Sweet Dreams (Colorado Mountain Series, Book #2) by Kristen Ashley

Sweet Dreams (Colorado Mountain Series)

Sweet Dreams (Colorado Mountain Series)Sweet Dreams (Colorado Mountain Series) by Kristen Ashley | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comSynopsis TagSweet Dreams (Colorado Mountain Series)Bxtches Be Blogging Book Reviews
BXTCHES Gotta Warn: I first read this book way back in 2013 and I wrote this first version of my review in 2014, I decided to re-read the entire Colorado Mountain Series in January 2020, which has led to this update. Now, this was actually the very first KA book I ever read and the book that hooked me to her imagination. Normally I preach the importance of reading a series in the order in which it was written and back when I first fell in love with Tate and Lauren, I would’ve told you that my belief didn’t apply to this series. However, now that I have started my re-read, I can tell you the following. Books #1 (The Gamble) and #2 (Sweet Dreams) do not intertwine, BUT you do have to read those books to get to the rest of the series, so it’s best to go in order. You won’t be confused if you don’t go in order, it’s just some of the books reference others and will make you wish you went in order. But to each their own, you do you.

Sweet Dreams will be told through the POV of Lauren (mostly). 

Laurie shows up in the mountain town of Carnal, Colorado looking for grounding. Her husband cheated on her with her best friend and has been cheating for FIVE YEARS and after being on the road for months, she finds herself in front of Bubba’s, the local biker bar. She finds herself staring at a now hiring sign, which is all the sign she needs. While Krystal (one of the owners) isn’t too keen on giving a job to a woman who looks like she has stepped right out of suburbia, she relents and Laurie hopes she has found herself a new home.

Tatum (Tate) Jackson is a former college football star, bounty hunter, and part owner of Bubba’s. Their first meeting does not go well AT ALL. He insults her, she refuses to allow him to “get rid of her” and thus, their journey begins.

Laurie is definitely enjoying life in Carnal. She is staying at the local motel, she is becoming familiar with the locals and all in all she’s really trying to figure out her life and how she allowed it to get where it was. Like with a lot of KA female leads, Laurie doesn’t recognize her beauty. Not in a “fishing for compliments” kinda way, but she genuinely doesn’t recognize the male attraction to her, she feels she is just average. Eventually, Tate apologizes to Laurie (though she is hard headed and it takes a little while to truly accept his apology) and some alpha male back and forth takes place with Tate and Wood, but that really doesn’t matter because it should be written in bold letters by now that it’s Laurie and Tate. It’s just gonna take a couple of biker vocabulary lessons for Laurie and a gesture from Tate that Laurie can’t deny will equal her belonging to him. This is definitely gonna be a story that’s all about the journey and at 678 pages. . .it’s a helluva journey.

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KA doesn’t write a novel (regardless of the trope) without it having great sex scenes. Well, at least the ones I have enjoyed. Her alpha is on another level. It’s easy to get caught up in his assholeness, you’ll find that out at the beginning of the book. But then the alpha becomes sweet mixed with bossy and the swooning will commence. All I need to know at this point is whether the sex scenes are her pure imagination or is it aided with a little help from porn. If it’s the latter, I just need the source. Whatever your particular sexual taste is, if it comes in the form of alpha, you’ll get your needs met.

Once again, the supporting cast is fantastic. You will fall in love with them as much as you will with Laurie and Tate. Out of the entire Colorado Mountain series, this is my favorite, possibly because it was my first KA read, but possibly because it is the best. You make up your own mind. 

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The Gamble (Colorado Mountain Series Book #1) by Kristen Ashley

The Gamble (Colorado Mountain Series, Book #1) by Kristen Ashley | Review on www.bxtchesbeblogging.comThe Gamble (Colorado Mountain Series)Synopsis TagThe Gamble (Colorado Mountain Series)Bxtches Be Blogging Book Reviews
BXTCHES Gotta Warn: The first time I cracked this book open, well, really tapped open on my iPad, was six years ago. I’ve re-read a couple times since, but since I haven’t read the entire Colorado Mountain Series, I decide to re-read once more (it’s now 2020), since is the first book in the series. There are six books total in this series I have read four of the six, hence the re-read. Usually I am a staunch proponent of reading a series in the order in which the books were written,  however, I actually started this series with book #2 and this is a pretty easy series to read out of order, if you so desired. Just know, that as you move through the series, characters in the previous books will make appearances.

