicist

Bekah M., NO AGE GIVEN-Nanny

Bibiana, 30-Executive Assistant

Brittany T., 30-Tech Recruiter

Caroline, 26-Realtor

Chelsea, 29-Real Estate Executive Assistant

Jacquline, 26-Reasearch Coordinator

Jenna, 28-Social Media Manager

Jenny, 25-Graphic Designer

Kendall, 26-Creative Director

Krystal, 29-Fitness Coach

Lauren B., 25-Tech Sales

Lauren G., 26-Executive Recruiter

Lauren S., 31-Social Media Manager

Maquel, 23-Photographer

Marikh, 27-Restaurant Owner

Seinne, 27-Commercial Real Estate Manager

Tia, 26-Physical Therapist

Valerie, 25-Server











The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

Ali, 27-Personal Stylist

Amber, 29-Business Owner

Bri, 25-Sports Reporter

Brittane J., 27-Marketing Manager

Jessica, 26-Television Host

Lauren J., 33-Recent Masters Graduate

Nysha, 30-Orthopedic Nurse

Olivia, 23-Marketing Associate

The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

“. . .the point is, the guy’s a catch. And we’ve found some truly extraordinary women, from across America, who want to meet him.” -Chris Harrison

“His tongue is like, so huge.” -Kendall

“I hope Arie’s ready for my spice.” -Marikh

“Please tell me that you don’t already have a little weiner?” -Tia                                                               “I do not have this. So you did good.” -Arie

“Damn, that was a sexy entrance, in a sexy car and I walked out with a little weiner.” -Tia

As of today, I’m am planting the flag for #teamtia. I am still of the mindset that Nick screwed the pooch when he picked Vanessa over Raven. But all things do happen for a reason and now Raven has found love with Adam. So it should stand to reason that Tia is going to be a favorite. Now, I’m thinking that Bekah may have somewhat of a Corinne effect. She has yet to reveal her age, but she does have to be at least 21 to be on the show and with what little research I did, rumor has it she’s 22, which is super young, but Arie does seem to be somewhat smitten with her. I also think that Caroline may go far, but that’s all I got so far. Hopefully next week, I can add more to the list. 

Chelsea is going to be the talk for several episodes and I already know that she is not going to rank high for me. I’m going against everything I really believe in by saying she is the wrong kind of person for this show. And I mean desperate. She is desperate for it all. . .a husband. . .a baby daddy. . .a man of the house. First, I don’t think she would even be on the show if she didn’t have a kid. Just based on how aggressive she is on the first night, it is clear that she needs and is looking for that role to be filled ASAP. I don’t yet know how I feel about single parents being on the show. It’s not that I’m necessarily against it, but I do think that maybe they should carry themselves a bit differently. Shoving your tongue down a complete strangers mouth on national T.V. is one thing if your single and have yet to pass a child through your cooch, but once that breach has been made, better decisions need to be close behind. And we all know that the only reason she even swapped the spit was because she heard everyone talking about how Brittany T. had already kissed him. Look Chelsea, just calm the fuck down a bit, you’re gonna have to let Arie be the alpha if you have any hope in claiming him as your step baby daddy.

I don’t yet know how I feel about this particular Bachelor. I know BachelorNation wasn’t thrilled over Nick, but since I never watched him on The Bachelorette, I didn’t get or understand the villain vibe. In fact, I thought Nick was fucking hot and truth be told, that’s what we’re all looking at initially, right? I think Arie seems very nice, I just haven’t gotten the toe curling vibe from him yet. It could come, I’m just terribly confused on why go back five years when you had beauty staring you right in the face. . .in the name of Peter. 

Next week, we’re gonna have to discuss the age of some of these girls and it’s also time to discuss Maquel. Maquel who is 23 and has already been married and divorced. Maquel whose ex-husband is wanting his woman back. So, stay tuned.

The Bachelor airs on ABC Mondays. . .7pm CENTRAL/8pm EASTERN




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The Bachelorette 2017 | Episode Seven Re-Cap | 07.10.17

It's Reality BXTCHES | The Bachelorette | Weekly recap on

It's Reality BXTCHES | The Bachelorette | Weekly recap on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comIt's Reality BXTCHES | The Bachelorette | Weekly recap on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comBXTCHES Gotta Warn: It’s been two weeks since Rachel and her would-be’s last visited our television sets and if it wasn’t for the good graces of the hot mess that is better referred to as Big Brother, I’m not too sure what a BXTCH would’ve done. Tonight’s episode is especially important, because if the kiss is strong enough, Rachel will be meeting the fam. I would also like to deliver a big FUCK YOU to ABC. I know that’s pretty harsh, but those twat waffles (I gotta pay homage to my Facebook foe) are sitting up in their fancy offices laughing some ass off at our expense. When you know that you’re gonna have to wait TWO weeks before you’re even able to see the beauty that is Peter or the sex. . .iness that is Bryan or how adorable Dean really is, sorry for the rest of you guys, but that’s all I got. Anyway, we knew it was gonna be two weeks, so we hang onto the preview like it knows the answer in curing stupidity (that really needs to be a thing-#stupiditykills), and we witness a visibly upset and crying Rachel, which immediately goes into Peter taking credit for her tears, so we’re left to think that our #1 may be in trouble and well, we should’ve known better. . .ABC has left us hot and bothered with no happy ending too many times in the past and yet again, we get burned. Now as a quick reminder, here are our final six:

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Adam, 27

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Bryan, 37

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Dean, 26

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Eric, 29

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Matt, 32

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Peter, 31

Last Week On: Okay, I know it’s been two weeks, I’m just trying to stay consistent. These motherfuckers were dropping like flies during episode #6. . .we kicked off the show with the Rose Ceremony from the previous episode and during that we saw Josiah, Lee, and Anthony give their final goodbye kiss. . .during the episode we said so long to Kenny and Will. . .and the Rose Ceremony at the end, had us shedding a tear for Alex. . .so talk about trimming the fat.

Tonight On: Again, if the suitor makes it past tonight, then I hope the family has been prepped on what and what not to do because Rachel will be knocking on the door. Only four can make it, so that means she will be giving two the boot, she is from Texas after all. Tonight she will bless three of the guys with a one-on-one date, while the other three will get even closer, because they will have to share Rachel and her time during a group date. Now, I’m not sure how your score card has been filled out, but remember Matt and Adam are the only two of the six, who have yet to be given their very own date card. Oh, and tonight the gang is in Switzerland. 

One-on-One #1: Even though Bryan has some white hot chemistry (so his position is all but locked in) and even though he has already had himself a pretty terrific one-on-one date, he is up first for some special time, so I guess it’s pretty clear to see where Rachel is leaning and it’s also pretty clear that the other guys can see that lean as well. Once Bryan is decked out, he and Rachel are off. The theme of their date is luxury and I gotta say, the two of them are looking pretty hot when they put their asses into that Bentley and I’m surprised that Bryan’s excitement didn’t show via his pants, because he was almost as excited as a teen is with his first Playboy. And in case you’re wondering, I did do a little research to find out if a state issued driver’s license is valid overseas. . .it is in Switzerland (with a few exceptions), so Bryan is all good behind the wheel and they are off. First stop on the date of indulgence and luxury? Breitling, where one goes to buy a good watch, apparently. During the browsing experience, we do get to hear Bryan during his confessional time and while some believe him to be a player (you know who you are), he couldn’t have put his feelings into better words if he were reading from a script, he could’ve been, but I choose to go the hopeless romantic route. I had to find out more about Breitling and the products that they offer and if my research is on point (it usually is), then the watch that Rachel gifts Bryan’s wrist with runs a cool $8200. . .the $3000 that Corinne dropped on Nick’s outfit looks like chump change compared to this. But in all seriousness, that doesn’t even include the watch that Rachel left with, so ABC is doing it up, I’m thinking that if these are the gifts and trips they drop, then I need my own reality show, don’t worry, the hubs and I are some entertaining motherfuckers. Of course, it’s really gonna suck if he isn’t chosen in the end, because every time he looks at his wrist, his mind will wonder with what could’ve been OR he could sell it and probably make up some of the money he has missed out on while he was busy getting his heart broken overseas. I understand excitement, I almost cried today when I found out the the Summer Olympics will be coming to the U.S.A. in either 2024 or 2028, but it wasn’t enough to go home and mount my husband, this fool all but pulled it out like it was show and tell time when she informs the salesman that the watches are coming home with them. Bryan does see this gift as a forever gift and while Bryan and Peter are in my top two, with Peter getting the slight edge, I can kinda see where his line of thinking is going. And the watches were MATCHING!! 

Meanwhile back at the hotel: Matt and Adam are trying to stay optimistic in the light of STILL not being chosen for a one-on-one, #readtheclues. Adam is more on the side of ‘she just doesn’t know what she’s missing and once she gets a taste, the others can pack their bags’ while Matt is just thinking that he’s gonna give it his all and the rose will land where it may. Peter and Dean’s discussion is leaning more towards just being jealous and annoyed that he was picked first, well that’s Peter’s view. Dean on the other hand is on team #bryanisaplaya, so as of last count, that team is represented well with three members. Tensions rise even more when the next date card arrives and the only name scribbled is. . .Dean. You know Dean can sense the frustration coming off of Adam when he looks his way and says “Don’t punch me in the face.” It’s funny to me how these guys (and girls) get mad at the chosen one, but when they are having their moments with Rachel, never really utter a word of disappointment. Dean is excited that he has again been chosen, but he does confess that his relationship with his family is not all that great and he just doesn’t know if he’s ready for Rachel to meet them. 

The rest of Bryan’s date is smooth and romantic with all the right words being said leading right into the non-dinner portion. Again, Rachel is questioning Bryan’s single status. How in the world can he be so romantic and sexy and kind and giving and not yet be claimed? Maybe we will find out. We learn that he went to an all boys school and she went to a very small private school. This is where we also find out that maybe Bryan watched the Britney Spears video one too many times, because he was all down for picturing Rachel in her plaid. He brings up her last relationship and asks if she met his family, now her response was “yes” she did and he met hers and that was the good part. There wasn’t elaboration on that, but my curiosity is wondering if she is talking about Nick or not. I assume that he is her last relationship, but I also have no idea if what they had can be categorized as such. Just a thought. When the convo segues into his last relationship, he says a lot without offering enough detail. The relationship was passionate from the start, they took a trip, he then started to notice certain “things”. . .she wasn’t willing to compromise and meet his mother halfway and then tells him that his mother is the reason she is breaking up with him. Literally that was the jest of the discussion, there was no rhyme or reason really, which would indicate to the naysayers that Bryan may be a #mamasboy. Rachel offers up the petals, Bryan accepts, which leads to some dancing and serious making out and I mean to the point of me being surprised that she didn’t ask him to come to her room. 

One-on-One #2: Dean’s date card asked him to dress in his Sunday best, which by all clues would indicate church and she does in fact lead him, hand in hand, to a Catholic church being sermoned in French (I don’t know if I worded that right). I have no issue with taking a walk down a different religious pathway, but it should be said that neither of them are Catholic (not that big of a deal) and neither speak French (should be a pretty big deal?), but forge ahead they will. After mass they take a stroll around town, stopping so Dean could show off his white boy moves and boy did he ever, but it was cute and made Rachel laugh, which I’m assuming was the goal. 

Meanwhile back at the hotel: We’re back to analyzing why it is Rachel is doling out the dates the way she is during this episode and if ABC wanted to really entertain us during these moments of reflection, then they should’ve let these guys go full on ESPN. Surely you have sat a home and watched a game with a man and it doesn’t take long for “Mr. I Know It All” to rear it’s penis, right? So, it would’ve been fantastic if they could’ve sat at a desk and really went hard at the “whys” of Rachel’s one-on-one picks. Peter is wondering if maybe Rachel had some questions where Dean and Bryan were concerned and Eric believes that Dean uses a defense mechanism when he wants to deflect. It would’ve made for a great segment and this happens to be the most I have ever heard Peter discuss the other guys. So either they’re pushing him to talk a bit more or he is starting to feel the pressure. Once again, there is a knock and I’m sure that Matt and Adam are ready to pop some Xanax, but when Bryan speaks and the words that are coming out of his mouth sound like “Peter, we are at the peak of our relationship.” -Rachel. . .I’m almost certain they went looking for it. Eric has drawn the conclusion that Bryan, Dean, and Peter are the top three, but he still has a group date and since “nofin” is guaranteed, he’s gonna give it his all. And yes, I’m quite sure he replaced the “th” in nothing, with a “f”. I highly recommend that he use his vocab skills on the fine judge. . .that should be interesting. . . if he makes it that far.

As Dean and Rachel continue their date, Rachel is feeling that Dean is off, that something is holding him back, she’s also getting a bit frustrated that he’s not using his time very wisely, especially when he’s asking questions like “Do you believe in the tooth fairy?” and “What’s your favorite dinosaur?”, so her hope is that the date goes a bit deeper. When the night falls, she’s hoping that he opens up with her a bit more. When it comes up, even my heart broke for him. We learned in South Carolina that Dean lost his mom when he was in some of the most formidable years of his life and the impact that her loss had on him. Tonight we learn just what that loss did to not only his dad, but his family as a whole, which is the underlying reason why Dean is worried about introducing Rachel to those he loves. I already liked Dean, but to see how nervous and vulnerable he became, brought it to another level. It basically came down to his dad not being able to be the father Dean needed after he lost his mom. He would like to introduce Rachel to the family that once was, not the one that currently is. His bigger concern is her foreseeing a future family with Dean based on his current familial situation and that alone being enough to cut him loose. It was very touching, but no worries she set him straight and reassured him that he is around for a reason. It actually was a very moving moment, enough so that she pinned it on him. The rose that is, well that wasn’t all she laid on him. 