The Gamble will be told from the POV of Nina.

Nina arrives in Gnaw Bone, Colorado from England, calling a much needed timeout for life. She’s a lawyer, she’s engaged, but she’s wondering if the life she’s living is the life she wants. . .so, Gnaw Bone and a cabin in the snowy mountains it is. Unfortunately, once Nina arrives at the cabin that she carefully picked and paid for and arrives to while beginning to feel something wonky in her sinuses, she finds a mountain man occupying her timeout and that mountain man happens to be the owner of the timeout getaway, Holden Maxwell (Max). Max is none too happy with the mix up that has put Nina at his doorstep. He tells her she needs to leave, she argues, but eventually does head back down the mountain, only to wind up in a ditch. Max gets her back to his cabin, nurses her back from the flu and then the story begins.

Kristen Ashley writes alpha males. Kristen Ashely writes alpha males really, really well. So armed with that information, you can deduce that once one of her alpha males sets his sites on something or someone that he wants, he is gonna do about whatever it takes to make that happen. In a non stalkery, non creepy way of course. Nina and Max have chemistry. Nina knows it. Max knows it. Hell, everyone in Gnaw Bone knows it. The issue at hand, well there’s a lot of issues at hand, but the main one being the fact that Nina is in fact in Colorado to sort her life out, not to add to it by crawling up a big, badass mountain man as if he were a tree. Max sees it differently and I don’t think it’s gonna take a lot to figure out who wins this battle. The thing about reading any great Kristen Ashley book is not whether or not the H/h will end up together, that doesn’t take a whole lot of figuring out. The great thing about reading Kristen Ashley, is the journey that the H/h go through to end up together. And holy fuck is this ever the journey. 

KA has an ability to mix humor with drama and heartbreak. A lot is gonna get unpacked pretty early on, with some luggage left to sort through during the course of the two week timeout. There’s murder and infidelity and break-ups and rape and violence and kidnapping, and a lot of this happens before Nina and Max get any sort of mattress dancing in. Even with all of this going down, she was able to weave in her brand of humor. This book had me going from laughing out loud to fighting back my tears.
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Kristen Ashley is superbly gifted at developing her characters, especially her supporting ones. She has this ability to completely have you invested in it all, even if the name is mentioned just one time. With all the emotions and baggage to sort through, there are just as many characters to get to know. You fall in love where you’re supposed to and you hate where it is warranted. Everyone you meet will add another layer and the end she builds a story that you will be thinking about for days.

We can’t fall in love with an alpha male and not talk about the sexual chemistry that is brought to the page. I look for a lot when I’m being judgy about sex scenes in a book and while the chemistry between the two leading the cast is certainly something I need, I also have to have dirty talk and both need to be believable. . .oh don’t worry, it gets brought and it gets brought in a very delicious way.

I realize that this book is somewhat old (2012), however, if you haven’t had the privilege of reading a Kristen Ashley book and a hearty romance novel makes your toes curl, then you need to catch up. She is definitely worth the pages in her book (there are a lot, by the way) and trust me, it is very hard to put down and I predict you will be scurrying to buy the next in the series once you have enjoyed this one.

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Withstanding Me (Breakneck Series Book #2) by Crystal Spears

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Withstanding Me (Breakneck Series, Book #1) by Crystal Spears

BXTCHES Gotta Warn: This is the second book of The Breakneck Series and if you have ever read a MC Series, then you know that mostly each book focuses on a new relationship (I said mostly, not always), but the entire story intertwines in each book. So, in order to read the story in the manner in which the author intended, please read series in order. Now, this BXTCH has warned.

So, I know that I wasn’t the biggest fan of the first book in this series (Seize Me), but after reading Withstanding Me, this series is starting to grow on me. Withstanding Me focuses mostly on the story of ZZ and Storm, while continuing the story of Winter and Braxxon.