One-on-One #3: It’s time for Peter to show her what he brings to the table and things kick off really well when she wraps her legs around his waist and says hello with her lips. Peter was gifted with the very first one-on-one date of the season and the very last one as well. . .could that be a sign of things to come? Well, the first step to finding that out comes by way of some dog sledding and while I’m sure that it’s fun for some people, I’m not sure whose bright idea it was for Rachel and Peter to sit down in the middle of some sort of frozen tundra and discuss the future. I mean for ‘pete’s’ sake, his hair was forming icicles and if you listened hard enough, you could hear the teeth chatter. However, Peter was pretty forthcoming regarding the insecurities that this process has brought out of him and it was really great news for those on #teampeter, when Rachel was able to really understand and appreciate where it was he was coming from. The evening brings more open conversation starting with Peter’s family and who exactly Rachel will be meeting. Peter has never dated a black woman, but that’s not something that concerns his family. Talk quickly moves to Peter’s last relationship. . .Peter tells Rachel that nothing happened to trigger his break-up, they just grew apart and he did accept full responsibility for being the one who hurt her, but he was unable to give that relationship all that it deserved. While he doesn’t still harbor any feelings towards this girl, he still carries some guilt over the way it ended and his role in it. He continues to open himself up by telling Rachel that he thinks he is ready for the next step and if he ends on bended knee, that his heart is 100% there. On the flip side, he does tell her that if at any point he has reservations about putting that ring on her finger, she will be the first one to know. That type of honesty, while welcoming, scares her. The discussion may have been tough to hear, but I do think it was a necessary one to have. . .while love may be easy, relationships not always are, and if you wanna get to the good stuff you must be willing to face the hard. 

Meanwhile back at the hotel: When we catch back up with our relationship experts, it’s time for them to analyze Peter and what it is that they believe is happening on his date with their girlfriend. Talk about this being Peter’s last day gets thrown around and it’s cute how they think that it could be a possibility. Had they walked in on the hot tub scene from a few weeks ago, they would probably be packing their bags. Once the group date card arrives, it’s time for Adam to step up to the challenge and put Eric’s motivational speaking skills to shame, because ain’t nobody gonna tell Adam that something is difficult, that is a word he does not believe in. . .of course, he also believes that Rachel is really gonna say bye to Peter and while I don’t think anyone should give up on their dreams, Adam may wanna begin the process of leading his heart down a different, not difficult, path.

Group Date: “Tomorrow will be difficult, I don’t know what else to say. . .” -Rachel. Well, she could’ve just told Adam and Matt to pack their bags, that would’ve been something else to say, but I guess there is no fun in that. Look, I am not going to go into the details of this very unnecessary date. This is a three-on-one, there will be no fun had AT ALL. Just the firing of some prospects. Now, before I even get to the mediocre stuff, I am shocked that these three are even still standing. There’s not really anyone sent home prior that I thought Rachel would wind up with in the end and I was left speechless when they were told goodbye, but there are a few that I’m genuinely surprised were outlasted by these guys. Alex for one, Anthony would be another, Will was starting to grow on me, but what do I know, I thought she was crazy for sending Blake K. home day one. What I’m curious to know however is this. . .what is it that these three guys have experienced with Rachel, that makes them believe that they have a shot at gold. I can swim from one length of a pool to the other (at least I hope I could) but I know I will never be able to out swim Missy Franklin. I’m not usually one that would tell you to give up, but know where you stand and I haven’t seen Rachel straddle Eric, Adam, or Matt in a hot tub while their hands played a game of “Splay your fingers on my ass”, I haven’t even seen them play a fun game of “Let me eat your face off, while making it look sexy as fuck.” All I’m saying fellas is. . .you should not only know the game before you play it, but you should probably make sure you’re in the right league. They meet up with Rachel and she proceeds to start off the date with a boat ride, once they arrive on land and the champagne is poured (they should’ve went with some tequila-straight up), Adam starts in with how the word difficult isn’t part of his language, so I guess if Rachel ever needs a little league coach for her kiddo, she should look him up, he is from Dallas after all. Eric is up first and he starts off with an “I missed you man.” I was waiting for a fistbump after that sentiment. I wonder what Rachel’s family would say if she were to bring Eric home and he tells them about the experience of falling in love with Rachel and how great she is and how she is “worf” it, yeah. . .I’m quite sure that would make for some great television. If you can’t yet tell, I’m not a fan of Eric. There are so many reasons why, but the last one I’m gonna add to the list tonight is how fucking awkward he is when he kisses her and since I have been somewhat vulgar free this whole post, I will say with confidence that if a man can’t kiss your lips right, give it up on him kissing anywhere in a manner that will have you panting for more, not to mention he’s probably a terrible lay. But the way he is laying on the compliments and kissing her ass, he should’ve just laid her down and had his dinner early, JFC he was painting it on coat after coat. Matt is up next and not to spoil your fun, but she sends him home. What I found very interesting was her reaction. Something over the course of this season must’ve happened between them two that drew a connection, because she was all kinds of torn up sending him home. He did ask to take his champagne with him, see it would’ve been more effective if he was sipping on some tequila, he probably wouldn’t have felt the hit as hard. I didn’t understand it and I can only hope that light gets shed on the Men Tell All.  When she decides to send Adam home, she or ABC thought it would be best for that to go down at a dinner, in front of Eric. Because nothing says humiliating than some guy getting picked who can’t even pronounce the word ‘worth’ over you, so my idea about bailing out and leaving a note isn’t that bad of an idea now, is it? I just realized you have no idea of what I’m talking about, but you will after you read my Final Thoughts. Anyway, after Adam leaves we do learn that Eric has never brought a girl home to meet his family, which the ass is 29 years old, that is a bit shocking, but since I don’t believe most of his backstory, I’m not too sure if I believe that. But I guess we will learn a lot more next week.