ZZ and Storm have a mutual sexual attraction to one another. The issues: ZZ just wants sex and then he wants to be done. Storm, however is interested in a relationship, especially considering her past. She realizes that ZZ is not going to be able to offer her the relationship she not only needs, but deserves. When they both acknowledge this, they decide that a friendship would be best. But’s let’s detour for a second.

One of the things I absolutely loved about this book is, the characters that you came to know in Seize Me, play a part in this book as well, and not just with a line or two. You get to experience the wedding of Braxxon and Winter, and mourn with Pyro while he is working through his emotions following the death of Lana. You also get more backstory on Tatiana and Shadow (who, by the way will be the focus in book #3-YAY!) and we begin to get a peek at Sniper and Piper (which I suspect will be a future book). Another thing to love: the characters are written from not only the POV of Storm and ZZ, but also from the supporting characters. Ms. Spears is very talented at writing from the male perspective.
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Now, back to Storm and ZZ. Going into Withstanding Me, there is a lot of stuff happening. It’s very dramatic and there is a lot of violence. However, if you are a fan of MC books, then I assume you are used to this. ZZ goes through a lot of personal drama in this book. He is trying to understand his feeling for Storm, while dealing with and 18 year old daughter who is hell bent at rebelling at every turn. He has to deal with personal loss and shocking revelations regarding his past. Storm is still trying to deal with the issues that brought her to the Breakneck MC in the first place. The thing that I love about Storm is, she knows what she wants and she is not afraid to go for it.

There is not really a cliffhanger in this book, but the story will continue in Shadowing Me. While it is not necessary to read Seize Me prior to reading this book, I highly recommend it. Like with any other series, the story usually continues from book to book, and reading them in order will only enhance the remainder of the series.

I do believe that this series gets better as she writes more of it, which is why I did decide to continue with the series even though the first book was not my fav. I do recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Seize Me (Breakneck Series Book #1) by Crystal Spears

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Seize Me (Breakneck Series, Book #1) by Crystal Spears

BXTCHES Gotta Warn: As much as I hate to, this review will contain spoilers. Sorry BXTCHES, I couldn’t find another way around it.

Let me start by saying that this is not on my list of favorite MC books and oddly enough, this is the second time that I have read this book. Now, I’ve read it twice because when, Withstanding Me (book #2) came out, and around the same time, I peeked at the cover for Shadowing Me (book #3), which I have no shame in saying, WHAT AN AWESOME F**KING COVER, I figured that if I wanted to enjoy those books more, I should reread book #1. This book is good, just not great. If this happens to be the first MC book that you have decided to read, then you may very well rate it a bit higher. But, this is not my first, and MC books are one of my favorite genres, so I have high expectations.

Quick Rundown: Winter is the daughter of the head of the Russian Mafia. She left that life behind after her dad shoots the love of her life in the head while she watches. So to say the least, she is already slightly messed up and a little “hard”. Leaving that life behind, she becomes an exotic dancer and dances under the name, Star. She is asked to dance for the president of the Breakneck MC and that is how she meets Braxxon. Further events after meeting the MC encourages the f**cked upness and makes her a little more ruthless (rightly so).

My main issue with the story up to this point, are the events that take place that involve Winter, seem to contradict her character traits that have been put in place. One example of this is when Braxxon requests that Winter dances for him privately, while she is blindfolded (this is after first meeting her). While the concept of this is certainly erotic, it just seems out of character for someone who had no interest in even attending this party, especially with someone she didn’t even know.

Here are where I had problems with the story (AGAIN, THIS WILL CONTAIN SOME SPOILERS):