The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Bryan, 37

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Dean, 26

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The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Eric, 29

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Peter, 31

The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Adam, 27

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Matt, 32

The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

“. . .and I am 100% falling for these guys.” -Rachel

“But never have I treated a man the way I’m gonna treat a man today.” -Rachel

“I wore a Swatch back in the day.” -Bryan

“I really, really like you.” -Dean

“My relationship is probably stronger than anybody’s else’s in the house. . .” -Adam

When Peter’s name was read on the last one-on-one card, that’s where if I were Adam or Matt, I get up, pack my bags, and get the fuck out. She has now made it about as clear as the Pacific Ocean that she has absolutely zero interest in getting to know either one of them on a more intimate level. They are now forced to go on a group date with Eric, who I may not be able to stand, but she had a pretty awesome date with, and have a very tiny window to convince her that they are the one she should pick. Think about it. The chemistry that she shares with Bryan and Peter is electric. . .there are women all over this country that swoon every time she’s with them. . .in my living room every Monday it happens. I like Dean, but even he is unable to compete with that. So, is it unreasonable to go ahead and scratch them from the score card? Look, it may be the actual bitch in me coming out, but if I know you’re about to cut my string and break my heart, I’m not gonna give you the chance, especially on t.v., I’ll write you a very passive aggressive note, while in my head I’m giving you the ole’ “FUCK YOU!”, I’ll just do in in the comfort of an airplane. 

I must admit that I am #teampeter, but I think I could also be #teambryan. I understand where Peter seems to round out every requirement and I can also see where some may think that Bryan is a bit of a player and could be putting on a show. I will say that if he’s not chosen in the end and becomes the next Bachelor, I will be watching. But after all three one-on-ones during this episode, Bryan’s was the best. It was the most thought out, it was executed the best, it just seemed that either someone is pushing for Bryan to be the one or someone is campaigning for Bryan to be the next one. I like Dean, but I think he is out, which may bode well for Raven, she did show a bit of interest in him at the beginning of the season. It may be weird for her to date a guy that her friend made out with several times, but this is The Bachelor franchise, at this point nothing really surprises us. Anyway, I do think Eric is going home next week (a BXTCH can hope) and in the end it will come down to Peter and Bryan. After watching the previews for the hometowns, we know that Peter’s mom tells Rachel that he is not emotionally ready for marriage. Of course, we could’ve interpreted that all wrong as well, but if this episode was anything to go by, I think Bryan may be making up some ground and fast and a part of me wonders if part of what attracts Rachel to Bryan is his bad boy aspect. I don’t know if or that he is, he just looks the part and Rachel seems to be someone who has followed the rules all her life. . .she may be looking for that reason to step outside the expectation.

I understand I’m a mediocre blog at best, I get it, not all can hang with my sense of humor, but just once I would like to reach ABC and have them consider one of my ideas and this is the one. Look, the extravagant dates are fun and they make for great ratings, but you know what would impress your viewing audience even more? Normalcy. When it gets down to the final 3, 4, or even 5. . .how about we let dates be planned by the contestants. Make it a theme. A “What would we do if we were at home?” theme. Regardless of what Rachel does for a living, I’m quite sure that she’s not dropping $8000 for a watch on what amounts to a second date. Not to mention, she’s about to pick someone to propose and neither of them even know if the other can cook. That needs to be a requirement for the Mr. or Mrs. When the final 5 or so are left, do away with the group date and let one-on-ones take over. As much as you fuckers hit us with To Be Continued’s, this shouldn’t pose any sort of problems. Look, I enjoy seeing how the other half lives because let’s face facts, I can’t get my husband on a cruise ship, it’s highly unlikely that we’ll be driving past the United Nations anytime soon, but every once and again, we would like to be able to relate to relationships that the show creates and we ain’t gonna be able to do that watching two people dog sled through the Alps. 

One final thought. . .there was no Chris Harrison in tonight’s episode. Has that happened before?

The Bachelorette airs on ABC Mondays. . .7pm CENTRAL/8pm EASTERN








BXTCHES Be Sharing:

Big Brother 19 | Week One Re-Cap

Big Brother 19 | Re-Cap |

Big Brother 19 | Re-Cap | www.bxtchesbeblogging.comBXTCHES Gotta Warn: So, full disclosure with you BXTCHES, I am a Big Brother virgin. I have never really watched the show, but soooo many people I know (and love) swear by this shit, so I have decided to have my cherry popped. Because of my virginal status, I wasn’t sure if I was gonna go all in with CBS, but after I have watched the first 3 episodes, not to mention a few of the After Dark ones as well (that is where it is at y’all), I think I could become a full fledged, BB whore. I should go ahead and warn you, like any good virgin, I’m not yet all the way there on all of the lingo, so you will have to forgive me in advance if I fuck it up and chances are, I most definitely will. In the effort to save some time, I’m gonna fly right through the first week, and since the show premiered on a Wednesday, I will use that day as the day that will kick off the week. To avoid any confusion, it will go: Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday. While I’ll certainly be tuning into After Dark, I will not include it unless it’s worthy enough.

Straight from jump street, I can tell you BXTCHES that I was a bit blown back from the premiere. First, these are some very happy, very noisy motherfuckers. I’m talking 13 year olds meeting One Direction or the Biebs for the first time, noisy. It definitely didn’t greet me with the greatest first impression. Call me a cynic, but I was also a bit eye squinty with the key reveal. I mean, they seemed surprised, but if I applied for the show and it’s getting close to filming and a camera crew shows up, I think I would be able to deduce that 2 + 2 = 4 and that I’m gonna be on the new cast of Big Brother. But, that’s just me being a bonafide bitch. Let’s meet the cast.




























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I suppose each of these guys offer something unique, but it would eat up this entire post for me to go into it, so as a treat I will just feature things here and there regarding the cast as we move forward. One thing that we did learn during the premiere is that some of these housemates are super fans, I’m not sure the tactic there, but it did make for some very interesting introductions. The super fanniest of them all? That title needs to be awarded to Ramses.

I guess this season is going to be all about the temptation and no great temptation comes without a consequence or so Julie Chen tells us. First up is the temptation of cold hard cash. . .$25,000 worth of it. All of the houseguests were placed into some weird pods (Mork and Mindy style) that were hanging in the air. The first one to push their button, is 25k richer. There is no requirement to push a button, they could’ve just hung there, but I suppose there is no fun in that. Kevin was the first to cave. I should also point out and this is pretty important, no one knows who it is that takes the temptation, all they know is that someone got a bit greedy. The entire cast must pay for the first temptation and that consequence will involve a former cast member. Kevin did get hit with a personal consequence and that was. . .he would have to throw the first HOH competition for himself. So far, I don’t think he’s regretting his bigger bank account all that much.