Because Braxxon wants to claim Winter as “his”, he does what any man would do (sense the sarcasm) and of course, has her fired from her job. Not that that part is too crazy, this is a MC story after all, it’s just when she leaves her job (after discovering of her termination), she heads straight to the clubhouse and walks in on Braxxon with 3 girls, which is a little douchey, even for a MC story. Worse, is when he proceeds to kick the girls out, one of them puts up a little bit of an argument and he slaps her, which you don’t really see too much of in this genre, regardless of the violence. After witnessing this, Winter decides to give Braxxon a shot. Which for someone who has built up walls and had to become a little hard because of her past, she gave in a little too quickly for me.
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Continuing, the second time that the club goes on lockdown, Winter gets kidnapped by a rival MC and is brutally raped. Be prepared, this part of the story will get graphic, but is necessary. She is both mentally and physically torn up, rightfully so, and is having a hard time since she can’t give Braxxon what he needs physically. She then gives him “permission” to find his relief/release with someone else, while he thinks this is crazy (so do I) you get the impression that he is not going to take her up on that offer. That is, until she pisses him off and he takes a girl and gives in. Even with that craziness, you can somewhat see both perspectives of that dilemma. Now, Pyro (the VP) gets shot, and Winter is just offering compassion (very innocent) while they are attempting to remove the bullet. Braxxon witnesses this and gets so angry that he takes a club whore (who happens to be friendly with Winter) behind the bar and insists on getting some oral happiness from her. This I have a problem with. I get what Ms. Spears is trying to do. She is trying to show that Braxxon loves Winter, even though he has yet to admit it, and he is having a difficult time working through feelings he’s unfamiliar with. I just believe she could have written it differently. An alpha male doesn’t need to be a dick to be loved by readers, just look at other MC alpha bad boys, and that much is clear.

Here is the good part:

I do think that Ms. Spears wrote the supporting characters very well. Which is why I’m looking forward to reading books #2 and #3. And as you could probably deduce, Braxxon and Winter do get their happy ending. So as the story does progress, you will begin to appreciate the love (once it is admitted) that they have for one another and Braxxon will in fact grow on you. He just has to breakthrough his emotions for that to happen. I know it seems as if I didn’t like this book at all, I did like it, I just had a few “character flaw” issues. I do recommend it, because I do think that the series improves with each book.

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Driven (Driven Series, Book #1) by K. Bromberg

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Driven (Driven Series, Book #1) by K. Bromberg

Let me start this review with complete honesty. I purchased this book in May 2013. I did not finish it until August 2014. No, I’m not a slow reader. It’s just once I started this book, I couldn’t get jazzed for it. It was strange, I was enjoying it, but when I put it down, it didn’t really call for me to pick it back up. Now that I have completed it, I know that the issue must have been with me and not the book. Because once I finished it, I dove right into book #2.

I need to write this review and not give a lot away, which will be difficult, especially since I have already finished the series. Driven is so much more than just hot, sinful sex (don’t worry, it’s in there & it’s soooo great), but this book is so full of depth. You name the emotion, it’s in this book. This is one of those books that you have to give 100% attention to and furthermore, it earns that attention. The heartache that both Colton and Rylee have experienced in their young lives is more than just about anyone should be able to handle and still come out standing. Now, you won’t get too into Colton’s past, but you will definitely know he has one and it wasn’t pretty. This book will, however, dive into Rylee’s.

Colton: Race car drive extraordinaire. Sexy, bad boy. Very arrogant and reckless. Just the kind of man that any red blooded woman would jump at the chance to “drive”. In typical, bad boy book fashion, Colton doesn’t do relationships, he opts for the “mutual agreement”, usually without argument from his female companion, and he has a type: blonde, beautiful, bombshells. He also doesn’t get told no often, well really, not at all. Once he sees something he wants, his determination will ensure he gets it. He was adopted as a young boy by Hollywood royalty and he has NO relationship with his biological mother, nor is he interested in one. The truth about his past will be revealed, just not in this book. Colton is going to frustrate the f*ck out of you. You will fall in love with him, while also wanting Rylee to just walk away from him and save her heart. As the reader, it will be obvious that he has feelings for Rylee that goes beyond his ability to communicate to her, which while necessary for the plot, is frustrating. But, that’s what makes this book addictive.