So, sixteen enter the house (not all at once) and soon after intros are made, they get temptation waved right in front of them, and as mentioned above, Kevin caved. Once they have all gotten just a bit comfortable, the door opens and in walks some guy named Paul. Since this was the night my cherry was popped, I had not the first clue of who Paul was, but from the noise coming from this house, it seemed that he was a god among men. Apparently, he was just the runner-up from season 18 and he is the consequence that good ole’ Kevin triggered. Paul moving into the house, meant someone had to move out. Who would that be you ask? Well, that would be left up to some apple picking and ass kissing. CBS wasn’t fucking around when they brought Paul back, he has already been picked to draw some lines by handing out a certain number of friendship bracelets. If you were gifted you were safe, if you found your wrist empty, you have to compete. It all came down to who could stand on a trapeze contraption the longest and I guess one would last longer in their swimsuit, maybe that’s a part of the show I don’t yet get, but if someone told me to put on a swimsuit and stand on a trapeze, I think I would go ahead and bow out. But, back to the show, if you outlasted all, you were safe, if your legs or arms weren’t able to fight the good fight, then you were left to pick an apple from some sinfully painted human serpents, the devil was working his magic because these snakes were pretty smokin’. In the end, Cody outlasted them all, with Alex coming in second place. The ones who picked the poisonous apples were: Christmas, Jillian, and Cameron, they aren’t so excited about Paul’s arrival now.

The three up for eviction were given the option to compete for elimination or leave the elimination up to the other houseguests, Cameron was out voted and the task went to the roommates. I don’t remember the exact numbers, but Cameron was the one with the most votes and the one who didn’t even last a day before packing his bags. While I may not have a lot of experience (read: none) with this show, I like to think that I’m not a total dumbass, having said that, I’m a bit confused on why they kept Christmas around. Sure, she’s nice to look at and has a pretty cool name (Christmas Joy), but the BXTCH is a Crossfit competitor and trainer. Why on Earth would anyone want to keep that strength around baffles this newbie, I guess we’ll have to see if it turns out to be a smooth move.

Of course at this point alliances are forming and the initial one is the cool kids vs. the not so cool kids. Cody is teaming up with Matt and Mark. Those are his top tier, his second tier would be the ladies, but only the good looking ones and according to the Texan (him, not me) those falling into that category would be Jessica, Elena, and Raven. Cody may be nice to look at, but right now he’s coming off as a grade A asshole. Not to worry, the other alliance is building, but I’m not too sure where it is going, because episode #1 (Wednesday) has Cody very much against Alex, but later in the week, he’s thinking that maybe she would make a good partner. But more on that later.

The very first Head of Household competition offered up some temptation right out of the gate. The house was split into four teams (of four) with the top two teams moving to the next round and from there, each team would select one member who would compete to become the first HOH of the season. The whole point of the competition was to collect apples, the first two teams to collect eight apples, would move on. It was a bit more physical than that, I mean there were ropes that had to be crossed and cardio that was certainly required, I’m thinking that if Eve had to go through that jungle to eat the apple, she probably would’ve just said “Fuck it, I ain’t that hungry.” Anywho, the first two teams to collect their eight apples, move on. BUT, the first houseguest that brings back the golden apple, would be safe from eviction. That was the temptation, the consequence was that whole team would be eliminated from competing for the HOH. Josh took the bait and from what I can tell, is beginning to lose his mind a bit because he starts saying shit like “you know I had to do that or I was going home”, I have no clue if that would’ve been the case, I just know that Kevin was able to breath a sigh of relief because he was on Josh’s team, so he no longer was required to throw the competition. In the end, it was Cody vs. Paul and apples vs. gravity, with Cody coming out on top.

At this point, Josh is in the beginning stages of Bat Shit Crazy. He stands by his decision to throw his entire team out of competing for the HOH by yelling at anyone who asked. The main target for his wrath though was Megan. I’m not sure if something has gone down that wasn’t shown, but the Cuban ain’t feeling the dog walker and his crazy starts to show when he lashes out at her.

When it came down to putting up two of his roommates up for eviction, it was Jillian and Megan who fell victim. Jillian, I’m guessing because she is an easy target and Megan because Cody just doesn’t like her and he told her as much. See, asshole. 

This “Have” and “Have-Nots” business is some bullshit. Talk about dividing the plastics from everyone else. I have no desire to even know what the slop consists of, but Cody must make the distinction between the two. That motherfucker has more power than even Trump at this point. He does at least let some step up and volunteer to sleep on spikes and eat some shit that even Wilbur and Templeton would’ve turned away from. Lucky for him, enough of the roomies step up, taking the pressure away. The volunteers are: Josh, Ramses, Megan, Jillian, and Paul. They also have to take cold showers for the week, which should come in handy for the guys. This crap also comes with a temptation. Long story short, if you take the temptation, you’re given a key, pick the right box, you’re no longer a Have Not, pick the wrong one and your week gets extended into two. Paul gets the key and Paul picks right. 

The Den of Temptation is introduced and sounds about as gaudy as it looks. America will vote each week on who gets the opportunity to taste and if they accept, then there will be a reward along with a consequence and they will not be able to accept the temptation again. Paul gets America’s first vote and is offered the Pendant of Protection which if accepted, will keep him safe from eviction for the next three weeks and the only way that he even has to share the news that he accepted the temptation is if he gets put up for eviction at any point during those three weeks. That’s an offer even I would take. The consequence? He picks a number and which ever housemate falls under it, will have to put themselves up for eviction at some point in the next three weeks. There was no fancy formula to pick the receiver of the consequence, it was literally how they lined up to go into the den and it’s Ramses the Super Fan who meets the doom of this consequence. 

In a very strange turn of events, Megan goes home. It’s not because the house sent her packing, she actually packed her own bags for this excursion. Here’s how it went down. Jessica called Alex “Pau Pau”, which I guess was a reference to a former cast member and Megan went and told Alex that Jessica called her “Panda”, which Megan took as some derogatory name calling. In the end when Megan was confronted, the pressure must’ve gotten to her, because once she stepped into the Diary Room, she never came out.

Cody and Alex find themselves side by side and they are either working out or setting themselves up in positions for some “work outs”, either way, Cody has seem to come to develop a bit of kindness and has gained some respect for Alex. He starts to probe a little to see where her mind is regarding the eviction and when he asks her if she were to win HOH who would she put up, Pau Pau was straight up with him and told him that she would break up all the showmances because if you wanted a relationship, you should’ve taken your ass over to ABC and The Bachelor mansion, but if you’re looking to pocket $500k, then stop letting your dick lead the way (I threw in that last part, but I’m sure that’s what she meant). Cody took in what she said and with Megan stepping out, he is forced to put someone else on the eviction block, do we really need to discuss who that person was? Okay, it was Alex.

Big Brother Weekly Re-Caps |

These guys have showed up to this house, charged and ready to go, sexually that is. I understand that libidos are going to run high, but these motherfuckers were ready to go at the first peek of skin. They were jumping into each other’s beds quicker than it takes for “I love you” to be uttered on The Bachelor. And while I find it cute that Kevin really didn’t think people were hooking up, we knew it was going to happen, but for fucks sake, add a bit of mystery to this story, at least wait for some bets to be made. This may definitely be one of those times where boobs will be put before brains. 

This show is going to open the judgement side of my brain and for once I will make no apologies. I actually never really apologize for it, I just think that this time it may be justified. First up is Elena. Look girl, I see your beauty, but someone should tell you that your natural look is much more breathtaking then the one you paint on. I’m not anti make-up, I just think that it’s not always necessary. I know I was never hot, young, and dumb. . .well, I was young, I just hope that the dumb never accompanied it. To walk into a hallway and react as if you are walking into Michael Myers childhood home, really tests out the gag reflex and if I’m going to have that tested out in any way, shape, or form, there better be a happy ending in it for me. Look Jessica, I get it girl, you got the tits, you got the stomach, you got the ass, you’re even getting the guy, you could lose the fake eyelashes though, it doesn’t look as natural as you think it does, you don’t need to add the ditzy trait to your personality, it sets us back a bit.

I did mash three episodes into one re-cap, so I know it was long (but if you think this is long, you should really check out my Bachelor/ette re-caps, those will keep you up late), but in the future each episode will get its own re-cap.



BXTCHES Be Sharing:

The Bachelorette 2017 | Episode Six Re-Cap | 06.27.16

It's Reality BXTCHES | The Bachelorette | Weekly recap on

It's Reality BXTCHES | The Bachelorette | Weekly recap on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comIt's Reality BXTCHES | The Bachelorette | Weekly recap on

BXTCHES Gotta Warn: Really, I don’t have much of a warning, we were in this same spot just yesterday. . .but I guess I could go ahead and say that tonight’s episode was good, but it was akin to having a really good date, one where you just know that the goods are going to deliver, then when all is uncovered, you find yourself staring at a penis instead of a cock. That’s the best analogy my dirty ass mind could conjure up. I guess my point would be that ABC set us up for tense happenings and didn’t deliver on that promise. Oh well, we did get some surprising results tonight. . .just keep reading, I’ll reveal all.

Yesterday On: So, some shit did go down, but we were all waiting for the epic showdown between Kenny and Lee and trust a BXTCH when she tells you that you didn’t miss much. But hopefully tonight will bring the happy ending we are all craving. Jack got sent home during his one-on-one and we also saw the end to Iggy and Jonathan’s run. Peter got a handful of some ass, both during the group date and later in a hot tub. Bryan is giving Peter a run for the money in the ‘whose dick can get the hardest’ game and truth be told, I can’t even tell at this point. 

Tonight On: Rachel is going to bestow two guys with a one-on-one, we get (1) group date, and the two-on-one between Kenny and Lee, gets wrapped up.

Two-On-One: This wasn’t a date by any definition, it was a helicopter ride to the middle of a field, where Rachel takes each of the guys into a private convo. On Monday, when Lee got his opportunity, he revealed to Rachel that not only was Kenny calling Lee names (yes, apparently we have gone all the way back to the 4th grade), but he was also aggressive, violent, and attempted to pull him out of a van (which if it happened, ABC kept it a secret). Upon hearing this astonishing news, Rachel takes Kenny aside AGAIN and inquires. He of course denies and when he meets back up with Lee and asks him about the van incident, Lee denies ever telling Rachel that. We collectively learned as a viewing audience what we really knew all along. . .and that was Lee is a straight up asshole, and I secretly hope that his dick never gets to feel the inside of a wet mouth ever again. Fingers crossed. It is at this point that I would’ve sent both guys home. . .together. I wouldn’t have the time or desire to referee, especially when I have yet to have my toes curled by either of the asshats in question. . .but Rachel has much more class and grace than I do and bases her decision on who it is she trusts more and if you really haven’t figured it out yet, she sends Lee back to Tennessee, though I’m guessing that if given the chance, they would’ve marked him ‘no returns’. Kenny did pull the idiot stick when he decided to have Rachel wait while he went back to bid Lee a warm farewell. It would’ve definitely been this point where Rachel should’ve just said ‘fuck it’ and told the pilot to get her the hell out of there. . .but again, she has a bit more grace than I do, and decided to wait him and his ego out. If you’re wondering whether or not the guys were pumped about Lee leaving, let’s just say I’m shocked they didn’t throw their own party. I should also let you in on the fact that Rachel didn’t give Kenny the rose either, she just decided that she needed a bit more conversational alone time with him, before she was able to bless him with the flower.

The next part of the night takes place in Rachel’s hotel room where Kenny finally gets some alone time with the Bachelorette. Rachel did come out swinging when she questioned his decision to go back and have the final word with Lee, he went with the ‘I’m a verbal person’ excuse, was it a great answer? Probably not, but it did lead to a pretty deep conversation about relationships and Kenny’s personality while in one. BXTCH side commentary: Kenny seems to be having a difficult time being away from his daughter, which is understandable and heartfelt, but I would be a bit more sympathetic if he were competing for a shit ton of money, enough that would change his daughter’s life for the better (not saying her life isn’t the best right now, just using a hypothetical). But c’mon, he is on a show, hoping to find his forever. And what happens if he is lucky enough to be chosen, somebody’s life is going to have to change and not once have I heard a conversation with him asking Rachel if she would be willing to move to Las Vegas, which is where I assume his daughter is, since he is having a very tough time being away from her. Wouldn’t that be something nice to know before either heart gets too invested? AND, surely he can feel (and witness) that his relationship with Rachel is no where near where Peter and Bryan’s relationship is with her. I think he may be putting too many of his eggs in Rachel’s basket. 

ABC doesn’t foreshadow very well, or maybe they do, depending on your outlook. But, during Monday’s group date, the editors of the show made it pretty obvious that Josiah is hanging on by the tips of his fingers, he isn’t aware of this, but as the viewing audience, it was very easy to pick up on. Prior to the Rose Ceremony tonight, he and Matt are having a discussion and it mostly consisted of Josiah needed to have his pride stroked with Matt providing the role of stroker. It ended with Josiah informing Matt that he does believe that he will be the last man standing in the end. Which is equivalent to him signing his walking papers.

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Once again, no cocktail party. . .our BXTCH ain’t about wasting time. There are eight guys who are vying for the coveted rose bud but only six to give out. Those with roses going in are: Bryan, Will, and Kenny. The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Bryan, 37

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Peter, 31

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Will, 28

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Eric, 29

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Alex, 28

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Kenny, 35

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Dean, 26

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Matt, 32

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Adam, 27

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The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Josiah, 28

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Lee, 30

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Anthony, 26







She was pretty upfront prior to the Rose Ceremony, letting the guys basically know that if she’s not feeling it, they have to go. But, even I was shocked when she sent Anthony home. I thought his peaceful nature was very appealing. He kinda just stood in the background and was very observant and I thought they looked good together, obviously she didn’t consult with me, but I would’ve kept him around. I would like to say that I’m sad to see Josiah go, but that would be a lie.