Rylee: The story is told through her POV. Very beautiful. Has had a life altering tragedy happen to her, that she feels has affected her future course. She literally meets Colton by falling into his arms. After they lose themselves in the moment by kissing the sh*t out of one another, she jolts herself back to reality and attempts to not be affected by his charms. Rylee works for a group home that fosters (what she does is so much more than that word allows) young boys, who have arrived at the home due to various circumstances in their life. This will be one area where you fall in love with Colton. He has such a soft spot for these boys, seeing himself in them, that it is very touching to read. While Rylee tries to convince herself she is immune to the “Colton Charm”, he slowly starts to break down that immunity. Colton doesn’t do relationships, Rylee doesn’t do “mutual agreements”.
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The supporting cast for this book is written very well. Rylee’s best friend, Haddie, gives compassion when it is warranted, but also tough love when she knows that Rylee needs it. Beckett, Colton’s best friend, is definitely immune to the “Colton Charm”. He will not and does not take sh*t from Colton. He is not his “yes” man, but his friend. The boys that live in the group home, really round out the complexity of this book. The compassion that you will have for them, will be very well earned. Bromberg did a really good job not just focusing on the two main characters in the book, or trilogy for that matter. She put the effort into those who surround Colton and Rylee, and it developed their character even more.

This first book will drive you alright. It is full of angst, complication and desire. You will find yourself rooting for Colton and Rylee to figure the complexity of their attraction out. The end of this book will leave you struggling and heartbroken, so I HIGHLY recommend you already have Fueled (book #2) purchased and ready to go. This is one of those books/trilogies that you want to see made into a movie, but ONLY if it is EXACTLY like the book. I hope you take a chance on this book and furthermore, I hope you really enjoy it. I know that once I finally gave it the opportunity it deserved, it was so worth it.

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Normal (Something More Series, Book #1) by Danielle Pearl

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Normal (Something More Series, Book #1) by Danielle Pearl

BXTCHES Gotta Warn:It’s important to know that THIS BOOK CONTAINS VIOLENCE. If this sort of thing is an issue for you, please know that going in. Also, there is a pretty major cliffhanger, consider that when considering this read. Now, here we go.

I am sad to think that I may have never discovered this book, if it didn’t come across my Facebook feed. Well, that’s a little over dramatic, I would have eventually came across it, but who knows when?

This book is told through the POV of Aurora (“Rory”). The story begins with Rory’s move to New York with her mother after her mother and father divorce. It focuses on her need to “blend in” and not be seen. That’s easier said than done, once she has a panic attack outside of her calculus class and it is witnessed by no other than Sam (not only extremely attractive, but very popular as well). She catches his attention, he catches hers, and eventually a friendship forms.

The story flashes back to her “old” life in Florida, the one she has escaped. It is then that her past is slowly unfolded. From her life long friendship with Cam, to her dating the star quarterback. It touches on her lack of relationship with her father to building new friendships with girls (she has lived her life as a tomboy and mostly developed friendships with boys, namely, Cam). The flashbacks occur throughout the book, so it takes a while for the book to piece the puzzle that is her past trauma together. Although, it shouldn’t take you as long to figure it out as it takes for the book to unfold it.

You get to witness Rory grow a lot through her friendship with Sam. He helps her work through her triggers and he begins to be someone she can lean on. As the reader, it is quite obvious that Rory and Sam are attracted to one another, but for Rory and her past, it is very difficult for her to believe that someone would want her, even the broken parts.
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The flashbacks in this book are heartbreaking. It is very sad having to “witness” the events that take place with Rory, and read how helpless she truly is. She continues to see herself as someone who is broken and f*cked up, but as the reader, you can only see her as a true survivor.

It’s hard to review this book and not give too much away, but I will say this. This read truly captivated me from start to finish. The story moved at the right pace to allow the events to unfold as necessary. As I said earlier, this book contains a cliffhanger, but the story of Rory and Sam will continue in Okay. If you have the chance, I highly recommend this book. I cannot wait for their story to continue, and I hope that it contains some chapters with Sam’s POV.

***UPDATE: If you haven’t figured it out by now, Sam’s POV has been released and you can check it out in ReCap***

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Motorcycle Man (Dream Man Series, Book #4) by Kristen Ashley

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Motorcycle Man (Dream Man Series, Book #4)

BXTCHES Gotta Warn:Let me begin by saying that I first read this book in July 2013 and truth be told if I had purchased the actual book (not the e-version), then it would be worn out with as many times as I’ve read it. I’m not sure what in the world possessed me to skip right over the first 3 books in this series and dive right into Motorcycle Man, but I did just that and I am not one bit sorry that I did. I haven’t read the first 3 books and I honestly don’t think I will. Not because I don’t think that I would enjoy them, I mean, c’mon, this is Kristen Ashley after all, it’s just this book does it for me. In fact, Tack is probably one of my all time favorite “Alpha Males”, and why ruin a good thing. This is not suggesting that you shouldn’t read any of the others, go ahead, I’m sure you will fall in love. However, it is not a requirement to read any of the first 3 to enjoy Tack and Tyra. The others will make appearances in this book, but no worries, it will not throw you off for a second. So, if you have read this series in order, then congratulations, you have made it to the final book (and in my opinion the best), if this is the first book of this series that you are enjoying, then get ready, because the ride is phenomenal. 

There are so many positive descriptors I could use when talking about the writing of Kristen Ashley, but if you have read her, you already know how fabulous she is. But let me get some out of the way. In a lot of KA’s books (not all), her H/h are usually of the older variety. Now, I’m not talking about medicare age, but they are hitting mid-thirties, early forties. As a female in that age range, I appreciate this very much. It just makes it a little more relatable. Another think I love: I have several favorite authors that I adore when it comes to their ability to write that typical badass alpha male, but no one does it better (again, in my opinion) than KA. I could give you a list that proves my point, but that will have to be another post.  One more then I will get on with it. KA can write funny, without it being “sitcom like”. I’m not sure if that even makes sense, so let me try it like this. Her series, “Rock Chicks” is funny, it is written to be funny, in fact, you will be laughing out loud, that is how funny it is. This book has humor throughout without it being “funny”. It’s written in a way that makes scenes lighter. The humor of this book always falls when there needs to be a lighter moment and KA does it so good. Let’s go on with it.

This book will focus on the relationship between Kane “Tack” Allen and Tyra Masters. It is almost 100% told through the POV of Tyra. This book will captivate you from start to finish. I liked Tyra and I suspect that you will as well. My issues with her were pretty typical. Like a lot of women do, I felt that she needed validation that Tack was interested in her, which I know is pretty normal, but the ways she went about it were irritating to me, but my guess is, that part was/is necessary. As the story progresses, it is refreshing to see how much Tyra grows and becomes the woman she was destined to be. KA has a gift of developing her characters that pull you so far into the story that you actually begin to think you know them and it definitely makes it to where you want to take the journey with them. Like I said previously, she is VERY good at writing the strong, alpha male, and Tack does not disappoint. Sometimes when reading a book that features a strong male character, it’s sometimes easy to see the female influence that the author has on that character. Not here, there is nothing that indicated Tack is nothing but ALL MALE and ALL BADASS! That’s how good KA is at writing her male characters. The way Tack speaks, carries himself, his entire disposition will have him at the top of your “list” in no time. I did enjoy Tyra. Her idiosyncrasies aside, I think that Tyra is a very strong female. She stands up for herself when she believed that she was being wronged. She holds her own in the badass category she refused to be a doormat, but is also able to discover so much about herself in the process of growing her relationship with Tack.

Tack is the President of the Chaos MC. You should know that this book doesn’t present itself as a “typical” MC book. The club is there and while it is some of the focus of this book, don’t expect a Madeline Sheehan or Joanna Wylde style MC book. Don’t worry, there is drama, there is adventure, there are hot motorcycle men, and it has comedy, all of which balances this story out to perfection.

There is A LOT happening in this book, so I really just want to give you a quick rundown to just give you an idea of the greatness that is this story, if I haven’t already convinced you to purchase this book.

Tyra Masters has decided to forge a new path in her life and it starts with a new job and what she thought was meeting “THE ONE”. Since childhood, Tyra has had the idea of a “dream man” and never wavered from what she wanted in her perfect man and wasn’t going to just settle. Tyra meets Tack at the Chaos MC Clubhouse and has the best night of sex in her life. She is the new office manager for Ride Custom Cars and Bikes and couldn’t be happier. That is until her first day. “THE ONE” is no other than Tack Allen, Tyra’s new boss and President of the Chaos MC. Unfortunately for Tyra, Tack believes that you don’t get your pleasure from work. Since he already received lots of pleasure from Tyra, he doesn’t want her working for him. Words are flung, stands are made, and in the end, Tyra gets to keep her job as the new office manager, however, Tack is not her favorite person.