The next adventure has the show going to Denmark. It doesn’t take long for the date card to arrive and for Eric to find out that he is next in line for a one-on-one.

One-on-One Date: “Eric, I’m cOPEN to love. . .” -Rachel | I’m thinking Eric probably creamed his pants when he heard his name read on this date card. And I should probably go full disclosure and tell you BXTCHES that I don’t like Eric, so this portion of the re-cap may be somewhat indignant, but hang tight I will get to the reason why in a bit. Things kick off with Eric meeting Rachel on the docks and some loving is shared. Now, think back to yesterday when I was discussing how good Bryan seemed to be with his tongue, and if he treated the lips on the face with magic, just imagine. . .surely you know where I was going with that. Well, think the exact opposite for Eric. I’m not saying that he is orally challenged, it just looks as if he may have a hard time working the tongue. A boat ride is in order and they use that time to start the process of getting to know one another. We find out that Rachel is looking to have four kiddos, while Eric is wanting to make himself ten. They make their way over to some hot tubs and get some full frontal from one of the locals, Eric declines when the offer is made to him. Once the nighttime arrives, they find themselves partaking in some amusement park fun and while I may not like Eric, Rachel does seem to be having a great time with him. The non-dinner time discussion moves things towards the somber side. When vetting these contestants, ABC must always find at least one who has a ‘I was never loved’ story. . .and this year that honor goes to Eric. He starts by telling Rachel how straight and narrow he walked when he was growing up, no nefariousness. He then moves into how he has never received love and it was his mother that he craved it from the most. He doesn’t go into detail about his relationship with his mom, just that she never really provided love to him or for him. Let’s press pause for one hot minute. Back during episode three, we learned that Eric is very inexperienced when it comes to relationships, but prior to that revelation, when he was having his alone time with Rachel, he confides in her that his whole life he has ran from his feelings and now he is at the point that he just doesn’t know what to do. Rachel then reassured him and all was good. Then when he meets back up around the campfire with Lee and Bryce, the greenness he has when it comes to relationships gets brought up, with no disputes from him. Now, fast forward to tonight’s discussion and the following statement: “As I got older and started to get into relationships with women, every time love would come, I would run.” Hmmm. . .that’s quite startling to learn that in the span of three episodes, his experience with relationships has grown. BXTCH side commentary: Okay, I’m just gonna say it. Eric is not keeping it 100. Just hear me out. . .first there’s the issue of the group date where we learned that he is very inexperienced when it comes to relationships, but then turns around tonight and talks about his previous relationships with Rachel. . .then during that same group date he has a very heart to heart with Rachel about running from his feelings. Now, back during that re-cap, I reminded all about how he is a published author, with two books listed on Amazon and one of those books is titled “100 Days of Wisdom: Wisdom For Life”, where the reader is gifted with daily inspiration and since the book is currently sitting in my Kindle library, get ready to be inspired:

“When you’re full of LOVE nothing can stop you! When negativity screams loud, let your positivity shine. Be at peace with yourself. Find the good in your life. Let no one take your GREATNESS away. HAPPINESS is key, continue to believe.”

“Don’t take for granted the things you love and are passionate about. Find time to make time for those who value your time. Communicate your feelings and be open to learning. No one is perfect, but understanding is key! Stay positive.”

“Stop playing games and be straight forward with your communication. No vague language; honesty is the best policy. If you want something in life, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse. Be clear and speak the truth in a positive way.”

“Don’t be afraid to express your feelings. Let go of hurt and anger and accept people for who they are. Learn to understand yourself more. Don’t bite off more than you can chew and make happiness your true nature. Seize the day!!”

“Live with unconditional love! No fears, no judgement, no expectation. Love is real, love is you, love is me, love is ‘WE!’ Please spread LOVE unconditionally!! Love your people for who they are and not what you think they should be.”


There are of course 95 more quotes I could throw your way, but for the sake of time, I’ll spare you. But I must ask, do these quotes sound like they are from a man who doesn’t know what love feels like because he has never been on the receiving end of it? Or how about someone who runs from his feelings, do these quotes fit that man? In his Author Bio, it does say that Eric came from a broken home and that he had to deal with adversity in the Baltimore streets. In his Acknowledgments, he does thank a lot of friends and family, ending it with “I truly love you all.” So, here’s the conclusion. Either he is lying to Rachel or he is the worst motivational speaker in the world. And since I also took a peek at this other title “Quotes to Shape Your Life”, I’m gonna go with the former, but these books aren’t burning up any bestseller list, so I’m sure the latter ain’t that far off. Whatever the fuck it is he threw Rachel’s way, she bought it, because the rose was pinned and the lips were kissed.

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It’s time to warm up with some cocktails and more opportunity for Rachel to get to know the guys. Bryan jumps first and immediately says hello with his tongue. Their conversations seem to still be hanging around the ‘is it too good to be true’ idea. She is continuing to conjure up all that can go wrong and he just floats like some Prince, ready to sweep her off her feet. Is it genuine? I have no idea, it is sexy as fuck though. There is a small part of me that can see where her skepticism with Bryan comes from, but the other part just thinks he is so pretty and just, so fucking pretty and he probably already loves her. They do discuss whether or not his family will accept her, the answer. . .yes they will. I still can’t get a read on whether or not she is starting to come around, I feel like the love for him is growing, but there is something that is holding her back that I don’t see when she is with Peter. 

Meanwhile, back at the hotel: Now that Eric has had his one-on-one (filled with lies) he can rest easy and offer some sort of advice to Will. We learn during this conversation that Will has really only given his love to those of the Caucasian variety. I don’t think he sees it as a problem, but for some crazy ass reason, Eric advises him to go ahead and let the beautiful black woman know that the only women of late that he has dated, have been as white as the new fallen snow. Great advice. I can certainly now see how motivational speaker and difference maker has been his calling. (insert sarcastic eye roll right here)

It’s Peter’s turn and I must admit, I do get a little giddy whenever the two of them are together. Once again, their conversation is just so easy, to the point that it’s Rachel asking Peter to kiss her. Our girl has got it bad and I’m thinking that there is a large chunk of America that does as well.