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There are a lot of stories/relationships working in this one book, so no skimming pages. The supporting characters in this book seem to have their own story unfolding at the same time that Tyra and Tack’s relationship is attempting to be put in cement. Tyra BFF, Lanie, is in a hot mess with her fiancé and the Russian Mob. Tack’s kiddos are dealing with a mom who is more concerned with money than being a mother to her children. Like I said, lots of stuff going on along with this book, not just the story of Tyra and Tack. It is not difficult to keep up with, but it is fun. Like I have said to the point of beating a dead horse, KA is super talented at writing drama mixed with humor. Not many people can write something as serious as getting kidnapped by the Russian mob and make the reader laugh, while worrying. 

Oh the sex. I really don’t know if even given the best porn as reference, I could come up with some of the scenes that KA does. The sex in this book is panty melting, sheets on fire, HOT!! It is going to give your imagination a work out and hopefully other things as well. I recommend you have someone laying next to you to use that imagination on. There are times in books that I have to skim through the sex. The book may be well written, but the author may be pretty clueless on how to set the loins on fire. Don’t worry Kristen Ashley does not have this problem, in any of her books. 

If you have read KA before, buying this book should be a no brainer. If you haven’t had the pleasure yet of enjoying a KA novel, no better time to start than now. 

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Sharing You (Sharing You Series, Book #1) by Molly McAdams

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Sharing You (Sharing You Series, Book #1) by Molly McAdams

BXTCHES Gotta Warn: If you have ANY issue at all with infidelity, regardless of the situation, YOU WILL NOT ENJOY THIS BOOK!

This book is written from both the female and male POV’s, and it is very well done. Even though infidelity is a pretty big theme in this story, when I read Brody’s POV, I was able to understand him more and really have compassion for his situation. You will probably get somewhat frustrated with Brody, because you will want him to be a better decision maker, and even though he’s trying to make decisions as the “good guy”, you kinda want him to be the a**hole, just once. But given the ordeal he is going through with his wife and their history (and it is a whopper), you really just want happiness for him.

Kamryn (KC) is the female lead and is VERY lovable. She has a past that she is running from, while also trying to reinvent herself. She literally runs into Brody, and sparks fly. She realizes that he is “THE ONE”. Of course the problem is, he’s married. I had sympathy for Kamryn, she makes it hard to look at her as a home wrecker. You feel the love that she had for Brody, and for me, it was hard “watching” (you know what I mean) her have to go through some very tough emotions that came with being with a married man. She is torn up with the predicament that she has put her self in and questions her decisions and his intentions at every turn.

Truth: You don’t hate KC because Brody’s wife is a bitch (that’s not BXTCH, y’all). Part of you will wonder how she was able to deceive Brody for so many years. He seems like a smart guy, he is definitely a good guy (infidelity, notwithstanding), so that was a piece of the puzzle that did not fit. This is one of those rare occasions when you are rooting for the “evil”, and I don’t mean that in a horrible way. But, you know, sometimes you watch a movie and the bad guy is really the good guy and you really want them to come out on top, this is that. You also find yourself rooting for KC because of what she was able to remove herself from (her old life), her parents are real pieces of work and that ex-fiance is a toolbag.

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My one issue with Brody is when he and the ex-fiance meet. I will only say that Brody really disappointed me. You will have to read that scene to understand.

I will not spoil the book (anymore than I already have). Overall, I think that this is a good read. It was very well written, all of the characters were developed well, and their backstories were thoroughly explained, with no open holes (which I appreciated). So, if you are on the fence, GO FOR IT!

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Stepbrother Dearest by Penelope Ward

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Stepbrother Dearest

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This is the first Penelope Ward book that I have read, and I was soooooooo not disappointed. First, this book traveled down a totally different path than I anticipated after reading the sample. I honestly thought it was going to be a bit more lighter than it was. That being said, I loved it all the same. And come on, the cover alone, screams, “Open Me Up”!
Let me begin this review by saying, that yes, he is her step-brother, and yes, she does has sex with him. But it’s not in the “taboo, incestual way”.They met as 18 year olds and only lived together for several months before he departs and not seeing one another again for 7 years. His dad and her mom just so happened to be married to one another.
This book is very well written. In my opinion it is written in the perfect way. You love the characters at the right time and get frustrated with them at the right time. It captivates you and is able to hold your attention, really making it very difficult to not look ahead. I fell in love with Elec. His story is so emotional and raw you can’t help it and you understand what Greta saw in him. Greta is a great female lead. She is strong when she needs to be and she shows vulnerability when it’s called for.
The book begins with Elec having to come and live with his father Randy, and Randy’s new wife, Sarah. Sarah has a daughter Greta who is the same age as Elec. Elec and Randy have no relationship and that’s putting it lightly, but he is forced to live with Randy until his mother is back in California. Of course, Sarah and Greta attempt, even though it’s a failure, to welcome Elec with open arms. The anger that Randy and Elec have towards one another was very confusing. There is even a point in the first half of the book, where Greta has to step in and defend Elec because Randy is just down right verbally abusing him (it will come together why in the second half of the book).

The relationship between Elec and Greta actually starts off quite typical. They get on each others nerves, he tries to push her away by being hateful, they play pranks on one another, just typical step-sibling banter. Greta however refuses to allow him to shut her out. She makes a huge effort to be friends with him. Her work finally pays off and their relationship does begin to shift and they find themselves growing closer to one another. I will not spoil the story, but I will say, that Elec eventually leaves Boston and heads back to his mother in California. They won’t see one another again for 7 years.

Fast forward seven years and the situation is stressful to say the least. They come together again in the face of a family tragedy and this is really where the love for Elec and Greta will really grow. For me, the mark of a great author is when you can feel the emotion of the characters coming off of the page, and in the second half of this book, you will most definitely feel it. I can’t speak about the second half of the book too much without giving a lot away and this is a book where you need to discover “what lies beneath” for yourself. But for me, this part of the book drew me in so much, that I was reading whenever I had even a short break. And if you really want to know how good this book is, I finished it in about a day and a half.
I won’t say much more, but if the idea of step siblings having sex with one another freaks you out, regardless of the lack of “sibling bonding”, then you probably shouldn’t read this book. But, I believe this is a really good read and you should most certainly take the chance on it.
Oh, and one more thing. . .Elec has a thing for anagrams, I suspect by the end of this book, you will too.

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Crash and Burn (Hell’s Disciples MC Book 2) by Jaci J

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Crash and Burn (Hell’s Disciples MC Series, Book #2)

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BXTCHES Gotta Warn: This is just a continuation of The Ride (book #1), so it is NECESSARY to read that book prior to this one. 
So, when I saw that this book was out, I did need to re read (really I just skimmed) the first book in this series (The Ride), so I could have some recollection with what went down. Truth be told, I was actually getting the first book confused with another MC book, so I’m glad I skimmed through.
I read the review for this book and it seemed to me that people were torn with their feelings, and after reading it, I totally understood why.
This book is a continuation of the first book. So it picks up with Tank and Lil where the first book left off. In this book, we really only follow the relationship amongst the MC family (mainly Tank and Lil). It doesn’t really dive into club business like the first book did.
Here’s what you need to know/understand about this book. If you loved Tank in the first book, you are going to REALLY dislike him for the majority of this book. Even though that was true for me, it didn’t cause me to enjoy the book any less. After what happened to Lil at the end of the first book (which is why you need to read it first), he doesn’t really know how to deal with the feelings that the incident brought up and in the process he becomes a MAJOR asshole.  The story is told from both POV’s, and since you are able to get inside of Tank’s head by reading his POV, your heart will break for both of them and what they are going through. So as long as you can be sympathetic toward Tank in this book and give him a wide emotional road to travel down without judging too much, it will be easier for him to win your heart in the end. So, while I may not have cared for him too much for the majority of this book, I tried to read him with sympathy, so I wouldn’t grow to hate him. I won’t give away anything major, but he does redeem himself.
So, if you enjoyed the first book, then buy this book and continue in the journey of Tank and Lil. If you haven’t read the first book, then you need to do so, or you’re going to be very confused (by the way, I do recommend the first book). So in the world of MC books, this is a good one and I look forward to the remainder of the series.

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