Kenny is beginning to struggle. The longer he is away from his daughter, the more reassurance he is needing from Rachel that there is a great possibility that he will be the one. It’s Matt that actually brings Rachel into the loop, but not in a ‘Lee is an asshole’ way, but more out of concern for a friend. When Rachel does sit down with Kenny, it all comes out. Rachel listens and in the end, knowing how important his daughter is to him, the best course of action is to send Kenny home. I do like Kenny, but I also think that this was the right decision and I do think that a friendship was born out of the relationship that they have built. In the end, Peter was given the group date rose and it seems that he is beginning to match Bryan kiss for kiss, ass grab for ass grab, and if the look on Bryan’s face was any indication, he now realizes who his competition is. I would like to go ahead and point out that once again, no one has stepped up with an offer to walk Rachel out. 

One-on-One: “Will you be my sweetie?” -Rachel | It’s time to see if Will has got what it takes and he will get that opportunity in Sweden. One of Rachel’s concerns is whenever Will is around her, he seems to clam up, so she is hoping that he lets loose a little. Throughout the date, we get some confessionals from Rachel and really the entire time, she stresses how much more she wants from Will. I think (and you know I am the expert), that her relationships with Bryan and Peter are so electric and passionate, that it’s hard for her when she is with one of the guys and she not getting the same from them. I don’t think Will did anything wrong, he acted like anyone would expect on a first date, it’s just that his first date with Rachel has come after she has not only had dates with the likes of Peter, Bryan, and even Dean, but each and every time that she is alone with them, erections are happening. . .theirs and hers. Just re-visit the hot tub with Peter. Will isn’t going to be able to compete with that. Things don’t improve when they meet up for dinner (but not dinner) and Will decides to inform Rachel of his history with the white girls and that’s when we learn that Rachel’s dating history has been predominantly with black men. Funnily enough, at this point, there are only two black men left, so I’m not too sure what to think about her revelation. Regardless of what I think or believe, Rachel just isn’t feeling it and she decides to send Will back to the good ole’ U. S. of A. You know you are wielding some serious pussy power, when the motherfucker you just broke up with, thanks you and that was delivered AFTER she held the rose in her hand, while telling him it was time to go. That’s my kind of BXTCH.

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Color me fucked, ABC is not gonna continue the Rose Ceremony into the next episode. Only one guy goes tonight and she is so torn on her decision, that she has to walk away before the process even begins. The only ones who are safe are Eric and Peter. She does preface the inevitable heartbreak by telling the guys that tonight’s goodbye, is the hardest one yet. The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Bryan, 37

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Peter, 31

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Eric, 29

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Dean, 26

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Matt, 32

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Adam, 27

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The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Kenny, 35

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Alex, 28

The Bachelorette 2017 | Meet the Cast | Episode Re-Cap | It's Reality BXTCHES |

Will, 28







I know, I know, it broke my heart to see Alex go, and even though Alex was in my top four, Peter and Bryan are in my top two. But look, I have said from the beginning that if Alex didn’t make all the way to the end, maybe we would see him on BIP and he and Kristina could hook-up. That is what I’m crossing my fingers for now.

The Bachelor | It's Reality BXTCHES | Episode Re-Cap on“What I see in this room is my future. And to those that I have to say goodbye to, I’m so sorry. But, I honestly just don’t see you as my husband.” -Rachel

“If she doesn’t give me a rose, there is something wrong with her brain.” -Josiah

“Can you kiss me?” -Rachel

I think it’s best to move the elephant out of the room and talk about the race thing head on. While I heard Rachel when she told Will that she has mostly dated black men, I’m not sure if I believe that. It’s either she’s fibbing a bit or Nick’s dick did a number on her and she is looking for some repeats. I mean he did give Raven her very first happy ending, so maybe he’s packing something solid gold. I’m having a hard time with the only black guy that’s left being Eric. I don’t make it a secret with how I feel about him (obviously), I’m having a believing that Eric brings more than Anthony. I know that what we see is not what she sees, but it pisses me off that not only did Eric question her genuineness, but also actually had the nerve to ponder if she really wasn’t in it for the black guys. I have a hard time embracing those who just outright lie and that’s where I think Eric is. I have no doubt that his relationship with his mother is rocky or non-existent, but for him to use her lack of love as a way to get closer to Rachel, is a conniving thing to do. He actually discusses karma in one of his books, this may be a good time for him to go and review that chapter. I do worry about the public pressure she will face with only one black guy left in the game. She ain’t gonna get it from me, but I can’t imagine how hard it was for her to make those decisions. However, if ABC was looking for their first black Bachelor, this BXTCH wouldn’t be too mad about Anthony. . .or Will. Something to ponder.

Do we think Bryan is pure in his feelings for Rachel OR do we think that Bryan is auditioning to become the next Bachelor? I gotta say that there is a lot of magnetism when he and Rachel are alone. He is very alpha and very sexy. . .trust, as someone who reads a fuck ton of books, I can easily picture him as one of the leading men. Having said that, I like him a lot, but I may be feeling Peter just a bit more. It’s funny how different they are, one screams ‘making love’ and the other screams ‘I’m about to fuck you up against this wall and in the process I’ll be sure to ruin you for any other guy, because you will be feeling me for days’. Regardless of how different they are, Rachel has amazing chemistry with both. Is there such a thing as “Brother Husbands” because maybe that’s the way to go, not to mention how great that reality show would be.

I’ve done my research with this franchise and I am well aware of the fact that contestants on The Bachelor are responsible for their own hair and make-up. Which would explain a lot of the white girl weave problems and let’s face facts, the longer we make it into the season, the more of a hot mess they are. I also know that when the woman gets relegated to be the star of the show, she no longer has to fuss over all of that nonsense, there are actually people there to do it for her. And if I’m on the truth train already, I might as well give props where they are due. Rachel seems to be someone who holds a lot of natural beauty, but whoever it is that is touching her up with a pretty stick and making sure her wardrobe is on fleek (did I use that right?), is doing a great job because our girl is fine. I’m saying all of this to get to my next point. I think that ABC should offer the girls of The Bachelor a couple of days prior to the start of filming some classes on how to complete the look. I’m not saying provide hair and make-up each episode, but for starters, you guys have got to let some of these girls make their way to a salon at some point during the season. Those weaves are not going to re-sew themselves and there ain’t nothing wrong with bringing someone in and showing the women how to best use make-up that’s the most camera friendly. Throw em’ a bone or I guess even better. . .a blending sponge.

There is no episode on Monday 7/3, which is why I’m sure ABC got two in this week. Be sure to tune in however, because things are tensing up and we are down to six, which means hometowns are right around the corner.

Also, I am breaking my Big Brother cherry, I just hope pain is not involved. I will be doing some episode re-caps, fingers crossed, so stay tuned for those.

The Bachelorette airs on ABC Mondays. . .7pm CENTRAL/8pm EASTERN





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